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What desktop do you use?


What desktop do you use?  

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  1. 1. What desktop do you use?

    • Gnome
    • KDE
    • WindoMaker
    • Other

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I used to run KDE, as my very first Linux was SuSE LiveEval, so I used to work with that. Then I tried Red Hat 9 for some time and learned my way around GNOME, which for some way I prefer above KDE, I think because it has a little more mature look, not the XP-like kiddie style. And I agree with chin, Nautilus is one fine filebrowser, nothing wrong it.

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I use KDE but only until GNOME catches up.  Using a linux app that isn't based completely on 'free oss' worrys me...  who knows when or if the owners of those 'loaned libraries' will decide they want a piece of the action and ask for royalities?  After all, we can't expect everyone to be as kind to the OSS community as Sun was when they donated the StarOffice code (but not the name) so development in the OS community coule continue under a different name while they turned it into a 'corporate' product...


Sooo...  as much as I may like KDE (for now) my site is set on GNOME...  i cant' wait till they have some apps that rival KOOKA, K3B and a few others that I find to be 'best of class' for their functionality..

that's been taken care of a long time. absolutely no chance of that happening. BTW

KDE. IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!

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Guest kuchwas

Anyone played with Ion?


Here is the description:

Summary: Tiling window manager with keyboard-oriented interface.


Description: Ion was written as an experiment on a different kind of window man- agement model and it tries to address the navigation problem by hav- ing the screen divided into frames that take up the whole screen and never overlap.


Read the manpage or go nuts


Well...... man-page or no, iz a goin nutz er :lol2:

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I'm using Gnome (2.4) with bluecurve and it's nice!!! I'm not a fan of nautilus but then I hate using file managers, if I have to use anything it's mc. :devil:


I used to be a big fan of fluxbox but then I found my excessive tinkering habit meant I was getting less work done because I kept trying to make it look better or work that bit better.

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Anyone know a way of getting the slit in Fluxbox to work in other dekstop environments?  Can't you use flux as the wm for things like gnome or xfce4?  Would this enable the slit in those contexts?

Yep, i did something on the board about this earlier..it was in tips and tricks.


ANyway, for XFCE (Assuming you use GDM)


Edit: /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/Xfce4



/usr/bin/xfwm4 --daemon
/usr/bin/xftaskbar4 &
/usr/bin/xfdesktop &
exec /usr/bin/xfce4-panel


/usr/bin/xftaskbar4 &
/usr/bin/xfdesktop &
exec /usr/bin/xfce4-panel


or at least, thats how it works for me in debian. If the initial XFCE file is different, make a new onei n that directory then add the second quote into it, chmod 777 and it should appear in GDM. Occasionally i have heard of it losing it's execute permissions, so you might need to setup a cronjob that restores em.

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Now that we're talking desktops, I like both KDE and XFCE4. But one thing I noticed is that, when I somehow trashed some of my settings for X (you know, when you try to log in through xdm, it fails and you get dropped to a text console). I could not start any windowmakers, not KDE, not Gnome, not WindowMaker and not blackbox...


but I *could* always start XFCE, without problems!? Does it not rely on X, or in another way somehow?

In any case, in these situations, XFCE pretty much saved my butt. XFCE, Gnome-Commander, an Xterm and the 'launch program' command was really all I needed to keep going...


So is this due to some fundamental difference in design or setup or what?? It's somewhat mysterious to me now...

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Not sure about this, Darkelve, but I *think* that XFCE has a built-in option for starting X if it's not already up. I did a bit of low-level tinkering in the startxfce4 file (forget now where it is!) and noticed something there. Maybe you could make a script with that excerpt of code for your WM of choice... or just keep using XFCE. ;)

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Anyone played with Ion?


Here is the description:

Summary: Tiling window manager with keyboard-oriented interface.


Description: Ion was written as an experiment on a different kind of window man- agement model and it tries to address the navigation problem by hav- ing the screen divided into frames that take up the whole screen and never overlap.


Read the manpage or go nuts


Well......  man-page or no, iz a goin nutz er  :lol2:

Got a link to a homepage?

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