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Matrix Screensaver


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The Matrix screensaver is (I think) in the xscreensaver-glXXX.rpm. So just do urpmi xcreesnsaver-gl


Right, and remember to setup your urpmi sources before doing that:



this topic is a little messy because I had to merge it from a discussion that spawned in this thread regarding the screensaver. the original starting post of this thread is this one. Let's try to stick to one topic per thread in the future so that I don't have to make messes like this too often - tyme

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I did the screen saver thing and this is what I get.


# urpmi xscreensaver-glxxx.rpm
unable to access rpm file [xscreensaver-glxxx.rpm]
error registering local packages


What does this mean, I have also a matrix screen saver that is in rpm but when I run it I doesn't show up under screen savers. how can I change the screen saver? Or get more options than what is already there.


P.S if you can look at one of my buddies post under installation his name is " luis101 " so look for a post that is by him that talks about something about screen saver.

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Hey guys I am trying to download and install a Matrix screensaver and I either can't find one or if I do it will download then I can't find it in the screensaver choice screen. I put it in my folder I want it in under rpm and I don't know what to do next. Help will be greatly appreciated along with patience being as I am new to this OS lol. Thanks.


[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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to install the easy way now is to opena console as root and cd into this folder then type


urpmi <./nameofrpm>


for future reference the easiet way is to use easy urpmi to set your sources and then you can just type urpmi name


see easyurpmi for details and sdearch this forum for easy urpmi for more details :D



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I thought there was a Matrix Screensaver in the kde-extra-artwork (or something like that) RPM package? I'm using this screensaver myself and I seem to remember getting it from this package. I'm using SuSe, but I suppose that doesn't make any difference for this?


If it's just a file or a few files, I would be happy to e-mail them to t_101.



But yeah, what's probably the problem is that you have to install the RPM first like Gowator said.

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The xxx in xscreensaver-glxxx are actually digits. Don't type them. urpmi xscreensaver-gl should be enough. (or look in the mandrake control center->software->install)


If gl screensavers don't show make sure you have 3D acceleration working.


(and yes, what's this Kazaa for Linux you have?)

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To check if you have direct rendering working, do the following from the CLI:

$ glxinfo grep | direct

That should return a yes or no for whether or not you have direct rendering.

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To check if you have direct rendering working, do the following from the CLI:

$ glxinfo grep | direct

That should return a yes or no for whether or not you have direct rendering.

This is what I get


glxinfo grep | direct
bash: direct: command not found

so Im guessing this is a big " NO "


The xxx in xscreensaver-glxxx are actually digits. Don't type them. urpmi xscreensaver-gl should be enough. (or look in the mandrake control center->software->install)


If gl screensavers don't show make sure you have 3D acceleration working.

I tried it and this is what I get


# urpmi xscreensaver-gl
Please insert the medium named "Installation CD 4 (x86) " on device [/dev/hdc]
Press Enter when ready...

I don't have cd 4 and I quite frankly have never heard about it. Also how do I make sure that Im running 3D acceleration? About the Kazaa i don't know what my friend is talking about. I don't see anything in his directory about kazaa. Can some one provide steps to installing a screen saver in general, we are wanting the screensaver that looks like the matrix code trickling down.




[formatted by spinynorman]

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Oh hell, my bad!


that should have been:

$ glxinfo |grep direct

Sorry, my brain is soup today - working hard. If that doesn't work, just lash 'glxinfo' and look for the line about direct rendering.

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CD4 means Contrib. Yo have to add Contrib as one of your urpmi repositories.


See an earlier reply by SoulSe (http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/) on howto do that.


PS. It must seem pretty complicated to just install a screensaver in Mandrake Linux.. Don't give up though. Once you begin to understand the jargon (xscreensaver, urpmi, grep etc etc) you will find it so much easier :thumbs:

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CD4 means Contrib. Yo have to add Contrib as one of your urpmi repositories.


See an earlier reply by SoulSe (http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/) on howto do that.


I already remember doing this kind of download, does this mean that 1 or the mirrors didn't work or something? Or is this completely different, I just remember doing something like this when I was installing urpmi.



that should have been:





$ glxinfo |grep direct



Sorry, my brain is soup today - working hard. If that doesn't work, just lash 'glxinfo' and look for the line about direct rendering.


By the term "lash" do you mean remove the ' glxinfo ' and just type in grep direct with the | if not what did you mean?


I was able to run xscreensaver from the terlmina just by typing that, but then when it came to the actual GLMatrix it said the GXL or something was not found or the extention or it. So it's not running Im going to go ahead and try some of the other screen savers and see if the run. Check the topic " Help With Mandrake " by me under installation to see what im talking about that topic is preety much talking about the same thing Im just triying to puzzle your answeres to their answers and see what I get out of it.



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If you guys can go to installing mandrake forum and then to the one that says " help with mandrake' by Luis101 this has the same problem, just so i can get answers to what seems to be the same problem in 1 place.





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