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    Paris France

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  1. LOL.... But... there is a certain truth... perhaps its about user expectations, perhaps its about choice etc. One thing I don't like about ubuntu is lack of a root account by default.... yes its easy etc. but it also sets a lot of expectations... We could debate the pro's and con's... or I could just say "This is the way *nix is designed...." Ubuntu creates a lot of expectations about ease of install etc. but not all these are for the best... Come on, its not exactly untrue.... In many many cases .... I'm not saying that in itself is good or bad, merely that there is a truth to this. I know where you're coming from but its not so clean cut. Debian stable is STABLE in a way Ubuntu is not... its stable like Solaris/BSD... it is also a bit boring ... but to say its not fixed is wrong... I'm writing this off OS-X Leopard... yes its nice and smooth... but it is not in the same league as Debian Stable for stability... (seriously) Its not even as Stable as SID ... I know this because I have a SID VMWARE Fusion... (MM and stuff)... and I have to reboot or even power cycle leopard and shutdown SID first... because its yet to crash... I see Ubuntu a bit the same way.... I love my OS-X .. but it can't be compared to Debian for stability.. but its a lot easier to use... Ease of use is nice.. its not always the most important thing though.... (I use Ubuntu at work by the way)
  2. What is more scary is that up till now the MS code has not been seen by for instance Novell. A lot of the Suse dev's are also contributers to OS projects... Now if they get "exposed" to MS source code how can they ever claim they didn't "use it".... because as we all know there are really only so many ways to skin a cat... by which I mean when developiung interoperability SW (exchange or SAMBA etc.) they are developing against a fixed end point... i.e. if yoiur going to read/write CIFS then you can only do it so many ways.... so even if they don't see the source code it has to be similar.... Once they actually SEE the MS source code then its easy for MS to claimn any similarity is a patent infringement and NOT reverse engineering... much like the original IBM BIOS project that AMI did... they had to document it and have a team of lawyers ... (and that was with IBM's semi-approval) ... But this is just a single project... imagine for a the whole of open source! ....and call me paranoid but I don't think MS would be against "accidentally" leaking some source code and pretending its an accident ...
  3. SoulSe, yes but the point I'm making is subtly different... Firstly, I don't beleive this insurqnce will ever be used ... mainly because MS is pulling a bluff with an unloaded gun... The difference is one is MS endorsed and basically "we will not sue your customers" wheras the other says if they do get sued then RH will cover their ass. I think the likelyhood of this insurance being used is similar to having a large whale appear and fall on my house but one is saying we will prevent any whales suddenly appearing and falling on your house and the other is saying "should a whale suddenly appear we will pick up the bill" ... The case is simple really, the lawyers don't know if the patent claims are even vqlid, the techy's probably tell them not but they have that FUD... which is why MS hasn't even tried directly only through SCO... because the important part is the doubt... andf the corporate lawyers are risk adverse to going to court with MS, even if they have a get outa jail free card... So this is why I think this is simply a tactic to split the community... as Arctic said.... This is all they need to do to spread doubt... create infighting in the community etc. and DO NOTHING ... so long as they do nothing the doubt remains and each company taking Novell/Linspire just adds to the doubt, even if they chose Novell for a completely different reason...
  4. Honestly it doesn't matter.... its the users that matter not distros and MS have suceeded in splitting them... Slackware, Debian, Gentoo to name a few will NEVER sign... Novell, Linspire already have.... which gives a split community... So on patent infringement, those users especially corporate who have signed up for indemnity no longer care... they are no longer going to worry about the unlikely event of MS actually doing anything which as you say is unlikely anyway... again, don't think it matters... companies sign up for insurance not because they are planning or even expect a hurricane/fire etc. but because of the possibility... so MS is unlikely to ever call on this? EVEN if they had found one patent... because the uncertainty, fear and doubt is much more useful to them.. If you buy a car and two dealers have almost exactly the same price .. down to cents and one has a " year return for any reason" clause and the other not nearly everyone will take the one with the insurance included. Almost all corporate buyers will because the guy who is doing the purchasing doesn't want to be the guy who turns this down and finds a problem later. It doesn't even matter if the dealer in question is known to be a bit of a "used car salesman" and the other a reputable dealer because of the possibility, that guy doesnt want it coming back that he turned down the insurance...
  5. My experience with mandr* over the years has been that urpmi is great for non-server type apps but falls down significantly over server stuff... hard to explain without saying when you do this in Debian its all set up and the services running after install.... wheras Mandy tends to install and leave the config.... I also find because of this its not starting a default service... so it never actually checks the detail and the "is it actually running"... This doesn't really happen in Deb because the dpkg actually starts the service and tests its running... if not it will tell you it failed.. details depending opn your verbosity level.... In most cases Mandy is 99% there.... BUT it from my experience often has that 1% missing which turns out to be trivial... such as a missing symlink or init entry... perhaps it didn't try or perhaps the file couldn't be written etc. and it usually just takes searchin through logs to see what part if any failed or what might have been forgotten in the urpmi script... check the package list and check it was all copied etc. etc.
  6. sounds like the ISP has set a route specially for them perhaps... you can check just typing route This could be due to some verification etc. that automatically identifies you so you can use some of the ISP services from home without a login?
  7. Have you tried the init.d scripts directly /etc/init.d/nfs**** start|stop ? and same for portmap? Have you rechecked the packages are installed?
  8. Its worth thinking that if its <b>physical errors</b> the best thing is to forget it.... you can repair them but usually a few bad sectors is a start of something bigger... Don't wanna throw water over it but I did get told this by someone and ignored it and regretted it later (I had no intention of putting anything important onto the disk but .. well it happens)... If its a filesystem error then you can check the types using fdisk or cfdisk (or a few GUI utilities for "parted" (qtparted/gtkparted etc.) (If there is nothing on it you want then the easiest is to just make new partitions and new filesystems)
  9. http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3681221
  10. Just a note Iphitus but I genuinly didn't realise that the new release TARATOS was out... Ive been really busy and Scarecrow's post actually did make a huge difference to me... I was about to do a dist-upgrade on my girlfriends box which he just saved me doing because a reinstall from Live CD will be quicker...
  11. Dexter, i can write a Gowatorial post or you can check the sidux site.... The brief answer is its Debian unstable (SID) with some extra bells and whistles (mainly config tools) AND most importantly patches etc. and workarounds when SID itself gets broken... Its hard to appreciate unless you try running SID yourself on a fairly critical system... what can happen is a huge suite like KDE can get updated and need Xorg x.x.x but x.x.x-1 is currently the latest in SID... sidux will either patch it or put it on hold until it works or provide workarounds.... however these are only ever temporary, the aim is always to get back to pure SID... SID is IMHO far more stable than Mandriva cooker (I honesstly think its more stable than Madriva official) and updated far more often... certain glitches creep in like dependencies and stuff and SIDUX dev's take care of these to make SIDUX work whereas the Debian Dev's take care of these to make stable work when they are finally put there.... How is it special is a bit of a long answer.... they also have all the non-free stuff, especially hundreds of firmware and hardware drivers which are missing from Debian official... So in many ways its like a release of Mandriva with plf +++ already added.... plus extra stability and like plf it works WITH Debian SID not diverging... Ubuntu is fine but its not Debian because it diverges so far... so they need their own Deb's, repo's etc. SIDUX repo's only contain tools etc not in Debian...or drivers excluded because they are not GPL etc. I think the easiest way to describe it is say a kernel update... Sidux will download (from kernel.org), add patches, compile then prompt you to recompile your graphics drivers (say NVIDIA) which need doing for the new kernel... tell you its dropping to RL3 for the driver install (if you already are running the new kernel) etc. So basically its nothing that you cannot do alone if you wnt to use SID and spend your life finding, compiling etc. its just a much easier way to run bleeding adge so that the aim is a working system NOT the Debian developers aim which is a working FUTURE system... and again like I said but I'll repeat cos its important.. the changes are just temporary as soon as SID is fixed they revert back... So in many ways its like working with SID but having some top notch dev's doing all the nitty gritty hard stuff...
  12. Gowator


    You'd think so but some apps actually keep thier data in .kde (IMHO stupid) I usually prefer a rename, so it rekicks off the customisations and then copy back stuff I need and then delete the old .kde
  13. Pretty good but not exactly in line with the savings... The XPS 410 is $850 with Linux and $900 with Vista and a 12 month McAfee subscription etc. I realise Dell get big discounts but $50 seems a little on the light side? So my interpretation is its presented as an "extra" option while still trying to sell most people Vista... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this but I think there is value in calling it what it is. However, all that said its still a great positive step for Linux and Dell customers.
  14. First thing to check is if its unable to open it because it wants to write something back to the CD? (perhaps like a temp file as it converts and it writes it to the default directory the presentation is opened in??)
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