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Matrix Screensaver


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xscreensaver and it said that something was not running




try and make sure you take notes....

if it just restarted X then there is some confict somewhere needs sorting out.


What desktop are you running (KDE/Gnome etc)?


Ok I'm running KDE and the message is this,


" The xscreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display "0.0". Launch now? "


Don't know what that daemon thing is.




um.... The Matrix screensaver is GL, so it won't work great until you get those nvidia drivers installed and Direct Rendering working...


Umm if you read the posts, that was on my friends computer, and the GLMatrix works fine on my computer I just don't really like it so thats why I'm not running it. But I'll go ahead and check if direct rendering is on right now...............


Lol that sucks, this is what I get.

$ glxinfo |grep direct
direct rendering: No
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect


Hmm thats odd, because usually when it said no on my friends computer it would not run GLMatrix at all, it will display some error message. On mine to tell you the truth it runs a little slow but since it ran, I thought it might of have been installed. But when I typed in the code I don't think I got the " OpenGL " message before, on my friends computer it just the " No " line.



Edited by Luis101
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  • 9 months later...
Guest caleb


I´m a linux and Mandrake newbie. I am also a Matrix nut. I found another option to get a matrix screensaver up and running. Instead of installing and using xscreensaver you can add a matrix screensaver to the default KDE screensaver List.


here is what I did....


go to ;








Open a Konsole and go to the directory where you downloaded the file. type the following;


[root@localhost username]# tar -zxvf matrix_gl_bin-1.0.tar.gz


this will unpack two files;





To install the matrix_gl screensaver type the following at the konsole;


[root@localhost username]# ./matrix_gl -install


Now got to;


System/configuration/configure your desktop and open the KDE control centre. go to look and feel, then click on screensaver. matrix_gl should be listed at the bottom of the screen saver list. select it and click apply..... Now you should have a working Matrix screen saver :)


What I am unsure of is what KMatrix_gl.desktop is for. If someone could shed some light on that it would be appreciated.


Hope this post is usefull





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KMatrix_gl.desktop is most likely a desktop icon file. If you drop it in your Desktop directory it'll probably but a clickable icon on your desktop that would start the screensaver.


that's just a guess...but that's what most .desktop files are for.

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Guest caleb
KMatrix_gl.desktop is most likely a desktop icon file.  If you drop it in your Desktop directory it'll probably but a clickable icon on your desktop that would start the screensaver.


that's just a guess...but that's what most .desktop files are for.

Hi tymark,

thanks for the feedback, I tried what you said and I got the error message;

The Desktop entry

file /home/caleb/desktop/KMatrix_gl.desktop

has no type = ....entry


Will have a google and see what I can find





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