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Matrix Screensaver


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Now I can't find anything on there about the matrix screensaver, so Im going to download the plf screensaver that I believe scoopy recommended here is what Im going to type in and please correct me if its wrong.

# rpm -ivh xscreensaver-matrix-4.14-4plf.i586.rpm

Hopefully this will work..........




Lol it didn't, what should I do this is the message that I get

# rpm -ivh xscreensaver-matrix-4.14-4plf.i586.rpm
error: open of xscreensaver-matrix-4.14-4plf.i586.rpm failed: No such file or directory

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What do you mean in the right directory I didn't know that you had to be in the directory to install it, I haven't tried it. I am already logged in as root as you can see by the # if i had the $ then thats just user. Umm Im going to try what you recommended right now. It should work or something. By being in the directory to you mean cd into where I downloaded, because if thats the issue than no I haven't tried it.


Also how do I open files on Inkscape or how do I create my own avatar I did one on inkscape but I can open it.



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By being in the directory to you mean cd into where I downloaded, because if thats the issue than no I haven't tried it.


Also how do I open files on Inkscape or how do I create my own avatar I did one on inkscape but I can open it.



Yeah that's what I mean. CD to the directory where you put it.


so if you put it in /home/My Documents/Downloads/


then you would do: cd /home/My Documents/Downloads/

and then type <nameofexecutablefile> (without the angle brackets)


or you can also do it directly:


/home/My Documents/Downloads/<nameofexecutablefile> (without the angle brackets)


e.g. to run firefox, you could type:


cd /usr/bin/




And I don't know about Inkscape, don't even know what it is so I can't help you with that.


Oh, and it may be a good idea to check this out for you and your brother:



There is a lot of good information in there.

Edited by spinynorman
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Lol Darkdevel he's my friend not my brother. lol. Anyways the cd into the directory worked and I got the matrix stuff installed. Also can I delete the files after I donwload them? I alrady downloaded and installed this matrix stuff but there is still a file on my computer. Can I delete and if I do will that mess up or also delete the installed file? Hmm thats for the link seems like a really good website. I guess Linux is fun once you know mostly everything about it. It seemed hard at beginning but now it's more easier.



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Can anyone help me with how to save and open files on inkscape? I actually got to save it but it won't open. Also when I try and apply an avatar the picture is in .jpg format and it says that it supports it but when I write the directory where it's loated it says that it can not open the file or something, I really want to get an avatar and create a cool looking signature. My own style and stuff the tutorial on inkscape goes over very little about the saving and opening.



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How can I make the picture more clear? This is surely not what it's supose to looks like I tried messing around with the size but that doesn't help. Also how do I put another picture in my signature, it says that I need like special permission to do that?



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Please ask your questions in a seperate thread. Each thread should only contain one issue. your first question can remain in this section (Art and Design), you second can go in the Forum Discussion section since it's a question regarding how the forum operates.


As I said, please keep it to one question/subject per thread.

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Yah I understand but I just don't want to be the only one to start a new topic for every little issue that I have. I just wanted to save some space. But if you say so ok then.




I guess this issue is resolved so you can like close it down or something...

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Hey tyme you can delete this post now, I don't know if you might want to leave it incase other people might want to look at it. If that's so then just lock it or whatever.



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Hey tyme you can delete this post now, I don't know if you might want to leave it incase other people might want to look at it. If that's so then just lock it or whatever.




Its OK, so long as new topics always go on a new thread that sort of thing takes care of itself.

Its really just a bit of experience that we know that...


threads are usually left open for someone else to add to, or you to come back to...


sometimes they grow into a FAQ etc.


have fun.... enjoy the board...and your new adventure with Linux.

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Wow Im glad they didn't close this down, hey how come when I shutdown my computer or restart it the scrensaver doesn't run? I just restarted my computer to install some other files and the screen saver would not run. I typed in xscreensaver and it said that something was not running, so it asked me to launch it and I did and then the screen saver started to run. Also just a few seconds ago I went to click on " Add Reply " and my desktop started all over. Pretty much like reboted or someting.



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xscreensaver and it said that something was not running


try and make sure you take notes....

if it just restarted X then there is some confict somewhere needs sorting out.


What desktop are you running (KDE/Gnome etc)?

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