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Everything posted by scarecrow

  1. I don't use ATI for obvious reasons, but I do have a Pixma and had to shed 30$ for Turboprint... I guess that Canon might be affiliated with Turboprint one way or the other...
  2. Running Arch for months and couldn't be happier- it's an "install once" distro, absolutely easy to manage once you are familiar with cli/vi. My only problem currently is that the current (2.6.11-10) stock kernel has minor issues with VMware 5 (the CD writer can only be used in legacy mode, so burning from the guest OS is impossible) and I'm a bit lazy rolling my own "fixed" 2.6.11, else than that it works perfectly. Also quite happy with the latest Kanotix 2005.3. Not as fast as Arch, but pretty good and reasonably fast, while everything works right out of the box- including Wine, Win4Lin, VMware, xorg, everything- I just had a minor issue with the post-install Grub configuration, but the fix was rather trivial. Surely enough the best Debian I have touched since ages. Of course I also like Slack and its derivatives (Vector) including the buggy ones (Frugalware), but I fail to see their advanatges over Arch. Sarge is too outdated, and Ubuntu too crippled for my likings.
  3. Partition Magic never, ever worked well with mixed windows and Linux filesystems. You might want to give V-Com Partition Commander a try (although to my poor knowledge there's no demo available). Acronis Disk Director works decently too.
  4. If you liked using "kuser" (instead of CLI or webmin) then 3.4.1 is obligatory- the module was plain unusable in 3.4.0. Running 3.4.1 on two distros currently (Arch 0.7 and Kanotix 2005.3) and it's mighty fine. Not on Mandy yet though, sorry.
  5. Yes... I've installed it before, it's quite easy. But I prefer the normal Apache/PHP/MySQL binaries, and webmin for controlling them.
  6. 2 SATA drives here (and no IDE, just optical IDE devices), they run perfectly well with 2005LE/ Arch Linux 0.7/ Kanotix 2005.3 So I'm with John, adjust your BIOS settings and set there "PnP OS" to disabled.
  7. I absolutely agree, amule used to be the segfault king of my box... but this is strictly an wxgtk 2.4.X- 2.5.X issue. Have you tried running it with wxgtk 2.6? Believe it or not, it is VERY stable. Now, does anyone know a QT-based emule client? Please?
  8. Magicdev? Isn't that thing dead since last July?
  9. I don't have them with my camera... just an icon appearing on the desktop.
  10. I see you don't use a stock kernel... what have you added in your custom one?
  11. There is also Win4Lin pro (better, but expensive) and VMware 5 (best by far, but very expensive).
  12. What about the fine "shell command" named mc? :D
  13. I had the same problem with 6629. For bypassing it it was necessary to edit a line in the nv.c file, unfortunately I can't reecall which one right now. Why don't you try a newer NVIDIA driver? This issue has been resolved...
  14. Had been using Mandrake for years. Last September I discovered a distro which was tailor made for my needs (Arch Linux), and two days ago I kicked out my spare Mandriva installation in favour of the new Kanotix 2005.3, which should be the best Debian spinoff I ever test drived (needless to say that Ubuntu/Kubuntu are a few ages behind the buggiest Sid wrap that exists).
  15. What about buying a PCI modem (~ 10 $) or an external serial one? ( ~15$). Both (especially the latter) should work without any issue. ISA devices are obsolete, at best.
  16. I'd rather say drop it... packet writing is not safe by nature. Or at least do NOT backup critical data with it.
  17. It will crawl anyway with just 64M of RAM. Consider using a light desktop, KDE will be a pain.
  18. Unsupported by Sane, it seems, and also unsupported by commercial applications (Vuescan). It roughly means that HP never cared to provide a working backend for it.
  19. NTFS does not need defragging either, unless you use continuously very large databases consisting of files much smaller than the cluster size. Only non-journaling FS (FAT32, ext2) need defragging at times.
  20. Nothing is wrong... it should work without issues. libdvdcss and (optionally) libdvdnav, both from PLF, are needed. Does mplayer and xine/Kaffeine/Totem point at the correct playback device, e.g. /dev/hdc?
  21. "Error while decoding audio tracks" Is libmad installed? Which K3B version are you using?
  22. scarecrow

    no sound

    Get sure you have an "audio" group, and your current user belongs to that group (use Userdrake as root to manage user and group accounts). MDK is supposed to add the first user automatically to the "audio" group, but for some odd reason this seems to fail one time out of 10-12...
  23. Softlinking is done in a root console like that: ln -s /usr/lib/libpng.so. /usr/lib/libpng.so.2 (I've just seen that libpng.so.3 is actually also a symlink to libpng.so. For more info on soft linking - symlinking, check say here: http://www.columbia.edu/acis/rad/unixcmds/ln.html or here: http://www.ss64.com/bash/ln.html It resembles a bit a windows "shortcut", but it has a lot more options than that. AFAIK there is no petition for Linux drivers largely circulating, but as a Canon customer you can email their support dpt and complain about the lack of Linux drivers. I have already done so (owning a Pixma i5000). BTW I use Turbolinux for printing, which I got at a bargain price.
  24. You also need an edonkey "core", which you should start before running the GUI. More info here: http://ed2k-gtk-gui.sourceforge.net/index.shtml IMHO amule is much better, but it needs wxgtk 2.6.0+ to operate properly, else it crashes a lot.
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