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Apple announce new iPhone


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Apple aren't that stupid. They obviously knew Cisco had the name, especially after the whole Gizmodo incident. I don't see this as big news, money will change hands and I doubt any big fights will take place.
I later read an article where a Cisco big-wig stated that Apple had gone into talks with them to try to get rights to the iPhone name (prior to the release) but I guess those talks broke down. And you know Apple...they can be a bit arrogant :lol:


Or maybe both Cisco and Apple decided to have this whole fiasco for the publicity. Wouldn't surprise me, Cisco will get their money anyways, and they both get to be in the news for a while. I'd say if they settle out-of-court, it may have been publicity, but if they go to a full-fledged lawsuit, judge and all, maybe not...

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My vote goes to publicity. How else does one get beyond the inevitable Microsoft response? By utilizing lots of free publicity, of course. B)

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To be honest: I wonder what is so revolutionary with this phone. After all it is still a phone, nothing more, nothing less. And how do the guys at Apple expect blind people to use that phone? Or people with fat, clumsy fingers? Or your Grandma?


600 bucks for a rather useless piece of plastic and a damn brand-name, if you ask me...

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After all it is still a phone, nothing more, nothing less.
And a built-in browser, and widgets, and google maps, music and...and...and...did you read the feature list? Sure, you have your blackberries and windows ce based devices out there...but have you ever used on of those? They're a pain in the arse, small screens, smaller buttons...the revolutionary part is the design. That's what Apple does, concentrates on HCI.


And how do the guys at Apple expect blind people to use that phone?
Does your phone have braille on it? Mine doesn't...I mean, really, with current cell phones blind people are still learning where the buttons are for the phone. Sure, the digits are always in the same place (as they will be on the iPhone), but any additional functionality other than typing in the numbers...well, they have to memorize. And for blind people, such tasks are amazingly easy - the world is not designed for blind people, and they often have to get over such challenges. But let me ask you this: When have you ever seen a cell phone design that took into account blind people? Give me one example of a mass-produced cell phone sold by a big carrier that is designed to be blind-friendly. And it better have braille on it, because without braille, they're just guessing and memorizing (I had a blind German teacher who was a good friend, so you'll excuse me if I'm a bit sensitive to assumptions about the blind).


Or people with fat, clumsy fingers?
Just as much as they can use a regular phone...in fact, I think the numbers are bigger on the iPhone.


arctic, sometimes you're just too much of the typical angry geek for me... :P

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After all it is still a phone, nothing more, nothing less.
And a built-in browser, and widgets, and google maps, music and...and...and...did you read the feature list? Sure, you have your blackberries and windows ce based devices out there...but have you ever used on of those? They're a pain in the arse, small screens, smaller buttons...the revolutionary part is the design. That's what Apple does, concentrates on HCI.

CBS last night:

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After all it is still a phone, nothing more, nothing less.
And a built-in browser, and widgets, and google maps, music and...and...and...did you read the feature list?
Yes, I did. And it is still a simple phone first and foremost.


But let me ask you this: When have you ever seen a cell phone design that took into account blind people? Give me one example of a mass-produced cell phone sold by a big carrier that is designed to be blind-friendly.
Samsung has just created one that has won the 2006 Industrial Design Excellence Awards.


arctic, sometimes you're just too much of the typical angry geek for me... :P
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After all it is still a phone, nothing more, nothing less.
And a built-in browser, and widgets, and google maps, music and...and...and...did you read the feature list?
Yes, I did. And it is still a simple phone first and foremost.
Well...not to be completely sarcastic...but, hmmm....iPhone...:unsure:


seems phone is the hm...intended function...and as I already pointed out, the revolutionary part is largely the design.


though "simple" is most definitely an understatement. I wouldn't even categorize my current phone as simple, and it's definitely much more basic than the iPhone.


But let me ask you this: When have you ever seen a cell phone design that took into account blind people? Give me one example of a mass-produced cell phone sold by a big carrier that is designed to be blind-friendly.
One, that's only in design, and hasn't even go into retail sale...it's not really valid to complain about blind users not being able to use the iPhone when one could claim the exact same thing of every other cell phone being sold by carriers to date. It's just not a valid argument. And I'm willing to bet it does voice commands, anyways.
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Well, but IF Apple is so innovative, then why didn't they add support for blind people to their innovative phone? I mean,... Samsung is not all that innovative, but they at least gave the braille phone an honest thought and afaik, they will produce it.


Apple is not as innovative as some people think imho. But they do some pretty clever marketing.


And: The design is not revolutionary. Jmho.

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Well, but IF Apple is so innovative, then why didn't they add support for blind people to their innovative phone? I mean,... Samsung is not all that innovative, but they at least gave the braille phone an honest thought and afaik, they will produce it.

It's not apples market. They're continuing to launch products aimed at the type of consumers who would buy macs, ipods, etc.


My grandmother is not blind, although her sight is poor. She struggles even with a conventional phone, we had to get her a special phone with large buttons that are easy to hit. The compromises required to make a mobile phone marketable for a blind audience, would greatly impact on it's marketability elsewhere. Apple are a business Arctic. And products don't have to be blind friendly to be innovative, though that could make them more innovative.


Apple is not as innovative as some people think imho. But they do some pretty clever marketing.


And: The design is not revolutionary. Jmho.


Apple have done a lot in the UI area. I'd say that they've been able to create some very usable interfaces, that use techniques that would be considered innovative, and innovations original to Apple.


As an example, the floating window paradigm. That's an apple original.

Don't quote Xerox on me. They used a tiled window manager, there was no overlapping and dragging. On paper they seem very similar, but if you've ever used one, the two types of window management vary wildly and have extremely different usage patterns and design challenges. Someone's going to shoot me here and say otherwise, but they most likely havnt used a tiled window manager for any extended period of time.


It's just wrong to look at any device as a whole nowadays, and say "it's an innovation/not an innovation". In reality, only parts a device will be innovative, with most of the rest being slight improvements, or much of the same. The iphone as a whole isnt innovative, but some of the UI it employs MAY be -- I havn't used one, so I don't know.


Much of Apple's hardware design is what I would call "creative"; not "innovative". The sad thing is, people get the two mixed up or fail to see the difference. Just because something looks different, does not neccesarily mean it's innovative -- though it can be.


The iphone at least, is in part, not as original as many think:



Yeah, Samsung already had one out, with a very similar design and has already won design awards.





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200 patents. Quite simply the best touch screen on the market. An OS that kicks the pants off of Windows Mobile, Palm OS and *cough* Linux.


Just a phone? pfff


Somehow I don't agree with you. I hate MAC with a passion. How long did it take them to finally hop onto the Intel Bandwagon? A little too late for me. I once bought a mac and now it sits in the corner of my room collecting dust. Just another useless piece of crap.


I agree a phone is a phone! I have used Blackberry's but I still carry my laptop with me. In fact when i get my Van for my company I am going to install a laptop tray like the police have in their cars, a verizon Mobile Wireless Internet Card and I will be in business.


Apple had made a good comeback, although not too well in the Computer market, only in the "Accessories" market. I think I am the only person on planet earth who does not have a iPOD? But to say that Mac has a better OS than Linux is a low blow and some fighting words in the Open Source arena! :)

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