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About mystified

Extra Info

  • Your CPU
    Pentium 4
  • Your Graphics Card
    Nvidia Geoforce2
  • Your RAM
    1 Gig DDR
  • Your Hard Drive
    Maxtor 300GB
  • Your Sound Card
    On Board
  • Your Operating System
    Gentoo. Debian
  • Your Monitor
  • Your Keyboard
  • Your Mouse

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  • Interests
    linux, vampyres

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  1. I installed Mandriva on my laptop when I first got it because I wanted something easy to install and use. But I have an unsupported wireless card and my connection in Mandriva was terrible. So someone with the same card recommended Debian and I haven't had any problems since I switched. I installed Mandriva on my daughter's new computer because it's easy to use. But I left it because I had no choice. I needed wireless.
  2. CLI all the way for me. I don't have any gui tools in Gentoo and I don't use any in Debian.
  3. Try following this: http://linuxfornewbies.org/forum/index.php/topic,3.0.html
  4. With Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring out the door, the first steps toward Mandriva Linux 2009 are in progress. Ideas are being collected on this wiki page and Bugzilla is open for suggestions and ideas. A number of items are in the wish list for kernel and hardware support. The ML 2009 kernel will use libata, the one item already marked as complete. Other wishes include an installed and enabled kerneloops package, full support for Lenovo Thinkpads T60/T61 (and T62 in the future) (with all the bells, whistles, drivers, hotkeys, LEDs, etc. working), making Xen work properly (or dropping it), and patches for kernel-level mode setting. http://lwn.net/Articles/280648/
  5. according to this http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/...b/CS-008326.htm your motherboard is not supported in linux.
  6. Just for future reference I used VESA as my driver and then installed nvidia and changed xorg.conf and then logged out and back in.
  7. I installed my nvidia card manually. You can download the driver for your card here http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.12.html then just follow the instructions. It's very easy to do.
  8. My daughter just bought a computer with Vista but she wants linux so I'm going to install Mandriva. I just installed it on my computer and it's really nice. I was just wondering if their are any sorts of problems dual booting with vista that I need to worry about during installation. Thanks
  9. You guys should check out the banner dude67 made for us. It's really awesome. Thanks again dude67!
  10. I have the embed video clips working. I also am going to set up a Hardware Compatibility wiki as soon as I can get paul to get off his butt and finish it since I don't have the password to the sql server. I will probably add a FAQ or How to section to discuss some of the most common problems and solutions and also for informational purposes.
  11. I have two and I'm easily bored. I'll probably keep making changes to this board too. :P
  12. Paul and I will not stop visiting this board. I have made a committment to continue in my duty as a technical admin and I plan to keep monitoring the board as I always have.
  13. Just for the record, I beg to differ.
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