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  1. arctic


    Doesn't work well on my lappy. But then - not one distro was able to work as expected on my samsung lappy. They all have problems with the screen. Gonna wait some weeks, maybe there will be a fix.
  2. Still alive. :)

  3. Actually I prefer the Mageia release, running Gnome. It feels more like the good ol' Mandrake for me than PCLinuxOS imho. But then... I am a Gnome-Guy. :)
  4. Just a quick tip: Make sure that you install the correct drivers for your nvidia card, as there are several to choose from. For older cards like the nvidia 5200 FX (which I use), there is e.g. the 173-series-driver that you have to install. Read the description of the driver-package, it will tell you, if you chose the right or the wrong driver. If you have a package/driver-mismatch, you will not get a fully working graphical environment. Oh, and ... welcome aboard.
  5. Installed flawlessly, running the Gnome-version right now. Seems as if a damn good job was done by the team. Congrats. :)
  6. Yay! :) *goes to the download-mirors*
  7. Quite possible. As you might know, 2010.2 was never a really finished distro but more of an update to 2010.1 with some cooker-stuff. Thus, for stability-reasons I'd prefer 2010.1 over 2010.2 Btw: I also ran into the first problem with 2010.2. My printer, which worked in all previous releases, suddenly isn't detected anymore. Argh!!!
  8. Tried and ditched Mepis, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Fedora, Suse, MoonOS - back at Mandriva 2010.2 with Gnome. And everything works... finally. :) Will test Mageia on my old lappy though in a few days.
  9. I am toally fed up with the nonsens, developers are creating lately. Really. I loved Fedora 4,6,8, 10 and 12. I tried Fedora 13, meh... then I tried 15 - and Gnome 3, which is more suited to tablet-nonsens than real PCs crashed on my machine instantly and the system went to fallback-mode. Other distros are just as bad. Ubuntus Unity which comes with 11.4 is unable to handle older nvidia cards and throws me into a Gnome 2 environment that is buggy as hell (apparently it cannot even remember the basic themes that are installed with the system). I tried KDE with Mepis 11 and I got Kwin crashes every 20 minutes when doing basic tasks like moving a window. Now I am trying lubuntu but honestly - it sucks. Horrible looks, bad functionality, inconsistent layout and language-settings. If Mageia don't cut it, I'll switch to seomething more conservative like Scientific Linux with Gnome 2.28 or an older version of Mandriva. At least they worked.
  10. Now, that really sounds promising. When was the last time a Mandriva RC worked without problems? Seems like a very long time ago... I am looking forward to the final Mageia release. :)
  11. Hi there. Yeah, I am still alive. :) I had way too much work during the last months, which included lots of traveling (a journalists life can be very demanding from time to time), setting up my business, building up new contacts and aquiring new Photo-equipment (damn, it cost me more than my car...). So, as I wasn't (and cannot be) around here a lot, I cannot say for sure that Mandrivausers is dead. But I can assure you that the traffic on other forums (non-Mandriva related) also decreased dramatically as there abound less problems nowadays than a few years ago, when Linux-systems required some tinkering. There are enough distros that work okay out of the box now. Thus many people will not use a forum. No problem - no forum. But I must admit that some distros take a bad path. Ubuntu is IMHO quickly deteriorating and CentOS and Fedora also move into the wrong direction. Suse was always quirky on my hardware and Mageia is still in development. :unsure: My Mandriva systems got replaced as they got buggy at some point. The switch to Ubuntu I made was not the right choice to make - a lesson I learned during the last months. My hardware is ageing and I need something new in order to develop the huge RAW-files from my DSLRs in a reasonable time. (21MB and 18MB RAW-pictures take a looong time to develop on a five+ years old 1,6 Ghz PC). At my work-office, I use a Mac (i don't like it - way too many quirks). For home, I plan to stick to Linux on the new hardware I plan to buy. But I need to find something useful, as Mandriva, Ubuntu and CentOs just don't deliver, what I am seeking right now. Thus I will give several distros like Mepis, PinguiOS or MoonOS a try very soon. But I still hope that Mageia will finally release a very good product. ;)
  12. has already used an iPad and quickly grew tired of it.

    1. spinynorman


      How about a review on your blog?

  13. My experience with 2010.1 was a rather mixed one. After I installed it, the system worked well, but when I installed the updates, the system instantly got completely broken (maybe because of "not properly made fixes" and/or updates because of the recent turmoil at Mandriva. Who knows...). That is why I reverted to 2010.0, applied the patches and just wait for the next stable release of Mageia or CentOS.
  14. Dunno, if this is the year of the forks, but some forks were imho simply necessary or, let's say, overdue (like e.g. mageia or openindiana).
  15. arctic


    Well, they said already that they want to start from scratch. Bff... Just keep this forum alive, next to the developers-forum and I think we will do well.
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