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Show off your desktop April 2007

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Waoww, very nice


Here is mine, nothing amazing, just note I m trying to play with E17 on Mandriva, I haven t be able to add apps on the bar yet, any input welcome.

I ve been playing with basket as well, I think I m going to use more of it from now on...

As always, a screenshot of my zaurus as well (vnc)...




Edited by sjaglin@yahoo.co.uk
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..I haven t be able to add apps on the bar yet, any input welcome.
Engage uses EAP icon files in ~/.e/e/applications/all. You can also download EAP files from this site, just check the main menu on the left. One can also edit EAP files with e_util_eapp_edit if you have e_utils (e17/apps/e_utils) and Engrave (e17/libs/engrave) installed. Please see the icons section of this guide for more in-depth information. After you've created some EAP files and moved them to ~/.e/e/applications/all, you'll need to create a ".order" text file in ~/.e/e/applications/bar/engage. This directory doesn't exist by default and isn't created by default - you'll have it make it. The ".order" file is simply a list of EAP files in the order you want them to show up in the bar. Check the "Icons and the menu" section for examples. You can also drag EAP files to Engage from Evidence and from the e_utils_eapp_edit icon. There's also a graphical menu editor called Entangle in the e_utils package - it can manage Engage menus as well. Check the "Binary formats, icon files and the menu" section for details
From here. Both the E17 User Guide and EFL User Guide can be of great help with E-17, along with that whole website.
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..I haven t be able to add apps on the bar yet, any input welcome.
Engage uses EAP icon files in ~/.e/e/applications/all. You can also download EAP files from this site, just check the main menu on the left. One can also edit EAP files with e_util_eapp_edit if you have e_utils (e17/apps/e_utils) and Engrave (e17/libs/engrave) installed. Please see the icons section of this guide for more in-depth information. After you've created some EAP files and moved them to ~/.e/e/applications/all, you'll need to create a ".order" text file in ~/.e/e/applications/bar/engage. This directory doesn't exist by default and isn't created by default - you'll have it make it. The ".order" file is simply a list of EAP files in the order you want them to show up in the bar. Check the "Icons and the menu" section for examples. You can also drag EAP files to Engage from Evidence and from the e_utils_eapp_edit icon. There's also a graphical menu editor called Entangle in the e_utils package - it can manage Engage menus as well. Check the "Binary formats, icon files and the menu" section for details
From here. Both the E17 User Guide and EFL User Guide can be of great help with E-17, along with that whole website.


Excellent, I did have that page but was too lazy to work on it (sorry I m French...). What I couldn't understand is that my .order file was prepopulated but only 3 icons were showing. In fact after editing them I found that the application commands were not configured for mdv ie openoffice was the command for Ooo instead of ooffice2.0.


I m going back to it, thanks for the push!


Stef :D

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Join the screenshot festivity, before your grandma!




My contribution;



Click to enlarge


Beryl + Kiba dock

Audacious + Blur Scope


Do you have a link for the iconset? I couldnt find it on gnome-look.

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