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Show off your desktop August 2006


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:o :D

I would like to contribute some fantastic artwork but my desktop is exactly the same as it was for the June thread. I'm so stale.

I have been playing with Xubuntu a bit but haven't tweaked it at all so no screengrab...


I am starting to enjoy XFCE (as you can see my screenie) but there are not a lot of window decorations available :sad: there are however plenty of gtk themes as all gnome gtk themes are compatible :)

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Whoah... that one is really ugly!!!
























j/k :cheesy::cheeky:

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as usual, click for larger (1280x800) image


OS X baby :D finally got my black macbook!


Wouldn't it looking better with a light blue background (Just throw the wallpaper in Photoshop and change the color settings).



Murrine gtk and window theme, tango icons


ffi, do you have a link to that background?

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If I may ask, how do you like the thing, and what are you using it for?

I like it a lot. Currently I'm using it as my day-to-day system (got it Monday). Ever since I got it I haven't booted up my desktop system, though I imagine I will whenever I want to play a game (WoW runs a little slow on it). I got it largely to have a portable system, and to have OS X, but I like how it works enough that I just use it constantly. It also produces less heat than my desktop - I've actually noticed a drop in the temperature of my room.


Wouldn't it looking better with a light blue background (Just throw the wallpaper in Photoshop and change the color settings).

Maybe. I think there is a blue version of that background available, but I liked the green :P Also, I don't have photoshop - currently photoshop still doesn't have a version for Intel-based macs, you still have to use rosetta which causes performance degredation. So I just use GIMP :P

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Thought I'd contribute and update my desktop. Changed from KDE, to Gnome. Themed it this morning with a gnome wallpaper, brushed gtk2/metacity and glass icons.

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