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Everything posted by roland

  1. NO ! search for wizard ( with only one 'z' ) roland
  2. Did you try to run MCC->System->MenuDrake ? assuming you run KDE, you can also check the KDE setting: Configuration KDE->System->Gestionnaire de connexion->mode super utilisateur->langue roland
  3. True upgrade were not good in the past. How to be sure upgrade is not good this time if we don't try ? That's a great feature after all if it works. So let's see but I'm ready to make a fresh install if I can't fix the upgrade. No fix needed so far for me except the nVidia thing but I didn't run my upgraded 9.2 enough yet to have an opinion. roland
  4. HI, I've upgraded my pc at home yesterday night from 9.1 to 9.2 I've updated 9.2 just after: no problem to connect to the right mirror. Seems correct so far,didn't tested everything yet. Just I had to remove nVidia driver editing /etc/X11/XFConfig-4 if I wanted to run X. Didn't reinstalled the nVidia driver yet. No more problem with my Sagem 800 USB modem as I had with the cooker (rc2: the final is not the same as the rc2 as far as this modem is concerned) No problem with the menus. As I had the kernel sources before, they were automatically updated when I updated 9.2 after install. More information later if I have trouble. roland
  5. I can help from french to english but: - sometime I wonder if I don't need a translator myself, - I have few time. Just in case .. roland
  6. thanks, that can be an interesting first step. fortunately my database is already splitted in two: one part for the tables, one for the front end: forms, requeries and vba modules. The one who adviced me to well separate the db itself and the front end was correct. I don't think that was on the M$ manual.. roland
  7. same question :) I'm ready to try a upgrade from 9.1 and make some fix but not too much. How the upgrade is ? roland
  8. Looks nice. Now lets find how to convert all my VBA code to python :unsure: roland
  9. I have a upgraded 9.1 at home (soon going 9.2) and k3b runs fine, even with audio CD. On the contrary I had trouble with XCDRoast. For k3b better put both the CD and CD Writer as scsii. They are defined 2 time in the /etc/fstab, one the way mandrake do, the other the way k3b do. I've let Supermount only for the first definition (Madrake's) no problem, no conflict so far. roland
  10. roland

    Swap Partitions

    What's the difference betweenn a moderator and a single member ? Just compare my post with bvc's one. Nice post bvc ;) roland
  11. roland

    Swap Partitions

    have a look in /etc/fstab rem: partitions at the beginning of the hd are a little faster to read/write. so you may keep the first swap one roland
  12. scary. I've never been sued so I don't know: what could happen if when sued you write a letter to the court saying that you have no time nor money to wast with your agressor's stupidities and don't care at all ? roland edit: just syntax error..
  13. roland


    I assuming it's a BNC cable with a 50 Ohm T at each side or a crossed RJ45 cable. Configure with MCC->DrakConnect. Run the wizard. Once the config is done (no need to reboot), you can try LinNeighborhood. (you may have to install it using MCC->RpmDrak. roland
  14. - shuttle: http://www.shuttle.com/hq/ nice little box. - why is it a good thing ? well they will send boxs with Mandrake pre-installed. roland
  15. Did you try choosing a generic 2 buttons PS/2 mouse ? can't help more sorry roland
  16. Great ! Go on Mandrake ! Among its expertise, Aspen System may provide what Mandrake need: good service. Mandrake patnership with Shuttle, Red Hat out of the desktop, Novell buy Suse, Now Aspen System partners with Mandrake, Gael Duval who announces a great news for the end of the year. Lots of things. All good for Mandrake it seems. roland :)
  17. strange. Is there something connected on any of your serial port ? also, may be when harddrake scanned everywhere there could be a mouse it finished with the serial port as default, it could be the reason it assume it's a serial mouse. what mouse is it ? where is it plugged ? the PS/2 mouses are plugged on the same chip as the keyboard. I had some trouble that had not been solved with a hard reset but only after powering down the pc. just in case it's a wireless mouse: did you check the batteries ? just some ideas .. roland
  18. Just a little question just in case, does not hurt .. I hope :) didn't you forget to run lilo after having modified lilo.conf ? roland
  19. I think linux (CLI) and X have each there own keyboard charactere map and keyboard driver too. I had once a silly password that worked under X (or a shell window under X) and didn't worked on text mode. You may try to change your password, something simple using only letters. For that, on the CLI, as root, type "passwd". Hope this help roland
  20. I would be surprised .. or I really missed somethin ;) roland
  21. http://hardware.linuxfaqs.de/view.php?tab=...eri&ctype=Modem "works nearly complete" for the rest, did you check http://www.google.com/linux ? roland
  22. sometime binary expression is more explicit than hex expression. for example for bit mask. if 0b prefix does not work a notation can be: unsigned abitmask = (1<<4) | (1<<7); for 10010000 or unsigned abitmask = ~((1<<4) | (1<<7)); for 01101111 (of course those expressions are evaluated at compile time) roland
  23. this one is good and free for personal use too http://www.free-av.com/ BTW here is one to kill special viruses called spywares: http://www.lavasoft.de/ roland
  24. I didn't know refactoring. But highly optimized code is generally difficult to read. What's nice code ? Well there is a lot of opinion about what is nice code and how to make it easy to read and maintain. Here is some rules: - names are important, Edit-Search is a important programmer's tool, - make global scope names (global variables, global functions, macros) very explicite, don't hesitate to make them long to write. for example if you declare a globale variable with the name "n" you may have trouble when the program get bigger, - minimum use of global definitions, - if you have to use a global value, better create a function that just return it, - maximum use of local variables (reentrant), - a function must not be too long: one page, two pages max, - adopt a rule for names: example me: macro names = all upper case: _AUTO_BYTESIZE, types start with upper case: AutoPort, variables start wit lower case: comBuff, - one variable for one use. for example if you declare i for an iteration, better not reuse it in the function: declare int i,j,k; - one module for each task, - avoid dependencies between modules. define a little API for comunication between modules so that you can change a module without having to change others, - try to optimize using the right algorithm. Don't try to optimize on the implementation. modern compilers take care of that quite well for you, - optimize when it's necessary. most of te task don't need speed, many other things but: 1- comment your code, 2- comment your code, 3- comment your code. me, I generally start to create the header, declare the functions, comment them before any real coding. That way you made the specs and a good part of the doc. hope this help roland
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