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What is keeping YOU from going clean


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See this poll to see what I am talking about. I've seen a lot on that thread that are Linux Only, and a few like myself that have Windows, but don't boot to it. This can't be a poll, since there could be a million different reasons to not go for a Linux Only box; but I'm curious to see what different people have to say.


Myself, I have no problems going Linux Only on either of my computers, but if I do, I don't want any fat32 partitions. I currently have over 30 gigs of stuff (mainly mp3's) that I want to save that is housed on a fat32 partition. I want to transfer it over; but I don't really know how to go about doing so.


How about you? Let's hear some reasons. Doesn't matter what it is. Maybe this will give others a better understanding of why a lot of people are afraid to let go of their M$.

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Like I said in the other thread I was Linux only until I got this job. I have to have Windoze to run the software I need. There is no Linux equivalent, I spent a month trying to get it working with Wine and even contacted Netraverse about using Win4Lin (okay it's still using Windoze). The program won't even run with Win4Lin because it uses a HASP. I've tried everything and short of quitting my job (I NEED the money) I need my Windoze HD.

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I have three reasons that my box is still dual boot.


1) My wife refuses to use linux, and I need to play with windex on my box so that I can fix her box.


2) The MFC printer/fax/scanner is not supported in linux. I am in the process of hasseling Brother because they don't support linux. (They support mac!!)


3) My software program at work, Flexi Sign Pro, is windex/mac only, and I use corel draw and Adobe Photo Shop to generate images that I use at work. I have had limited success with gimp, but only because I am learning it.

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School. Specifically visual studio 6. And occasionally I use kazaa and haven't yet figured out how to get it all up and running in either of my two linux installs. Late december I go free, and I'm counting down the days.

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I don't use winblows on any of my box's! My wifes is however(it's not mine, I don't count it, cause I don't use it) But I do use it some at work. I also use Solaris and Linux and prefer those over it.


You said you have 30G's of mp3's on fat32, Is your drive on the opposite p.c. big enough to drop everything on it and blow out windows for good? Just a thought. :wink:

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No, the other drive is not big enough by itself and to be able to keep my existing 9.1 install intact. If I were to transfer it to the other drive, I would have to wipe everything completely clean to make room (hdb is 40 gigs) I guess I could format a couple of other partitions on hda (80 gigs total, including where the mp3's are) and move them that way.


God, 120 Gigs for Linux! That would be fantastic. Although, I don't quite know what I would do with all the space.

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In my household, spouse's geneaology hobby. She uses Win4Lin, a WinME partition and FAT32 partitions for 'Family Tree Maker' software that catalogs and organizes all her research, sources, photographs, pdf's of documents, etc. There isn't a libris software/OS equivalent ('Grandpa's ..' isn't even close).

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  • I have a brother that uses the pc only for games (especially those online games rampant in Asia). I forgot to mention that he is bigger than me and can bash me with one hand tied behind his back. :roll:


[*] When I get my own home, my fiancee is a designer that needs to use Windows-only software. She is not that tech-savvy either but her office only accepts a proprietary format. I still havent googled for supporting linux-apps as we dont live together.


[*] The company Im working for is affiliated somehow to MS. For the server stuff though we have some AIX boxes. Im just a peon here so I dont have any influence on the servers (I figured out the root passwords though, :twisted:)


[*] When I have the time to do my expenses, I do it in Quicken. Some of you might remember the clash I had with the gnucash sources. And yes they still dont want to compile. GnuCash is another thing Im waiting for in 9.2


thats the reasons i can think of right now.



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Windows for my racing games. Nascar 2003 by Sierra/Papy and EA F1 99-2002. Also drivers for my Logitech MOMO wheel. I can't even figure out how to make my joy stick work, and I know there are probably drivers for that.


Also the ease of using my cd burner in windows. I haven't setup the burner in Linux yet, seems like alot of work. (yes I can be lazy)




Edit I am using RH9

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Nothing. But I own a useless "Colin Mc Rae Rally" and I'm waiting for it to work with Wine. If I had Windows, I surely would use it for this game! No Linux equivalent for now...



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Supporting others.

Yeah, this is why I have my Win2000 and Win98 VM machines but theyre only really to help other people. I don't actually use them :D


(Except some freeware called 'virtual dub'. Its actually FREEWARE but only avail under Windows. My MMPlayer is pretty fussy about the DivX formats it gets in regard to resolution and codec's and this converts anything faultlessly. Im sure I could actually get transcode working but .... its just time. )


But reading the answers and having the LUG post in mind ... perhaps this there is something to be done like free Gimp courses. I'm pretty much a dabbler and I'm sure I could do more better but .....


So those sticking with photoshop and corel ....perhaps this is a good idea for LUG's ??


Also, has anyone considered paying for commercial linux software? Where would you find it etc. ?


Another is driver support. Ive never got the S3Twister on my laptop working properly and Xv crashes it: DEAD. I can just about watch movies with SHMEM .... but I don't dual boot, just put up with it.


How about a Top 10 reasons out of this thread then we can set about solving them together.

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How about a Top 10 reasons out of this thread then we can set about solving them together.

I like that idea. Seems like the #1 reason is Gaming, though. That can be solved through time and emails to the various companies making the games.

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I use my desktop for developing code for ARM processors as part of Uni course. While I could do this in Linux, its far easier using the (in my opinion very good) ARM Development Suite of which I ahve an old Windows copy. The latest version is available for Linux, buts a bit out of my budget. Thats basically it, although there are some old games I have that need Windows, but I could do without those.

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At present I am "clean" but, when I next buy a computer (or the one after that), I will probably get one purely for windows.




Because I have been experimenting with Linux music recording/making apps and I have caght the bug again ( after a two year or so break). Unfortuantely, Linux apps don't really seem to be up to the task - or if they are the docs are so rubbish that they are effectively useless. I want to get a PC that will be exclusively for music making. Ideally it would be a linux box - but I don't think this is realistic.


So I intend to give up my "clean" status at some point - unless the music situation improves...

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Guest CrypticalCat

What is keeping me from going clean?


1) Finding replacements for my Windows apps, not so much to do with dependance but more to do with highly specialized applications not found in Linux, at least not yet.

2) Lack of knowlege in installing non-RPM applications that could be used as replacements if I do find them. There are so many types its overwhelming. That's what this forum is all about, but it still takes time to aquire the knowledge and skills

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