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Steve Scrimpshire

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Everything posted by Steve Scrimpshire

  1. You don't need scsi emulation anymore in kernel-2.6 to burn CDs. Try removing the part of the append line in lilo.conf that says hdc=ide-scsi and run lilo -v as root and reboot. See if that clears up the problem.
  2. Make sure you have libgpgme and gnupg installed. It works fine for me.
  3. The mirrors have apparently moved the keys to a different directory. Thanks for pointing it out. I have fixed the tutorial.
  4. shhhhh...there's a large Gnome following here that'll call you out on that. :P
  5. bvc: Is this it? John: I know. Hence the :P in my reply. :P
  6. Not to totally disagree with John, but if you have an older, smaller slower graphics card, you may think your computer is running slower because the time to draw windows and refresh the desktop takes longer, especially with KDE or Gnome, but really, with 32 MB and up, you really shouldn't notice that much difference, unless of course, you are gaming.
  7. You'll have to run make modules && make modules_install after running the patch. Then try adding viamraid to /etc/modprobe.preload and reboot. Or, leave it in /etc/modprobe.preload and instead of rebooting do (as root): rmmod viamraid && modprobe viamraid There may be a way to just run make on the one module and then copy it in place and depmod -a, then modprobe it, but I'm not 100% sure how to do that. Also, if you get an error, try depmod -a and then modprobe it.
  8. Open a console and type uname -r that will tell you the name of the currently running kernel and 64 bit should be somewhere in the name.
  9. It sounds like a bad disk. Can you mount a data DVD such as the installation and then browse the directory structure in it? You can mount it by inserting the DVD and clicking the DVD icon on your desktop.
  10. If you are getting 'command not found' for modprobe or depmod, that can only mean that you are trying to run the commands as regular user and not as root. There is absolutely no way you could boot a system that was missing modprobe and/or depmod. Open a terminal and type su <<hit the enter key>> <<type your root password and hit enter....you will not see yourself typing anything>> You now have the powers of root and your prompt will change from a $ to a # showing that you are root. As for how to apply a patch, the command is usually patch -p1 /path/to/patch/file it is good idea to do this first, though: patch -p1 --dry-run /path/to/patch/file This will pretend to apply the patch and show exactly what it would do and if it would be successful.
  11. Cool. I just noticed this thread and was reading from the top and was about to suggest just that and then saw your last post. Thanks for the affirmation.
  12. Well, the reason I tried Mandrake (8.1) was because it was right there in the OS section of software in WalMart and it was a good price. I can't say it was easy to install, because I had a Gateway 700 series with a Jabil/Kadoka motherboard and it would not boot after install (it would hang right after "Press 'I' For Interactive Startup"), but it did not take long (a day or two) for someone to reply to my post on MandrakeExpert with the solution to hit F1 at the boot prompt and type Alt1 and install with the alternate 2.2 kernel instead of 2,4. This worked and it did not take me long to find the original incarnation of Mandrake User Board and the wealth of knowledge there and I stuck around, passing on the little knowledge I gained as I went along. I eventually went on to experiment. I tried RedHat (forget the version), but it felt too clunky and Windows-y for me. Tried to install Debian, but that failed every possible installation method I tried, until I eventually did a HD install of Knoppix and changed my apt-get sources to Debian Unstable and upgraded. Debian was great and is my second favorite distro. Tried Gentoo and after a week of installation and configuring, never could get X to work right with 3D acceleration, so I gave up. I keep coming back to Mandrake. Why? urpmi. Upgrading to the next release is as easy as keeping up to date with the updates and then changing my urpmi sources to the new release's tree and doing urpmi --auto --auto-select. Some upgrades were a tiny bit difficult because some naming conventions of pkgs changed and it confused urpmi, but overall relatively smooth. I keep hearing people complain about the problems with urpmi and how apt-get is soooooooooo much better and so is yum and yadayadayada, but I have had way less trouble with urpmi than apt-get or yum. The gui config tools of Mandrake are far superior than anything else I've tried, though they do have their problems. The variety of packages in Mandrake is amazingly vast. Why do I keep trying other distros? Well, to make sure this is the best I can do; to gain more experience in other methods of problem-solving to help others; because sometimes Mandrake makes me very mad at some of the stupid choices of development packages they use in critical areas of the OS and their customer service royally sucks. Note: Please read 'Mandriva' instead of 'Mandrake' where desired and appropriate.
  13. xmms can play alot of the streams of internet radio stations. Just right-click the 'Listen' link and copy the link and add it to your playlist in xmms and see if it works.
  14. Yeah...the first link is a 404 because this board took out part of the URL...or jean copied it wrong :P The second link is jean asking about the cost feasibility of buying a cheaper laptop with Mandrake preinstalled and if more ram could be added to it. The discussion dissolved into them telling him he wouldn't likely get an answer to a Mandrake question on a SUSE forum and then telling him he'd be better off buying a good laptop instead of trying to make a racehorse out of an ass. He goes on to say that with Linux pre-loaded, he knows it is fully compatible with Linux. I don't understand how this was supposed to show that Toshiba was in league with Microsoft....maybe the first link was supposed to show that. I have a Toshiba Satellite and it is all compatible with Linux except for the video card which is a Trident Blade3D and Trident have made it abundantly clear they are never going to release the source to their drivers for the open source community to use for 3D acceleration. The business about Toshiba being in league with Microsoft should already be settled, because the US courts, at least, have already stoned Microsoft for the anti-competitive practice of telling manufacturers and distributors that if they buy MS Windows' licenses, they have to place Windows on all their computers. As for the link posted later in the thread, the legal wording of the EULA would make it very, very easy for an individual to get their money back for the OS in small claims court in America and it usually comes down to that when it is challenged. I've read articles on this before.
  15. Well, before, it added acpi=ht in there....now it doesn't. As for lilo/grub, I prefer lilo, so it's no big deal for me, but the choice of bootloaders has been missing for awhile...you can change it at the summary screen, but I'm sure it would be nice for some to get the choice at the beginning.
  16. You should try sylpheed (stable) or sylpheed-claws (devel...gtk) or sylpheed-claws2 (devel...gtk2)...it was my favorite client before tbird. It can handle the /var/spool/mail/<<username>> stuff, IIRC, but I think you need sylpheed-mailmbox-plugin.
  17. John: KDE Control Center -> Component Chooser -> Web Browser Note that GTK apps will honor the setting in Gnome Control Center and QT apps honor the KDE Control Center setting. :P
  18. This is not really meant to be a complete review...just things that stuck out to me. Overall, I'd say the installer has become even more newbie-fied, which I would say is a good thing. Installation: - No 'expert' option anymore - Installer still installs lilo by default - Now installs/uses ugly mdkkdm + Option to copy installation sources to HD + When I select the 'development' section of pkgs, actual useful things actually get installed. + Detected my builtin orinoco wireless for the first time...didn't give me the option to configure it till the end, but this is the first time I haven't had to jump through hoops to get it to see it. Use: - Default dm is slow and sometimes seems to not be responding - No acpi in 'append' line of lilo.conf anymore + urpmi sources already set up with both the DVD and HD copy of DVD and used the HD copy first. Just my thoughts. I think we're getting somewhere overall.
  19. The 'correct' way to do this is in gnome-control-center -> Preferred Applications
  20. As for only connecting at 9600...it has nothing to do with it being a serial modem. In my experience, serial modems are actually faster and tend to be way more stable. I think the Intel may work, but you'd be way better off sticking out to get the serial modem to work. It's probably something minor, like not having the /etc/ppp/peers/resolv.conf which is what it sounds like to me.
  21. When you type lspci -v It may not show you specifically the D-Link card, but you should see it as an ethernet controller and it may just tell you the chipset. Judgng from the fact that you don't see it under hardware in mcc, though, I would say lspci -v does not see it see it either. Under hardware in mcc, do you see what might be it under Unknown/Other? Post the whole output of lspci -v and maybe we can help more. Tip: To copy text from the console and paste it here, just left-click drag to highlight and then come here and middle click in your post. Or an easy way would be to type lspci -v > lspci.txt And then come here and attach lspci.txt to your post. :D
  22. Can ntfsresize safely resize ntfs even with that pesky unmovable swapfile that Windows puts on there or should you boot into windows and disable it first?
  23. What version of firefox are you using? Is your plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or is it in the firefox plugin directory? It works for me in my mozilla directory and not in my firefox directory. I am using FF 1.0.4. What other extensions/plugins do you have installed? What theme are you using? A whole bunch of stuff could possibly be the problem.
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