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Everything posted by emmanuel_uk

  1. To upgrade from mdv 2007 to 2007.1 Do you think it is just going to be a case of put CD in, go to upgrade menu, deal with a few *.rpmnew and that is it? Thanks
  2. nop could be /dev/cdrom1 or /dev/dvd if you managed to partly install, then the cd should be partly ok at least sometimes cover disks are warped, or not well balanced, can cause trouble Did you test it on another PC? exactly what message. From here it sounds like dirty or wrapped cd. Is the error random after 2 or 3 installs?
  3. Do you want it new or 2d hand? It is a chicken and egg story. If you look in the kernel it gives you an idea of what chipset are good, then go to vendors and one by one look at card description and usually there is no full chipset description. If you start from description and google to see if it is linux supported it is not always easy to find anything If you ask somebody the card they know about is not available here I mean in other countries or is now discontinued We really need vendor to say "linux kernel enabled" or something of the like. Hope somebody has a good suggestion, anyway 2d hand or not, that maks a difference in what people can suggest. Hardware compatibility database? good but is the item still on sale... not always
  4. How to boot two Windows Vista with one Grub without installing a Linux http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147250
  5. Seen same problem somewhere else for a toshiba (unsolved yet) http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/sh...ad.php?t=500830 So you do not log anything? could you not just comment out something in /etc/sysconfig/syslog.conf (wherever this file is) or is this T alert embedded in the kernel? Maybe just not loading the acpi would have been enough?
  6. Mdv2007, can anybody please reproduce this? Using security level 4 (higher) However, using level 3, I can plug / unplug as many times as I want the usb drive. The fact it works only once make me think of a bug (I know I should not say that) Logged as myuser (part of adm and wheel). Level 4 draksec. Plug USB device. Icon comes up. Window comes up. Click ok. Can see pen drive content in konqueror media:/ (mounted as myuser group root) Click on device icon, remove safely, wait, remove pen. Icon goes away. Replug USB pen, icon appears, windows come, click OK, conqueror Points to media:/sda1 but nothing to display. Everytime I click on unmounted usb pen drive icon on desktop, pen get mounted once more To /mnt/removable-n where n =1,2,3… (same if using right hand click menu mount) Now pen drive icon in konqueror, media list, pen icon, will display very quickly a kind of small lock when clicking on pen drive icon. All the mount point /mnt/removable-n can be accessed via konqueror or ls -l System setup: Drakperm I added /mnt/ as 766 (Maybe should try /mnt/*) Files permissions are definetely an issue as they vary from level 3 to 4. But it looks like something else is involved using visudo as root I have set myusername ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/mount, /bin/umount $ ls -l /bin/mount -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 111404 Jun 29 19:57 /bin/mount* Things I tried 2 different USB pens Service haldaemon restart (give me fail + fail; cannot restart it) Looking at /var/log/syslog live I have not caught anything yet (away from PC now anyhow) I do not want for now to go into editing /etc/fstab with the like of /dev/sda1 /mnt/removable vfat defaults,noexec,users,noauto 0 0 because with HAL it should all be taken care of. So why/where Level 4 is dealing differently with mounting device? Thanks
  7. dooh!, should have googled as well, will teach me ;)
  8. Did you try grub? (I know, not adressing lilo, but for us it will help to advise people doing triple boot; are people going to keep xp and vista together :P , + linux?) +1 BTW, will never use vista, because I can
  9. You mean physically plugging the ribbon into another IDE channel? I imagine the HD and dvd drive have each a ribbon that each go on a different IDE channel (the HD and dvd not on same ribbon) Yurk, nasty problem. Have no direct answer. So here is a scater of ideas: Can you try downgrading k3b to earlier version? I have compiled the tar.gz in the past this is not too bad to do for k3b Try latest version? Check hdparm settings? DMA? It is not a media issue... have you tried a command line burn? growisofs seems to be the problem. remove reinstall growisofs? Any fancy BIOS options? probably not an issue anyway from what you describe Bit stumped here
  10. Novell's CEO <<We disagree with the recent statements made by Microsoft on the topic of Linux and patents [...]>> extracted from Well guys, I had wondered a lot about the Novell deal. Read a few things here and there. Am not working in IT industry, so a bit more difficult to think it through. Gowator's arguments tipped the balance, and the quote above convinced me all the way as it shows that maybe the agreement signed was not what Novell thought it was. What I mean, is that I read a lot in this quote, understand "signed one's life away, sh_t!" So devide and conquer, make water muddier. Quasi monopolistic approach with deeeeep pockets. Traw spanners in the works. You name it, it is there. Never seen smaller guys signing huge agreement with huge cooperation without being either swallowed, digested, phagocyted, dismantled... (got to do some good reading on this topic in case there are nice stories) Suse is gone from my HD. Suse is gone from my newbie recommendations list (I do not post only here). I do not like having to take that decision. The devide objective has been met. I do not see a better alternative (support or not support Suse), do you?. Keep promoting Suse and take longer term risk for the linux community, I do not think so. Lets see it as a fork, bye Suse (Maybe opensuse will fork?) Zinblows already made me lost one post that could have helped a newbie :sad:
  11. This is conflicting information. if you were running from the cd you would have a live distro, and a live distro on a PIII 500 MHz would be a bit slow. Maybe you meant knoppix? Anyhow, from here, (assuming mandy is installed) insert mandy cd, boot from cd, within ~10/20s you will get some kind of menu, try F1 and F2 and F3 you will see different information. On the command line just type rescue then enter Then you should have a menu "install bootloader" follow instruction and install grub rather than lilo, on the MBR (presumably single boot PC) quit all that remove cd and reboot, follow now the "e step"
  12. Is uuid a linux thing only? I do not do windows, so do not know At boot time in mdv both label and uuid are displayed. I suppose for the vfat, a bit of scripting might do the trick Say once it is mounted on default mountpoint a script looks at the label and mount the HD on another location... I believe uuid are unique, but label not necessarily
  13. -L label Mount the partition that has the specified label. -U uuid Mount the partition that has the specified uuid. These two options require the file /proc/partitions (present since Linux 2.1.116) to exist.
  14. Grub all the way ;-) Using the rescue mode of the install cd, it should be a breeze to replace lilo by grub
  15. jumping in the thread... sorry just another suggestion for rc.local service denyhost start also maybe try without the parallel init pinit=no (whatever the syntax is in grub to disable pinit, not sure) See if that helps
  16. I know nothing about pre-failure of nic card I suppose using/ borrowing a laptop you can ascertain if the copper cable house-to telephone box is not "damaged" Did you check you have no rootkit, no rogue process, nothing in the firewall logs here PING mozilla.org ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from moz.org01.nslb.sj.mozilla.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=235 time=164 ms so 198ms fo you is telline me the connection is fine A spare nic card is a few bucks/euros... Hope we can help you more Will rattle my head
  17. You have been around for a while so you must have some ideas... Are you worried upload or download or both? What is the architecture of the LAN, or is this a single PC Interesting question Would just using a laptop and a cable and ping be enough to test stress eth0 (provided firewall, kernel etc ok for icmp) You could easily script ping with usleep there is a distro called stresslinux, cannot remember if does eth0 Had difficulty using it because of wrong mobo
  18. Assuming you are using grub, it is just a question of editing as root /boot/grub/menu.lst and adding it to the kernel line For a first post this a strange one :) Welcome to the board, am sure this will be echoed
  19. Sorry, what is the relevance of your comment when the newest ATI closed source driver does not support the 9xxx series anymore? Indeed. But just to know if the 3d desktop will work, it is indicative enough, IMHO. You are right if really wanting to compare the two cards in finer details You do not need to, this is what I meant, to run the 3d desktop. If you are into gaming this might be a different story
  20. yes just a video card difference mostly This must be a configuration issue Am running 3D desktop super fast enough with a radeon 9250 with the open source driver. You can boost the FPS to 2000 by installing driconf My 2cents, you can install 2007 on a spare partition, and the 9250 will be more than enough
  21. in a terminal tail -f /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or tac /var/log/syslog | less would help to identify which services decides to shut down your system or what the exact messages is What laptop by the way? What model? Tosh and IBM have special kernel modules, so maybe T reading happens even without lm_sensors, not sure. (for example /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal or whatsnot) So I think you have some routes to explore, it is best to come back when you have more info and having done extra searches, so we all have a better idea of what is going on (my 2 cents)
  22. did you search fresmeat and sourceforge?
  23. do not know if I have it, not a linux box, neither firefox here, just wanted to get this being a config option out of the way. Lexx needs to post link to that dsp parameter
  24. look into lm_sensors; maybe the formula is wrong there for T calculation. Also as soon as 89 C shutdown occurs you could go in bios and read the real T for reference
  25. Worst case scenario take the HD out, put it in another PC install mandy on it, copy the dvd iso on another partition, transplant back HD, milleage will vary, but can be done
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