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How do you pronounce Linux?


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It is difficult for me to time the load up. I also have 9.0/me on my box. Overall, boot time might be faster in me, although I don't boot into a login screen like I do in Linux. If I time the actual GUI, both Linux and me have a flicker, and that has to do with how I am running the Nvidia drivers. At work, where I am using login with 98se, I think the load time is about the same as 9.0.

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Guess I should have specified faster than what. With mdk 9.0 (including no DMA) isntalled on a P-4 1.7ghz, 512 mb , it is decidedly slower than my P-3 800, with 512 mb running win 98se.


Going back to Suse till mdk gets their ide diks access problems , DMA, CD supermount, automount, etcc... . FIXED

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And I've found it to be slower than 8.2.  I hate to say it but I can boot up into ME a lot faster than I can MDK 9 and I've disabled as many services as I can at start up.


I have found 9.0 to be definately faster than 8.2 on all the boxes i have installed it on.


win me? it loads up it's screen before it has finished loading all the drivers.

you get a screen before win 98se but the hdd is thrashing away for a while after.


and anyway did u try disabling all the services that windows me doesn't have and 9.0 does?

compare win xp bootup to 9.0 bootup.


bootup time is not a prob for me as i don't need to dual boot much, and it's not like linux crashes very often anyway unlike win me that needs to bootup quick as you have to do it so often :P

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9.0 boots to a fully useable desktop (fluxbox though) in about 45 seconds. XP shows its ugly head in about 20-30 seconds but is not useable for about 1 minute after that.


as for usable speed it is quite fast, I dont know if it is faster then 8.2. This is on a 1.4GHz T-Bird with 320MB RAM

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For sure, ms deliberately brings up the pics in order to distract you from the load time, and the drive is running forever, even after the GUI seems ready. The psychology of it all works!!

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Guess I should have specified faster than what. With mdk 9.0 (including no DMA) isntalled on a P-4  1.7ghz, 512 mb , it is decidedly slower than my P-3 800, with 512 mb running win 98se.


Going back to Suse till mdk gets their ide diks access problems , DMA, CD supermount, automount, etcc... . FIXED



What do you mean "no dma"?

why would you not be using dma mode on your hdd's?


you can check and change the settings of your hdd's by using hdparam.

you may have to install it, it comes on cd 1

as su hdparam -i /dev/hda or what ever you hd is.

the pio/dma/udma mode with the * infront of it is the one its using


heres my work stations hda


[root@administrator john]# hdparm -i /dev/hda




Model=ST320413A, FwRev=3.39, SerialNo=5ED269L6

Config={ HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs RotSpdTol>.5% }

RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=0

BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=512kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=16

CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=39102336

IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, tDMA={min:120,rec:120}

PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4

DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2

UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 *udma5

AdvancedPM=no WriteCache=enabled

Drive conforms to: device does not report version: 1 2 3 4


[root@administrator john]#


heres an article on setting your hard drive parameters


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Ok.. here's how. I assume you know how to open up a terminal or console.


1. Open a console, type


followed by your root password.


2. Now use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local An example is using kwrite (in which you should have unless you didn't install kde). Type

kwrite /etc/rc.d/rc.local


3. Now go to the last line and type the commands to activate hdparm for all your harddisks and if you want, your cdroms also. In my case it is like this

hdparm -c3 -d1 /dev/hda

hdparm -c3 -d1 /dev/hdb

hdparm -c3 -d1 /dev/hdc

hdparm -c3 -d1 /dev/hdd


4. Save the file then exit.


The next time you boot, those commands will be executed automatically.

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Guest jglen490

It's really quite interesting how this thread was highjacked a little over half way through it (at least at this point) from a "how to pronounce" to a "how fast is yours" thread.


Anyway, "lih-nucks" and, yeah, my Mandrake 8.2 is slow on my P120 laptop,too, but I suspect it's a hardware thing.


Got both parts of this thread covered :D :D !!

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Please excuse the hijack...

I tried doing explicitly as suggested with Kwrite in the shell but the etc file did not come up, I t said only something about the server being open,, That worried my and I bailed.


Can this be done with mc?

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A friend recently told me he had always said "lie-nux" until he heard Linus say "lin - ix". I've always said lin-ix, and it goes well with the minix analogy. Lie-nux bugs me a little, but I'll only say something if it's a windows user bashing it!

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