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Which apps do you miss the most?


wine/wineX - good or bad for Linux?  

  1. 1. wine/wineX - good or bad for Linux?

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Which windows apps do you miss the most? I know that virtually all applications have their linux equivalents or have been ported but most people must have at least one pet app that they wish ran on Linux


I have two:


1) XML Spy - very useful and there is nothing to touch it on Linux or windows

2) Championship manager 4 - actually I never owned this, so I suppose I can't miss it. I have owned other versions though and it is one of my favourite games. I refuse to try and install it on wine/winex though so I either can't ever play it or have to play it on windows :cry:


Let me know what you reckon

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Quicken! Not just the regular edition but also the tax software. I'm using GnuCash right now and I don't like it nearly as much as I did Quicken. I also gave Kapital a try (I had to buy it! :lol: ) and it had way too many bugs. And I haven't seen any Linux tax software anywhere. Maybe Linux users don't do their taxes? :wink:

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There are two apps that I miss most from windows.. one probably can be wine-able and the other cannot.


1. Adobe Illustrator. I have to use this to do some stuffs. The thing is that no FOSS program yet that I have found that can open and edit .ai files.


2. This is the un-wine-able one.. cheat-o-matic. The simplest and the greatest cheating tool available for windows. Since it works by searching for memory address used by the window program, I don't think it can work in wine. The only way to duplicate this program is a native port or (if the command line version is actually available) an easy to use gui for the command line.

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I've found as good or better-than-Win Linux stuff for everything but TaxCut, IE & pcAnywhere. TaxCut is no big deal and I rarely use IE, but every now & then some website I gotta deal with refuses to work with anything else.

I absolutely MUST run pcAnywhere. It's the only reason I have to have Windows at home (with Win4Lin). I think GnuCash is great, it was one of the 1st apps I switched to after going Linux. Double-entry is the way to go. And the support for it is very good.

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I just an anerage user, except that I'm a comp.sc.-student :).....

I not really miss anything..kdevelop is great, although it could be better....

Do I really miss anything? I've MOH(I bought it when I still only ahd windows, the problem is that shops don't sell games for linux...), but that should run with wine(not tried it, listed on their site)....


The only thing I hope for is that the office-support in openopffice.org will get better...but anyway I like to send everything in pdf...so that everyone can read it...

So, I don't think an average user woudl have to miss anything....

(Like mozilla more than IE(their working on the problem that certain pages are IE-only I believe).)

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I've found as good or better-than-Win Linux stuff for everything but TaxCut, IE & pcAnywhere.  TaxCut is no big deal and I rarely use IE, but every now & then some website I gotta deal with refuses to work with anything else.  

I absolutely MUST run pcAnywhere.  It's the only reason I have to have Windows at home (with Win4Lin).  I think GnuCash is great, it was one of the 1st apps I switched to after going Linux.  Double-entry is the way to go.  And the support for it is very good.


You tried changing your user agent string in mozilla to IE? works for a lot of sites that don't normally allow mozilla (Bastards :evil: ).

Get an addon for mozilla here:


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I don't miss anything. I just started to write to a friend using Windows XP (he is using MSN). After 2-3 minutes, he replied saying .. "Why did you start talking to me .. the computer stoped responding and I had to reboot" ..





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Recently I tried using Mozilla, including the plugin you suggested but Mozilla was little or no more effective than Opera and I like Opera much better - faster, less bloated, etc. I've tried changing the ID of Opera to IE but it doesn't help too much, and besides, I want webmasters to know that something other than IE is accessing their site.


Opera 7 is supposed to solve at least some some of the compatiblity problems, not that 6.12 gives me much now, it really doesn't, just here & there. I tried Opera 7 Beta1, but couldn't get Java going. And Opera 7, like Mozilla, includes a lot of stuff I don't need or want, so I may stay with Opera 6 for quite a while. It's fast, stable, and resonably lean. Everything's a trade-off, but to me, given a choice simpler is better. I mean, I do most ordinary surfing with Links...


Now at my business, we have no choice - IE it is, and that's that!

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Quicken mainly, it's what I run with wine. I also wish there were some decent chess software (such as Chessbase, which doesn't work with wine), xboard and Crafty don't cut it. If not for Quicken and tax software I would erase my Windows partition forever.

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....., and anything Office 2000...and NO, there are no equivalent to these....not even close.


I really find that hard to believe. No offense.... :wink:


Personally, and this might be simply because I don't use many of the advanced functions of any word processor I've ever used (and I've used Word, WordPerfect, and Open Office), I've never come across anything that Word could do that WordPerfect or Open Office couldn't do, and this applies to any Word documents I've written at my current job as well.


I think familiarity tends to keep a user on a particular set of applications, more so than whether or not said set of applications are truly superior.


I'm in the same boat with Music Notation software.


Again, this is just my thoughts. No flame war intended. :wink:

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IMHO, the most user friendly word processor is Lotus Word Pro, part of Lotus SmartSuite. I also really enjoy SmartSuite's Freelance Graphics and especially its really fantastic Lotus Organizer.


So I have to disagree with my fellow Houstonian and friend bvc since I started out on MS Office 97, but learned Lotus SmartSuite when it came free with my IBM Aptiva in 1999 (destroyed by tropical storm Allison in 2001), and also free with two Toshiba laptops.


It's InfoBox is so much faster to use for formatting text and setting up pages than anything else, and I've used MS Office 97, 2000, XP; WordPerfect 9, StarOffice and OpenOffice.org.


Nothing else compares...and more than being functional, it's fun to use!


So I keep WinXP on a separate partition for it and its SmartCenter.


I sure wish that IBM had not cut back its Lotus stafff and would really make a Linux version of Lotus SmartSuite; but about eight months ago they stopped selling it in retail stores, and it can only be bought on their website. :(


Also, another program I can't do without in Windows is called Atomica (recently renamed Gurunet...go to www.atomica.com).


But now I'm in Linux at home about 90% of the time because its a greater learning tool and also fun. :wink:



Richard L.

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For me, gnomesword is the closest you can get for e-sword. Yeah, I have e-sword for windows too and I think it's really peachy (especially the prayer schedule and stuff) but gnomesword is the best e-sword replacement available for linux. Bibletime is not that level yet.

Now if only gnomesword is ported to gtk2 and have good fonts available. The fonts in gnomesword is yucky imo.

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