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Show off your Desktop January 2007!


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Yeah good point! I run a dual monitor setup (seperate desktops) & the screenie I posted is the secondary one. Don't really like icons, folders, files all over the desktop (we have a file system - so file them :) ) Anyway... it's Mandriva 2007 - KDE 3.5.4 - superkaramba - taskbar hidden & when visible the icons fill the blank squares at the top..

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I'm back in Sunny Cheshire tonight :P


My desktop, hasn't changed much.


Mandriva 2007 and Alta Badia wallpaper. 1280x800 on my Toshiba Tecra A8 Centrino Duo Core 2 Duo.

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in ubuntu...having troubles getting arch to install on the new system configuration...


[click for larger as usual]


Zen for the controls, Gartoon icon theme, rezlooks-graphite beryl theme.

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Where did you get that Ubuntu wallpaper? Never seen it before. Somehow it looks a bit of the XFCE ubuntu-ish

gnome-look.org...don't remember the name of it. it's transparent so you see your desktop background color behind it, which is what i wanted so i could easily change it to fit the theme.

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