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Future releases of Commercial games for Linux

Artificial Intelligence

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Unreal Tournament 3 - Unknown future, aim your anger at spy-games



0 .A.d. - Soon



X3: Reunion - Soon



The Broken Hourglass - soon



Afterfall - Under Development



The Legend of Crystal Valley - Under Development



World under Siege - Under Development



Astromenace 2 - Under Development

Check viewizard homepage


Wakfu - Under Development



The Age of Decadence - Under Development



Shadowgrounds - Under Development



Shadowgrounds Survivor - Under Development



Hacker Evolution - Port comming really soon



World of Goo - Under developmet



Multiwinia - Under development




Released since thread made


Savage 2: A Tortured Soul - Released



Quake IV will be released for Linux - Released



Serious Sam 2 for Linux - released



Penumbra: Black Plague - Released



On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness - Released


Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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Estimated release date is Summer 2006, according to their website.


Also, in their FAQ's, they state:

Will S2 run on Linux?

Let me start by saying that I would like to do a Linux port. However our new engine (name K2) is DirectX driven, but we are contemplating doing an OpenGL version for a Linux port. Its not ruled out by any means. We'll definitely contact those guys (transgaming.com) and do what we can to make sure it emulates as well as possible, port or not.

Edited by tyme
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I played the original Savage and completely loved it. To me it felt like a FPS strategy game. Completely an awesome game. And to hear that the second version of it is coming to Linux is even better, I'll make sure that I buy it when it comes out.

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Company: S2Games

Release Date: Summer 2006

Requirements: -

Graphics: Fully Dynamic Self Shadows # Higher Quality Models #Higher Quality Animations # Bump Mapping and Pixel Shaders # Realistic Reflective Water Effects # Point Lighting # Enhanced Spell Effect System.

Gameplay: More Control For Action Players # Improved Melee System # More Battlegroup Officer Based # FPS Fast Action Paced Gameplay for Certain characters # Third Person RPG Accessible GamePlay for others # Better Items With More RPG Element # Enhanced Spell Casting System.

Sound: -

Screenshots: Screenshot Pages

Related Sites: S2Games # Savage: Battle for Newerth.



Quake IV will be released for Linux



Serious Sam 2 for Linux - Soon



Hey All;

Long time no post :) I just thought I would pass on the word that you can now download and test out Serious Sam 2 Linux Client (RC) along with everyone else (like me). All you have to do is send an email to Vedran at the Link below;



or just click on the link below.



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