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Future releases of Commercial games for Linux

Artificial Intelligence

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Penumbra: Black Plague (check out Penumbra: Overture as Black Plague is Penumbra 2)

Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness

Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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Afterfall - If you're into fallout this is the game.


Afterfall promises to be very realistic and beautiful.

You could do a lot of things there , drive vehicles, travel with parties use drugs , mutate, implant cybernetic organs, trade in slaves, move things, realistic NPC's who don't just rush to die and much much much much more....

This game will have many similarities to fallout , the turn based battles will be similar, the ability to chose in which part of the body you want to shoot at and many other things.

This game is for the more mature audience ands is not suitable for kids.

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Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness released! (list modified)


and ofcause Penumbra: Black Plague, which I forgot earlier.

Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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  • 6 months later...

nooo....all fps games and other questing games...im sick of them, and all the games that were listed above sorry all of them are a bunch of loser projects besides UT3 and Quake.And questing games well WoW and guild wars is enough for me since they run on cedega and crossover perfectly, age of conan would be a nice port.But why, why, is there no stratagy games for linux? I demand a something like Children of the Nile or City Life for linux! :P


Not fair the mac people get all the goodies ported and the linux users are left in the dust

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Depends which kind of strategy. I like x4 Strategy so I play Dominions 2 + 3.


If you don't buy any of the games which are native for linux how will you persuade others to make their games available for linux hmmmm.


and all the games that were listed above sorry all of them are a bunch of loser

Speaking from the horse mouth.

Edited by Artificial Intelligence
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