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Show off your desktop: November


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Last month was a ripper with plenty of screenies, keep them awesome desktops coming and the kickass themes bvc :D


Each Month, a new thread will be started, this month, it's Show off your Desktop: October, next it's Show off your Desktop: November and a :beer: for anyone who can guess the next month's post name.


At the end of the month the thread is locked, then the new one started. Simple.


Now the competitive part...


Competing is totally optional, and you can continue posting screenshots as always without a worry


If you do wish to enter...

During each month, a member may nominate one of their own screenshots to go into the competition. You may write the nomination into the post when you post it, by putting this text into the top of the post. The point of this text is so that the screenshot is clearly marked for entry.


[b]Nominated Screenshot[/b]


You may only nominate one screenshot.


You may change which screenshot, so long as you change it before the end of the month.


This thread replaces the Show off your Desktop.


The competition is totally optional any you may resume regular screenshot uploading as per normal :D


Each month I will browse through the thread, and pick out the nominated screenshots and put them into a special poll.  This poll will consist of a post in which I will list and link to the nominated screenshots, to vote, reply with the name of the user who's screeny you want to vote for.


This poll will run for about 10 days after the end of the month, and the winner is awarded. There may be a small prize...


Good luck, and may the best eyecandy win :D  :banana: :

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Guest Tsjoklat

Thank you :) You were the reason why I ended up here, love your work, especially what you did with the Marcintesh theme :)

Edited by Tsjoklat
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Thank you! I really thought more would like it. Everyone complains that there's not enough brighter, more colorful themes, and it also has a soft look. Maybe that's the side that people don't like about it. I like it. Glad you do to. :D

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This isn't a very exciting screenshot. This is a shot of XFCE 4.2 Beta2 running on my G3 clamshell ibook. Please feel free to hurl abuse at me... I think it looks spiffy. It's fast, clean and very friendly on my lowly 366Mhz Apple.


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My desktops don't tend to change very much. Same ol' transparency stuff, just diff fluxbox themes. I need to try something entirely different for fun sometime soon. Gkrellm is in the fluxbox slit which is located on the left. Finally got those lm-sensors working! Anyways here is November Screenshot 1:

Nov. Screenie 1

Edited by LukeK
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here comes something completely different.

nominated screenie! :lol: :lol:


believe it or not, i somehow like that one....


yeah, i am crazy. so what? :beer:

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