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Nominated October Screenshots


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thanks for the votes folks, but i'm either gonna have to disqualify myself, or you're going to have to start over. it seems young iphitus linked the wrong desktop to me. i will pm him & try to catch him in irc, but this is the proper link to & look of my desktop..............




is it against the law to kick kangaroo butt? :juggle:



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Sorry for the mistake, I won't make it again next month. When I added all the screenshots in, i added both Chrisz's then I must have removed the wrong one, sorry!


Those who have voted for Chrisz, It would be best if you viewed the correct one, and then reconsidered your vote, or you could just keep your current chrisz vote :D


This is the correct one.


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i like FX's (especially because my name is figured prominently) :cheesy: & i like the evil pumpkin theme.



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gee, Far to many... I went through and tried to grade em all 1-5 and ended up with mainly 4's and 5's... DOlsen's was 'original' but gave me nightmares:D


In other words this is very high quality stuff....


perhaps we should think through the voting and go for say 3 each?

I honestly can't make up my mind...

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