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How I Got Wireless Working with ndiswrapper


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Guest Adrian Baker

Ok, yet another user struggling with ndiswrapper...... With a USB D-link DWL G122 'dongle'. (Using Mandrake 10.1 Community)


ndiswrapper is installed, with XP drivers from the CD.

ndiswrapper -l shows driver present hardware present.


modprobe ndiswrapper gives no error report


However, as is the case with many people on this forum, when I type in Iwconfig I get a list of devices, but NOT wlan0.


I added the code


alias wlan0 ndiswrapper

install ndiswrapper /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ndiswrapper && { loadndisdriver 2001:3c00 /etc/ndiswrapper/netrtusb/rt2500usb.sys; /etc/ndiswrapper/netrtusb/netrtusb.inf; }


to my /etc/modprobe.conf file.


I wasn't sure about the 2001:3c00 but I typed 'lsusb' to find my USB D-link device and got the reply:


BUS 004 Device 003 : ID 2001:3c00 D-link Corp. [hex]


so I guessed that the 2001:3c00 was the ID to use.


OK, so what am I doing wrong? My USB D-link LED doesn't light up and the computer cant seem to find wlan0



Any ideas folks? I'm a newbie, so not too brief an answer please!

Any help appreciated

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Guest merlin73
If you're having issues with a particular part of my guide I'd be glad to help, just let me know what the problem is.


Hi beesea,

I've done everything your guide says and it works up to the part "iwconfig". I have the wireless tools package installed. When I type "iwconfig" all I get is :


lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

sit0 no wireless extensions.


Can you tell me why wlan0 isn't showing? And what I have to do to fix it?



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I have the wireless tools package installed. When I type "iwconfig" all I get is :


lo        no wireless extensions.

eth0      no wireless extensions.

sit0      no wireless extensions.


Can you tell me why wlan0 isn't showing? And what I have to do to fix it?



I haven't seen the guide, but "modprobe ndiswrapper" usually gets wlan(0) going and then iwconfig will work to set it up.


You can also try "Service network restart" after "modprobe ndiswrapper", assumimg ndiswrapper is set up, of course. That will also get it going.


Britt Dickson

Member 3.14159

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Ok, yet another user struggling with ndiswrapper......  With a USB D-link DWL G122 'dongle'.  (Using Mandrake 10.1 Community)


ndiswrapper is installed, with XP drivers from the CD. 

ndiswrapper -l shows driver present  hardware present.


modprobe ndiswrapper gives no error report


However, as is the case with many people on this forum, when I type in Iwconfig I get a list of devices, but NOT wlan0.


I added the code


alias wlan0 ndiswrapper

install ndiswrapper /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ndiswrapper && { loadndisdriver 2001:3c00 /etc/ndiswrapper/netrtusb/rt2500usb.sys; /etc/ndiswrapper/netrtusb/netrtusb.inf; }

to my /etc/modprobe.conf file.


I wasn't sure about the 2001:3c00 but I typed 'lsusb' to find my USB D-link device and got the reply:


BUS 004 Device 003 : ID 2001:3c00 D-link Corp. [hex]


so I guessed that the 2001:3c00 was the ID to use.


OK, so what am I doing wrong?  My USB D-link LED doesn't light up and the computer cant seem to find wlan0



Any ideas folks?  I'm a newbie, so not too brief an answer please! 

Any help appreciated




You shouldn't really need all the above past "modprobe ndiswrapper". That's supposed to fire off wlan(0) which will then show up with "iwconfig all".


Try using drakconf, or the Configuration Center in X11 mode and add ndiswrapper there (under network connections): sometimes making the tool do it will help solve stubborn problems, even if you have etc/modprobe.conf memorized.


Britt Dickson

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I hope that someone can find this useful.? Of course is anything here is wrong or if there's an easier way, then by all means do tell!


It should be a lot easier than that, although remember that ndiswrapper was kind of flaky until Mandriva 10.1, unless you added it yourself, which I found difficult. Anyway, using text mode, I cd to the directory on my drive where the XP drivers have been exploded (It's a dual-boot setup), then "ndiswrapper -i YourFile.inf" loads the XP drivers (the .inf and the .sys), and then "modprobe ndiswrapper" starts up wlan(0) and you set it with your declarations or using iwconfig. It remembers settings between boots, and the OS will even pick up a different card if you swap them between boots, and set it all up for you.


Britt Dickson

Member 3.14159

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thanks for posting that.  however, my HP nx9030 has a on-off button for the internal intel 2200. apparently this tell the card to switch the "radio" on and off.


i'm aware of rfswitch, but the instructions on usage are confusing. anyone else manage to figure out how to switch their card "on" and "off" via software?



ifconfig wlan(0) up


ifconfig wlan(0) down


Britt Dickson

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Guest merlin73


I haven't seen the guide, but "modprobe ndiswrapper" usually gets wlan(0) going and then iwconfig will work to set it up.


You can also try "Service network restart" after "modprobe ndiswrapper", assumimg ndiswrapper is set up, of course. That will also get it going.


Britt Dickson

Member 3.14159

Hi Britt,

I've typed "modprobe ndiswrapper" and it didn't come up with any error messages so I'm guessing it loaded. But it still doesn't show up with "iwconfig", which I think is the same problem everyone else is having.

I was just reading you last post and tried "ndiswrapper -i YourFile.inf". All I got was bash: command not found. error. it seems ndiswrapper command isn't there but loadndisdriver is. I'm using 0.4 version, default with mandrake 10.0 if that makes any difference.



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First of all: thanks a lot to beesea for this HOWTO!


I have a D-Link GWL-G122. The green LED is lighting but I can't connect to the site of my router.

Here's what iwconfig says about wlan0:

IEEE 802.11g ESSID="Speed...." Nickname=""
Mode:managed AccesPoint: 00:10:C6...
...(a lot of other things which I think are not very important)

Here's what ifconfig says about wlan0:

Protokoll: Ethernet Hardware Adress: .....
inet Adress: Bcast: Mask:



I don't know how to configure my mandrake so that he will connect to the internet through wlan0.


thanks for help, Jakob.

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I'm using Mandriva 2006 and a D-Link DWL-122 (802.11b) USB adapter. I've followed the instructions as posted in the first post and run into problems with executing "lspci" in the command console.


My USB adapter doesn't show up in the list. I know it's recognized by the computer because it shows up in the hardware configuration screen.


I've been struggling with this on and off for a few months now and it's getting pretty aggravating, as one might expect.


Anyone have any ideas?



What's weirder is that when I booted up Mandriva (after about two months of not doing so) and connected my USB adapter and tried connecting to a network, it displayed my home network. So I told it to connect to the network and then proceeded to use Firefox, which then wouldn't connect to the internet. So I ran the config tool in the Hardware config utility and it told me to restart my X environment. Thinking of Windows, I rebooted. So I reloaded and now the networks aren't recognized. Nothing shows up.






I just figured out that there is a "lsusb" command and will try this out when I get home.

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Ok, I used "lsusb" to find the ID for the USB adapter and plugged those numbers into modprobe.conf. Then I run "modprobe ndiswrapper"


Nothing happens. It just gives me a blank space to run another command, like it doesn't recignize ndiswrapper or the modprobe.


I run "iwconfig" and it recognizes wlan0, but says that there are no network extensions. I have no idea what to do.

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I just installed Mandriva 2007.1 Spring and tried installing ndiswrapper to make my wireless device work. But when I tried to run modprobe I encountered the following error:

FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-13mdv/kernel/3rdparty/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko.gz): Invalid argument

FATAL: Error running install command for ndiswrapper


I am trying to install ndiswrapper for Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (w39n51.sys and w39n51.inf)


I would appreciate any help.

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I am trying to install ndiswrapper for Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG

Your wireless card has a native Linux driver for it, as you have already been told in this post here. :)


All you need to do is use the easyurpmi link in that post to set up urpmi, and be sure to add the plf-free and plf-non-free repos. Then in a terminal as root do

urpmi dkms-ipw3945

or use the gui Software Installer and select dkms-ipw3945, it will install the other dependencies automatically. Then use the gui to set up you network connection.

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