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Is Mandrivausers dead?


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I have noticed a dropoff in activity on the forum since Mandriva was sold. I seems that this used to be a much more active forum. Did everybody run off to Mageia? The Mandriva forum? Another distro?


I have been running Mandriva (Mandrake) since 2003 and have had good luck with it. But that was partly because of the support supplied by this forum. If the community has dried up, I might look elsewhere for my next upgrade. I have been reading up on Ubuntu. All of the ubuntu forums seem to be quite active.


I'm not trying to start an argument, I just am wondering what is going on with all the fine folks that used to populate this forum.


Suggestions? Ideas? Dopeslaps? :o





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Don't think one can say "MandrivaUsers-forum" is dead, no.

But i can tell, activity has been greater in former periods.

Same thing is happening to the Mandriva-forum, especially the English part of it.

And also the Mandrivaclub.nl-forum, in my own country, experiences a drop-down.

For where it concerns Mageia, this distribution does not have a forum yet.

Topics are set up for Mageia in the aforementioned forums, and are neither over-populated.


On the other hand, one could say, all Mandriva-users are quite satisfied with their distribution, and don't have reasons to visit.

But your idea about changes of population since the overtake of Mandriva S.A., i also could second.


Let's hope for the best, and maybe the introduction of Mandriva 2011, later in the year, will spark things up.



Edit: Mageia has a mailing-list-forum.

Edited by isadora
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Thanks for the update. I am currently running Mandy 2008 Spring so I need to upgrade. I tend to keep my OS around for a while for stability, so I don't want to jump into a distro that is a dead-end. I am used to the Red Hat model, so jumping into Debian (ubuntu) would require more learning curve than I would like to do... but.... if Mandy is gonzo....




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We're all still here. You know, you don't just have to come here and post about problems. Everyone can come here and chat too. Posting comes in fits and bursts, usually when a new version comes out and people have problems. That has happened. Then there is the lull.


Come and join in, post, chat, doesn't just have to be about problems :)

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That is good to know. I am getting very close to needing an upgrade, but have not figured out what to do. My old 2008 Spring is not working well with this replacement MOBO. We fried the original MOBO and had to replace it, and ever since then a lot of stuff doesn't work. I suspect outdated drivers are to blame. I have been told by someone more knowledgeable than I that I could probably fix it by reinstalling what I have, but if I am going to go through a re-install, I think I want something newer anyway.


I looked at Mandy 2010.1 on a live CD a few months ago and sort of liked what I saw. But I have dallied so long that 2010 is almost an old distro now too. Maybe I will wait for 2011 and see what happens.




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That is good to know. I am getting very close to needing an upgrade, but have not figured out what to do. My old 2008 Spring is not working well with this replacement MOBO. We fried the original MOBO and had to replace it, and ever since then a lot of stuff doesn't work. I suspect outdated drivers are to blame. I have been told by someone more knowledgeable than I that I could probably fix it by reinstalling what I have, but if I am going to go through a re-install, I think I want something newer anyway.


I'm still running MDV 2008.1 too, but since I also upgraded my mobo like you I also had driver problems so I backported the 2.6.27 linux kernel (from MDV 2009.0) to MDV 2008.1. If you want it I could provide you my kernel RPM packages so you could try to see if 2.6.27 is new enough for your mobo.

The backported kernel is the desktop version for 32bit. I also changed the config so that it supports more than 4GB RAM.

It has been running absolutely stable here since I installed it.

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Thanks for the offer. I think I want to upgrade the rest of it as well. My apps are getting a bit long in the tooth.


Every time I upgrade I worry that the new apps won't work with my old data. I have a lot of legacy data with some of them, most importantly Kmail and Quanta+. KDE has changed a lot since I started using those tools. I guess the only way to find out is to try it.




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Isn't dual boot with one of the latest Mandriva-versions an option?

That way you can test out, and decide later.



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That's a great idea. But I have some questions, like what do I do when the new tools reconfigure all of my configuration files? Or do they not do that? I have some seriously old apps.


I also, I didn't partition this disk to leave room for a second OS installation. :blush: Here is my system


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1 7.7G 2.1G 5.3G 29% /

/dev/sda7 191G 67G 124G 35% /home

/dev/sda5 30G 6.4G 22G 23% /usr




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It's doable with what you have. Just shrink /home by about 20G and install the new operating system there, reuse /home but and I can't emphasize this enough create a new user for the new install, that way it will not touch any of your configurations.

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I can't emphasize this enough create a new user for the new install, that way it will not touch any of your configurations.


that's what I always do when trying a distro, and well I've not been active lately because I don't have internet anymore (but I'll soon have access) but whenever I got time to sit in a computer with internet, one of the 1st things that I do is check what's new here, that's how I noticed the mandriva 2010.2 because I was not informed it was released ;) but hey try what K Bergen says and you'll tell us your experience..I'm satisfied with mandriva :D


who else is with me? :beer:

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