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Is Mandrivausers dead?


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Could be, but I have 4.0.x anyway so should have been OK. Downloaded the DVD just now, so building a new machine with this, and will see what happens. Not given up so easily :)


But that post does confirm that unless you have the DVD you don't have the ability to install the system under VirtualBox, because you're missing the relevant kernel-devel packages, etc, which enable you to build the guest additions.




It seems after install from the DVD, everything works fine. So, the Dual Arch CD is certainly missing something which doesn't allow you to use this particular CD for installing in VirtualBox. The DVD is required, which is kind of sad, since it means I have to download 4GB, instead of 700MB. So now can do a bit of testing now.

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Sadly, Mageia for me in VirtualBox was a complete showstopper. Installed fine, but wouldn't start a graphical environment. Had what I expected was going to be the login screen, but no login box appeared. Disappointing. Maybe because it's the RC? Doubt it though.


Tried installing guest additions, but cannot because no kernel-devel available. Can't download it, because from the console, no way to get the mirrors set up to download packages and install without having to spend way too much effort, than if the GUI had been available, I could have logged in and clicked to set it up.


Had downloaded the Dual Arch 700MB CD which should have been sufficient to have a system working. Sadly it seems, not. If it cannot give a working graphical environment, it doesn't fill me full of hope. Every other distro I've tested in VirtualBox works fine.


Will try the full release in a couple of days to see if it's any better. The 700MB should have been enough to get the system working. However, seems I will have to download the full DVD so that I've got all packages available, including a kernel-devel. Kind of defeats the object, and that I have to jump through hoops to get a working system.




Can't speak for the virtual environment, but the test system I used is an old 950 mhz cpu with 750 megs of ram using on-board video. The Mageia RC worked quite well, and the Mageia team has been pushing out the updates for the RC at an amazing rate. The only quirk I encountered was playing a music CD; all the players wanted to rip the songs to HD first before playing the music, wouldn't just play from the CD. Tried both KDE and Enlightment17 desktops, and very pleased with the support the team and contributers have given to this in first release. Looking forward to the final release in two days!


Happily impressed.


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Tried and ditched Mepis, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Fedora, Suse, MoonOS - back at Mandriva 2010.2 with Gnome. And everything works... finally. :)


Will test Mageia on my old lappy though in a few days.

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I have found on Mandy 2010.2 that some packages appear to install and then I cannot find them. For example, I installed kdewebdev and I cannot find Quanta Plus anywhere. Anybody else having these problems?


It is good to see some traffic on this forum again.





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I have found on Mandy 2010.2 that some packages appear to install and then I cannot find them. For example, I installed kdewebdev and I cannot find Quanta Plus anywhere. Anybody else having these problems?


It is good to see some traffic on this forum again.






To me it seems kdewebdev4 does not install much more than:




For Quanta i can't give you any information, for i cannot install it through MCC.


I am using Mandriva 2010.2-64bits.

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Kooka is gone too.


And I installed kdegames4 and got nothing.


I think the 2010.2 repositories WRT KDE are not complete compared to previous releases.


K3B installed OK as did Audacity.


The desktop itself seems to be working OK.




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I think the 2010.2 repositories WRT KDE are not complete compared to previous releases.

Quite possible. As you might know, 2010.2 was never a really finished distro but more of an update to 2010.1 with some cooker-stuff. Thus, for stability-reasons I'd prefer 2010.1 over 2010.2


Btw: I also ran into the first problem with 2010.2. My printer, which worked in all previous releases, suddenly isn't detected anymore. Argh!!!

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I guess I assumed that if I installed 2010.2 I would get all of 2010.1 plus the upgrades. Maybe I am missing something. I did my install from the 2010.2 One live CD. I have not tried to set up my printers yet, so that could be another fiasco in the making.




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I just had an interesting experiment. Yesterday I installed a package called kdegames4. There were two of them, 4.4.3 with a release of 2mdv2010.1 and 4.4.5 with a release of 0.2mdv2010.2. I installed the later release, 4.4.5 and nothing showed up. So just on a hunch today I uninstalled that version and installed the 4.4.3 version and the games are there.


Something wrong with the links? I am afraid that I do not understand the details of how the package manager works.


What other empty links or empty packages are out there?


Very strange.


But we have our games now. :thumbs:




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4.4.3 is in /main/release, 4.4.5 is in /main/updates. I suspect that the 4.4.5 version is missing a dependency or dependencies.


When you update, you'll get the 4.4.5 version, probably with the required dependencies, since the original packages are already installed.




Edit: Scratch that - I've just installed the 4.4.5 version - and the games all showed up in the menu. It seems that the problem may be with your system or the mirror that you are using.

Edited by jkerr82508
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