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jkerr82508 last won the day on October 15 2013

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    Mageia 6

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    Fife, Scotland

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  1. http://blog.mageia.org/en/2015/06/19/solid-and-strong-and-humming-along-heres-mageia-5/ Jim
  2. jkerr82508


    Report on IRC is that there was a power outage in the data centre. Hopefully none of Mageia's hardware has been damaged. TuxFamily are hosted in the same data centre: http://tuxfamily.org/fr/news/2015061200 Jim
  3. What I would do: Connect the second hard drive and make sure that the first hard drive is seen by the BIOS as the boot drive. Unplug the first hard drive. Install Windows 98. Reconnect the first hard drive and, just to be sure, again check that the first drive is the BIOS boot drive. Install linux, placing the Grub bootloader on the MBR of the first hard drive. If you're lucky, the linux installer will have created boot entries for both Windows XP and Windows 98. If not, you will need to create them in /boot/grub/menu.lst: For Windows XP, something like: title Windows XP root (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader +1 and for Windows 98, something like: title Windows 98 rootnoverify (hd1,0) map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) makeactive chainloader +1 if this doesn't work try rootnoverify (hd1) This assumes that you are using Grub and not Grub2. If you have selected a distro that uses Grub2 then it requires some other exotic incantation, that I'm not familiar with. Mageia uses Grub as default (with Grub2 available as an option). OpenMandriva uses Grub2. Caveat - it's been a very long time since I touched Windows 98 and so this may be out-dated. :huh: Jim
  4. RHEL is a commercial product. If you don't want to pay for official RedHat support, you'd be better off using one of the RHEL clones - CentOS or Scientific Linux. http://www.redhat.com/archives/redhat-install-list/2009-September/msg00004.html Jim
  5. Mandriva 2010 is long past EOL. Mandriva no longer produces a linux distribution. Some day, no one knows when, OpenMandriva may produce a stable release. https://forums.openmandriva.org/en/ In the meantime there are several Mandriva derivatives that are worth trying: http://www.pclinuxos.com/about/ http://wiki.rosalab.ru/en/index.php/ROSA_Release http://www.mageia.org/en/ All three of these offer versions of the Control Centre and other graphical tools familiar to former Mandriva users. Jim
  6. Try setting it in System Settings - File Associations. Jim
  7. Ask the people at http://urpmi.mageia.tk/?language=en for a copy of their code. Note that they are not using the easyurpmi code, but they have devised their own version "based on easyurpmi". If you want the original easyurpmi code, all that I can suggest is what I already suggested - send a message to easyurpmi-devel. Jim
  8. The main reason that the easyurpmi site was created was to provide an easy way for users of Mandrake/Mandriva to add the PLF repositories, which provided software that is potentially patent encumbered. Mandriva, as a commercial entity, could not risk being sued by those claiming to own the alleged patents and so provided neither the software nor an "official" way to add the PLF repositories. The corporate backed MandrivaLinux is now defunct (the final release, 2011, went EOL at the end of February) and so there is now no need for PLF. Such software is provided by the successor distro's directly. OpenMandriva uses the Rosa replacement for PLF, which it calls "restricted". Mageia has its own "tainted" repositories. These repositories can be added using the tools available within the distro's and so there is no need for easyurpmi and the code is no longer being maintained. PLF repositories for older versions of MandrivaLinux are still available on some mirrors, such as ftp://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/plf/ but packages are no longer being updated. To obtain the code for easyurpmi you could try asking in the easyurpmi-devel ML: https://www.zarb.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/easyurpmi-devel Although I don't know if anyone still follows that list. Jim
  9. I think I know to whom you are referring. Although my reaction to some of his posts is not dissimilar to yours, he does seem to help many people. I believe that he has been involved in the German Mandriva/Mageia communities for several years, but his "Teutonic" style probably can be annoying to some people. :) Jim
  10. One of the reasons that many of us like Mageia is that it is "just like Mandriva" used to be. :) Jim
  11. Official support for 2010.2 ended on July 8th. So there will be no more updates. http://www.mandriva.com/en/support/lifecycle/ Jim
  12. Mageia 2 will have 32 bit and 64 bit live CD's as well as 32 bit and 64 bit DVD's. http://www.mageia.org/en/2/ Alpha 3 is due on or about 12th January. Jim
  13. http://www.winehq.org/about/ Packages are in the repo's Jim
  14. Mageia is a fork of Mandriva and so uses the traditional Mandriva package management systems, such as urpmi and rpmdrake. Most of the dev's who maintained those systems for Mandriva now contribute to Mageia. Not so far as I know. No. Instead they have official "tainted" repo's which include most of what was in PLF. Not yet, but more are being added as the number of packagers increases. Jim
  15. http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Upgrading_Mandriva_Linux_from_2010_to_2011 Jim
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