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Everything posted by paul

  1. paul

    xfce4 and 9.2

    for those of you that have 9.2 installed .... is xfce4 on it? or is it in contrib/texstar/plf ???
  2. can some post the MD5SUMS for the new MDK 9.2 please?
  3. paul

    Enemy Territory league

    cybrjackle, pm (or email) anon, and they can go on his server (no room left here) ... and if I had spare time, yes I would love to start the league. Hey, have you got the church map? its a great 2 player sniping map :-) good fun when my net connection goes down
  4. excellent work !!!! http://loudas.com http://trinity.loudas.com Pure CSS ;-)
  5. emerge --unmerge SoulSe && emerge -Up --deep paul
  6. its nice to see a distro that doesn't use KDE as it default desktop ;-)
  7. there is a couple of ways boot from windows cd and repair the MBR boot from mandrake cd (in rescue mode) and remove lilo from the MBR (the easiest I think) boot from a win98 boot floppy, and type in fdisk /mbr ;-)
  8. slocate is your friend ;-) open a terminal and type slocate progamname example: slocate kde
  9. and what are the advantages of using flux with gnome ?
  10. you mean like a "send me an email" page ??? do you have php running , coz I can right something pretty quickyl that will email something to you, if thats what you want. <? $title="LOUDAS.COM :: CONTACT"; $title2="Contact :: paul(at)loudas.com"; include("header.php"); // Where to send to? $email = "paul@loudas.com"; // The subject of the e-mail you get if the form subject has been supplied: if($subject=="") { $subject = "You've got mail from http://loudas.com"; } // Thank you message function ShowThanks($firstname, $lastname, $subject, $from, $message, $REMOTE_HOST, $REMOTE_ADDR) { global $title2; ?> <!--// Main Page Heading --> <div class="page-heading"><?=$title2?></div> <p class="general-text"> </p> <div class="coding-text"> <span class="coding-text">Thank You. This is the message that was sent</span> <br /> <? echo "n$firstname $lastname wrote:n<br />$messagen<br /><br />---------n<br />Came from host: $REMOTE_HOSTn<br />IP Adress: $REMOTE_ADDRn<br />Email Address: $from"; ?> </div> <? } $nofirstname = "Your Firstname is required"; $nolastname = "Your Lastname is required"; $nofrom = "Your Email address is required"; $wrongmail = "You've filled in an incorrect Email address, try {your name}@your_internet_provider.com"; $nomessage = "You haven't filled in a message"; function makeTheForm() { global $era, $erb, $erc, $erd, $ere, $nofirstname, $nolastname, $nofrom, $wrongmail, $nomessage, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $title2; ?> <!--// Main Page Heading --> <div class="page-heading"><?=$title2?></div> <div class="form"> <form action="contact.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Name</legend> <label for="firstname"<? if($era) { echo " class="form-error" title="$nofirstname""; } ?>> First Name: <input name="firstname" id="firstname" value="<?=$HTTP_POST_VARS[firstname]?>" /> </label> <label for="lastname"<? if($erb) { echo " class="form-error" title="$nolastname""; } ?>> Last Name: <input name="lastname" id="lastname" value="<?=$HTTP_POST_VARS[lastname]?>" /> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Subject</legend> <label for="subject"> Subject: <input name="subject" id="subject" value="<?=$HTTP_POST_VARS[subject]?>" /> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Your Email Address</legend> <label for="from"<? if($erc) { echo " class="form-error" title="$nofrom""; } elseif($erd) { echo " class="form-error" title="$wrongmail""; } ?>> Email Address: <input name="from" id="from" value="<?=$HTTP_POST_VARS[from]?>" /> </label> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend<? if($ere) { echo " class="form-error" title="$nomessage""; } ?>>Type your message here</legend> <label for="message" id="message-label"> <span class="invisible"><input type="hidden" name="send" value="ok" /></span> <textarea name="message" id="message" rows="10" cols="55"><?=$HTTP_POST_VARS[message]?></textarea> <span class="form-buttons"><button type="submit" name=" Send Email ">Send Email</button> <button type="reset" name=" Clear Form " onclick="LALink('LAcontact');">Clear Form</button></span> </label> </fieldset> </form> </div> <? } if ($send == "ok") { if ($firstname == "") { $ok = "false"; $era = 1; } if ($lastname == "") { $ok = "false"; $erb = 1; } if ($from == "") { $ok = "false"; $erc = 1; } if ($from != "") { if (!eregi( "^[_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,3}$", $from)) { $erd = 1; $ok = "false"; } } if ($message == ""){ $ok= "false"; $ere = 1; } if ($ok != "false"){ mail("$email", "$subject","$firstname $lastname wrote:n$messagenn---------nCame from host: $REMOTE_HOSTnIP Adress: $REMOTE_ADDRnEmail Address: $from", "From: $firstname $lastname <$from>nReply-To: $firstname $lastname <$from>nSender: $firstname $lastname <$from>"); ShowThanks($firstname, $lastname, $subject, $from, $message, $REMOTE_HOST, $REMOTE_ADDR); } elseif ($ok == "false") { makeTheForm(); } } else { makeTheForm(); } include("footer.php"); ?>
  11. Next ISOs of Mandrake 9.2 Download Edition will be available for Club Members and all people who have contributed to the new version (including developers and translators), prior to retail packs and public download release. This new policy was strongly suggested by Club Members for a long time. It is now possible to offer this opportunity with the new BitTorrent technology. Mandrake 9.2 ISO images will be released in advance to Mandrake Club users, hopefully before October 15th, when all last tests will have been achieved. Thanks to all people who made possible this new promising release of Mandrake Linux. MandrakeSoft Team.
  12. :unsure: looks strangely like gentoo ... even the website looks the same :unsure:
  13. I've done this twice this year. once from GF2 --> GF4 ti second time from GF4 ti --> FX5600 .... this what i did shutdown computer remove old nvidia card insert new nvidia card start computer easy huh ? ;-) the only time you should need to re-install the drivers is if you compile a new kernel
  14. 2> means standard error output example: we haver all seen > /dev/null ... which means don't show any output, dump it. but what about errors? errors still show up ... how can you get rid of errors aswell? > /dev/null 2>&1 this means dump everything to /dev/null and if an error occurs dump it to the same place the standard output is going to. understand? 1>&2 means dump everything to standard error output, which in normal cases means the screen
  15. crikey !!! that a whole virtual fielday! :shock: everything you ever wanted to know about virtual hosting but was afraid to ask .... suddenly I feel useless as a system administrator
  16. I guess this is a networking wuestion or maybe a software question?? Has anubody had experience setting up lists ... majordomo, or someother kind of subscribable lists ??? can you recommend something, or point me to an easy ;-) HOWTO ???
  17. I use mandrake on my server ... coz I've never been able to break it .. and it keeps going and going and going. I use gentoo on my desktop coz I like trying out new thing, and waiting for rpms got boring.
  18. hey tiga ... check the code in portal.php, and make sure is loading the correct .tpl have you changed the theme from subSilver? the theme maybe hard coded in portal.php
  19. yup I got them all already the boot screen looks a lot prettier than 1.2/3 but y'know ... emerge -Up --deep world and I'm up-to-date anyways. Maybe I'll report back after my next installation
  20. also in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf have you set the permissions on the directory ?? <Directory /home/<user>/www> <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml </IfModule> Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI AllowOverride All <IfModule mod_access.c> Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfModule> </Directory> and have you set the permissions on the directories? chmod 755 /home/user chmod 755 /home/user/www
  21. paul

    /contrib files

    .ppc = Power PC ... Apple Mac Mandrake is compiled for i686 (I believe) so the i586 is for older architecture
  22. have you tried pressing <tab> to show boot option ? <tab> would normally show boot options under lilo
  23. isn;t it GRANT ALL_PRIVS on TABLE to user@localhost GRANT ALL_PRIVS on * to paul@* GRANT ALL_PRIVS on * to paul@* should give me access to all your DB's from anywhere
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