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paul last won the day on July 24 2023

paul had the most liked content!

About paul

  • Birthday 07/03/1973

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  • Location
    here (or New Zealand)
  • Interests
    server stuff

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  1. crikey .. I'm not getting notifications anymore :P
  2. more upgrade to invision. I also finally got around to aligning the header images again :P
  3. PHP upgraded to version 8.1 and subsequent forum software updated :)
  4. LOL .. I think you and I are the only visitors nowadays :)
  5. Yep .. I'm still upgrading the forum software as required ;)
  6. yea PHP 8 would've been great .. oh well. What's up in the UK bruv ? Doing a'right?
  7. Debian Bullseye released, so the server was upgraded today. Alos upgraded version of IPB (because y'know .. every time I upgraded PHP IPB breaks ) And finally ..... What's up ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  8. Hey Paul,

    just flying by checking out some old posts on DMraid config issues I still suffer from.


    Thanks for keeping this place going.

  9. Hi all, long time no chat. Just informing everyone, server was upgraded to Debian Buster today, and software was upgraded to latest version And just for shits and giggles here's something from a long time ago: Did I ever actually look like that ? :O
  10. yes can enable rewrite :) I'll have a go today
  11. So you may have noticed the forum software has upgraded !!! A few things that have changed. We no longer have community blogs (was never really used) We no longer have a portal page. We can discuss this, and decide whether it is needed (It costs money)
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