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Everything posted by Qchem

  1. Re; accessing your windows partition I find that I most often need to access my windows desktop so I've symlinked /win-desktop to the appropriate place so I can reach it much quicker. Something like this would also mean that you don't have to navigate through /mnt/ supermount has always been buggy, just turn it off!!
  2. A funky little Tux in the top corner :D It's also handy if you want to use the framebuffer for other funky things - of course I can't think of any examples...
  3. don't start the script with #!/bin/bash and don't finish it with exit 0, then just run the script as . /path/to/script it works for me [tm]
  4. It all depends on the color depth you wish to recieve in the framebuffer, the examples I gave earlier were for 24-bit, if people are really interested they should read the framebuffer HOWTO over at tldp
  5. does xchat count?? I seriously prefer IRC to IM
  6. you can use telinit 3 to switch to runlevel 3
  7. Qchem

    samba config tool

    I like using SWAT, the Samba Web Admin Tool - if memory serves it's on the 9.2 iso's
  8. 1) use vga=0x315 2) change /etc/lilo.conf and place the vga= line before the first image specification. Don't forget to rerun lilo to keep the changes. 3) this vga code is actually just for the Linux framebuffer, it sounds like there is something going on in your hardware that defaults to a strange resolution - not sure I can help with that, sorry.
  9. >I alwas ask myself what the 2>&1 means..anyone? This redirects the standard error (2) to the same output as standard output (1), the & simply means that any errors will be appended to the file instead of overwriting it.
  10. Qchem


    use xscreensaver-demo, if that doesn't work you'll have to create a .xscreensaver file. Check out the man page for more info
  11. 1. change /etc/inittab to the corresponding value. 2. sounds like a good idea, it's what I'd do using squid. 3. matter of preference
  12. AFAIK this was a problem in 9.1 but not in 9.2 Basically the Linux kernel only supports 768 MB of RAM, without the HIGHMEM support switched on. 9.2 should autodetect that you have > 768 MB and install the eneterprise kernel with highmem support - you might want to recompile this kernel for speed if thats your thing.
  13. Most cd-burning guis are just graphical front ends for cdparanoia, mkisofs and cdrecord. The options available within a given gui package are a subset of whats available from the command line. If you really don't want to use the command line I guess the trick is finding a package that does everything you want. I'd just use the command line however
  14. Stripe and mirror would be my tactic too, as long as you have hardware RAID of course. I don't find software RAID to be worth it, but then my needs probably differ greatly to yours!!
  15. mkisofs does the job - you can control exactly what kind of iso it is too
  16. Quoting man chmod: The first digit selects the set user ID (4) and set group ID (2) and sticky (1) attributes.
  17. I probably wouldn't install X on the server box and use the latest version of Mandrake.
  18. You'll find that information in man chmod :D
  19. Did what I suggest do anything at all?? You should have seen a penguin in the top left corner of your screen at boot - if you didn't then check your syntax and ensure your appending the right line.
  20. I don't actually manage to get any sound from a similar setup so you're lucky :P
  21. I can't remember exactly where the entry goes in Mandrake (I'm running Fedora on this box) but it'll be somewhere in /etc/X11. Try /etc/X11/dm/Sessions if and when you find the right directory there will be several files in there, including one with the name you created. Edit this file so it starts your window manager and rename it if necessary. Hope this helps,
  22. Or you could use network time protocol and ntpd (the daemon) to do the same thing.
  23. I've been running fedora for a while now and I for one like it. I don't like the osnews review either, the problems the author encountered attempting to compile software is a general linux problem, not something specific to fedora!! We all know that making money out of something that is essentially free is going to be a tough business model, practically all the commercial distros are having to rethink how they are going to make money from Linux. Redhat has decided to give its `free' product to the community, whilst retaining the enterprise product (along with the support that it entails) which is obviously where they make most of their money. The community idea is much more like a grass-roots Linux and is similar to the way Debian is ran - no bad thing. It's obviously early days for fedora but so far it's produced some nicities - the installer (admittedly based on RH9's) is very smooth and far better than any other installer currently out there, starting X as soon as possibly for the graphical booting is nice (and should appeal to the desktop posse), the support available through IRC is better than any responses I've received through commercial support channels for other distros and the selection of packages available through both the official fedora channels and lavina / freshrpms / ..... is really quite comprehensive. Yes, there has been a few bugs but no more than in most other distros currently available (including Mandrake 9.2) and the testing branch is probably not suitable for everyday working machines, BUT I think in general people have been far too critical of fedora and have looked at it wanting not to like it due to political ideas about redhat.
  24. Qchem

    Segmentation Fault

    It sounds like some kind of broken libraries to me. You just need to force install the library rpms you need rpm -ivh --force nameoflib.rpm should do it
  25. I like to do nearly all my burning on the command line eg. with cdrecord. The syntax to run it isn't that difficult to learn, you have loads of control over whats happening and most burning apps are just front ends to it anyway.
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