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Everything posted by Darkelve

  1. Darkelve

    CPU or RAM?

    Unreal Tournament 2k4. You need MORE than 512 RAM for a GAME!? That's just crazy! :D
  2. Can we make a post on this (maybe in the FAQ) where everyone gives their reasons why they use Linux, then distill it into one broad answer. Or keep all the different threads alltogether, but to my feeling this should be as concise as humanly possible. Then we can just refer people to that link so they can read the reasons. Or put it in our sigs, in our email replies, ... And at the same time, we get users discovering our board! What do you think? I didn't look yet, but I don't remember a post 'What are the benefits of Linux/Why should I use Linux' in the FAQ. I'll check right now though.
  3. Darkelve

    CPU or RAM?

    Agree. You might be fine with relatively low processor speeds, but having low RAM can be a pain in the ass. Sure, I got certain Linux distro's to run on a 64MB RAM-laptop, but can you say *sloooww*? Tried it on another laptop, 128MB ram and the difference was *huge*. My desktop PC's has 256 RAM, and with Mdk10, kernel 2.6 it FLIES. Not sure why most people would need more than 512 RAM on a Linux box. Maybe I can ask aRtee, then again he's not most people ;) You certainly won't regret investing in extra RAM.
  4. Hey, I'm starting out to learn programming with 'C'. I don't (yet) have any books on it, but I surfed around the web a bit for tutorials to get my feet wet. Anyway, here's the best one I found so far: http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm It is very clearly explained and they even make an effort to visually represent the flow of (a) program(s)! Just thought I'd share it with you. Darkelve
  5. Ok, links are generated by Javasript. Pretty stupid way to treat a link if you ask me. Or maybe weird content management system? If you follow the links in explorer, jot them down and bookmark them, I suspect you can visit them just fine. E.g. https://ww3.janus.com/Janus/Retail/Logon?De...rackAndTransact the part after 'DestinationServlet=' will probably the location/url. You could ask them also to make an intermediate page, e.g. when you click on any of the 'Janus' tabs, you get a page with a (bulleted) list of possible links/destinations. Just a few quick thoughts I do wonder what all those name are doing hard-coded in that script!? Edit: stupid mistake. It's obviously the biographs of the team members. Darkelve
  6. Yeah, they're trying to fool you into installing/buying whatever crap they are offering.
  7. yep, it's the first browser in 2.5 years I've really been impressed with, since galeon. Epiphany would have been if its bookmarks made any sense. FireFox is my fav too! And that's kind of surprising, especially after a long period of 'Opera' addiction.
  8. Ok, I love browsers... but I just hate Internet Exploiter... ActiveX is just *one* of the many reasons things like viruses and worms can infect your computer. But it is correct that it is probably the major reason. Extract from a security newsgroup: Next, Internet Explorer is buggy as hell. Their products in general are, but why is this bad? Well obviously because you have an internet connection, an INTERFACE WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD! And because of their wonderful 'integration' with other parts of the system, those parts can enjoy these 'benefits' (crashes, security holes) as well! (irony intended). There are also more subtle means, consider this: So you can 'fool' the user into thinking the URL he is visiting is the REAL ONE. Very convenient for, oh say, online banking. Just go to your favorite search engine and search for 'internet explorer exploit'. Or easier still, follow thes links: http://www.tbtf.com/resource/ms-sec-exploits.html http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9288 Now if this wasn't bad enough, Microsoft often takes MONTHS before providing patched needed to fix the hole. See e.g.: http://news.com.com/2100-1002_3-5158625.ht...html?tag=st_pop Take another commercial/closed source browser: Opera. They have 'only' had a number of four(?) Exploits/security holes, but it was fixed in mere DAYS (I think average from 1 to 3 days if I am not mistaken). For the sake of 'easy of use' (a long-favorite Microsoft excuse, because it always sounds good) M$ makes a lot of assumptions for you. And most of you probably know assumption is the mother of all f*ckups. Now while you might not enjoy confirming to accept cookies each time you visit a webpage, you can put it off if you want to. But the most important part: you REALIZE this. Explorer just assumes you want that. Like said above, tracking surfing habits is made a lot easier with Internet Explorer. It automatically accepts all cookies and there is no option to erase your cookies, cache etc. when you prefer to. I noticed 2 cookies were offered to me when I visited news.com. Would you realize with IE? Further, Explorer puts a lot of unneccesary data on your hard disk. Probably one of the reasons my dads Win2000 laptop in crunching away slowly lately. Microsoft is very curious about your habits and profile. See: http://www.****microsoft.com/content/ms-hi...den-files.shtml http://www.davemathews.com/MicrosoftGUID.html (yes, they did this at one time, not even that long ago!) M$ makes things difficult for web developers as well. Instead of adhering to web standards, they refuse to let go of the notion that 'their' browser should be the only one important enough to develop for! http://archive.infoworld.com/articles/en/x...ebstandards.xml See e.g. this petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/msiepng/petition.html I'm not going to explain this in full (you can read an explanation on said page). But developers would have SO MUCH more possibilities if M$ could just learn to adhere to standards. But they're afraid of competition when they do so. Now after reading everything said, take a look at following statement: From: http://giantfightingrobots.com/betterbrowser.html Null, I apologize of taking advantage of your thread to get rid of my anger towards Microsoft But as you can see, the reasons are all perfectly valid. (By the way, how's your computer?) Darkelve Post scriptum: I still think it is better to focus on the strengths of the FLOSS program instead of cracking down on the 'competitor', but I just had to get this rant of my chest. Opera and Mozilla (Firebird) have excellent standards support, are very stable and small, have tabbed browsing, reasonably good pop-up controls and excellent privacy features. To name only a few things.
  9. Read it all on: http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2...040419080041607 and stock going down fast (I hope) :P
  10. But I also read they consumed a LOT of power... it's somewhere in the same review I think.
  11. I never said you couldn't spell :P I just thought perhaps English was a foreign language to you. And it's not like I never make mistakes
  12. Gmac, I like your simple (even if a bit over-generalized) explanation of Aikido :P Also, I think you mean 'loss leader'? But I found your discourse about the business model very informative.
  13. I came across an ad banner for these 'product's: 1. http://www.freeofficesoftware.net/ 2. http://www.freeofficesoftware.net/gamedetail.htm The first one is clearly openoffice, the secons one is clearly Linux/OSS games. But the product name 'openoffice' has been banned from the info. My question: good thing, bad thing, or both?
  14. http://www.groklaw.net/ good jokes over there too!
  15. Thanks ac_dispatcher, this looks good (NETGEAR's FA411): http://www.netgear.com/products/details/FA411.php http://www.tomshardware.com.tr/network/200...210/nic-20.html Oh yeah, ac_dispatcher, one interesting thing to know is that on "Tom's hardware guide", the guy has always been looking down on Linux. But recently things have changed a lot, especially judging from this article: http://www.tomshardware.com/howto/20040329/index.html Gnu/Linux can be beatiful, can it not? ;) Darkelve
  16. Is it not so that you have to run urpmi as root, otherwise you won't even see it is there?
  17. Found it: in Xmms I went to Preferences->Plugins, choose the driver 'OSS', then choose 'configure oss driver' and unchecked the option below (I'm on windoze right now and don't remember what that option was... :( ) Anyway, this fixed the problem, so this thread may be closed. Darkelve
  18. Hi, We got a PC and two laptops in our wireless home network. But on the laptop of my father, Windows 2000 is eating drive space, going slow etc. On my brothers PC, viruses or worms have taken hold of the machine (changes homepage everytime explorer starts up). I get headaches trying to fix things only to see later on the same problems persist. So I would like to advise/encourage my father and brother to use a live Linux CD to go on the internet, read their email and chat. For the existing PCMCIA card (intel pro/wireless 2011b), people are working on that it appears, but there's no downloadable driver (even beta) yet. Instead of waiting for that, I'd like to buy a 'Linux-compatible' PCMCIA card that I can just plugin into the laptops and get the LiveCD going. Somehow MandrakeMove&PCLinuxOS play weird on their machines and fail to boot, even with options. Knoppix and SuSe Live however, did work. Didn't try with Mepis yet. So my question: Which brand and card to buy best? Also, is it possible to save the LiveCD's settings on a USB flash disk or on hard disk (fat32 partition)? Thanks! Darkelve
  19. Well, you can certainly have your 3D fps, no prob. Problem is, I can't have my 2D/3D adventure 'quest' games :( If you think King's Quest III is a generation masterpiece, have you tried Gabriel Knight I? It's probably one of the best adventure games ever made... I mean, even with those 'old' graphics, the quality STILL dripped of it.
  20. That reminds me, does anyone know if this site is good? The idea is good, I'm just curious about other peoples experiences. Not that I'd buy anything from them; shipping price will probably be too high for me. http://www.linuxvoodoo.com/
  21. Darkelve

    My Doom virus

    Huh? Is this for real!!? M$ can't be *that* hypocrite, can they? Well, I know they can, but still... not to mention STUPID! I could show this webpage to just about anyone asking about 'Get The FUD-campaign' to 'enlighten' their minds... Darkelve Edit: hah! I found it: http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2003/08/...o_a_point_.html This is really ironic...
  22. Plus I guess it will be good for their business if they can show they have a large subscribed customer base. Well, I think.
  23. I'm sure it's 'wonderful' for some people. It all depends on what you want and don't want to do with your system. That's why there are about a gazillion different distro's out there. Oh yeah, you can get Linspire (had to change their name) from bittorrent now: "To raise awareness of the name change, Lindows has a promotion. Go here: http://www.linspire.com/btorder Now click the "Apply Coupon" button. Type in LINDOWS as the coupon. You now have a free version fo Linspire 4.5." Although I'd really advise you to try *also* a few different ones. Darkelve
  24. Sam&Max has been dropped. :( http://www.lucasarts.com/press/releases/85.html Monkey Island seems to be about the only bright light in a sea of Plasma Guns...
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