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Everything posted by qnr

  1. And still on the BSOD subject, if you need the occasional fix, you can always use the xscreensaver module BSOD: "BSOD stands for ``Blue Screen of Death.'' The finest in personal computer emulation, this hack simulates popular screen savers from a number of less robust operating systems. Written by Jamie Zawinski." As a bonus, you get crash screens for lots of platforms: Windows 3.1, NT, 2000, Sad Mac, Mac Bomb, MacsBug, MacOS X, NCD X Terminal, BSD, Linux, Sparc Linux, Solaris, SCO, AmigaOS and Atari.
  2. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe if you install with graphics, you are using twibriight (I'm not using Mandrake, so our packages install differently. Here's what the description of it says (I forgot to mention it supports javascript) terry@timestorm: /home/terry 11:31:19 $ gaze what links-twibright links-twibright: Links is text WWW browser, similar to Lynx. Links displays tables, downloads on background and uses HTTP/1.1 keepalive connections. This version of Links can (optionaly) compile with Graphics and Javascript support.
  3. Dynamic uses the libraries already installed on your system (if you're lucky enough to have the correct versions) - Static comes with the necessary libraries as part of the package. As far as what I use, Mozilla, MozillaFirebird, Dillo, Amaya, links, links-twibright, w3, Opera links-twibright is kind of interesting - it is a graphical version of links, which also uses the framebuffer - so you can have a graphical browser without starting X.
  4. Hmmmm, seems like I'm always doing the off-the-wall stuff. Since the topic actually states Programming Language and not IDE, I'll throw this in. My preferred programming languages are Modula-2 and Oberon. Naturally I also have to use C, Perl, & whatnot, but I prefer Modula-2 or Oberon (Kind of an object oriented Modula-2).
  5. I didn't see an answer so I figured I'd respond to this even though it's a little old. You should look into VNC. There are lots of variants. Note that they won't actually control PCAnywhere - you'll have to put a VNC server on the Windows machine, but it's free and simple, so that shouldn't represent much of a problem. Look through some of these threads for more info: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=5668 http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=5553 http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=5234 http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=4673 And on the general topic, I find some programs to be very useful: freenet - anonymous peer to peer (but much more, actually) gqmpeg - iin place of xmms or zinf (when I want a GUI) Scribus - Desktop Publishing - (for quick and dirty work, Tex, LaTeX, or Lyx for larger projects) Siag Office Nice free office suite
  6. I have a Compaq 732 US. Works fine with Source Mage GNU/Linux, so perhaps older Compaqs might be considered.
  7. Source Mage GNU/Linux (Athlon 2600+ XP, Compaq 732 US AMD Athlon laptop), Debian (Atari TT/030), NetBSD (Atari TT/030, Atari 4160 STe) - (and my Zaurus). Working on porting SMGL to my TT too. Hmmm, while you probably have a point as far as the speed goes, there are other factors involved. I can't really speak for Gentoo because I tried it and found it was over-hyped. For SMGL I found that speed was extremely enhanced over, for example, Mandrake. This was borne out to me first in video encoding. Using transcode and mjpegtools, I was getting about 8 FPS with Mdk (on my Athlon 1200) - with SMGL, I was encoding the same files at 20-22 FPS. I also like the fact that it is relatively easy to contribute (Wiki, spells, ports, etc.). Finally, I never (well, maybe 1 out of 850 casts) have any dependency problems. Edit: Added laptop to computer list
  8. On a slightly more humorous note: "...When Caldera discovered that its OpenServer line outsold its Linux line 3-2 (no, that's not a ratio, those are actual sales figures), they changed their name back to SCO. This brings us to the current situation. After the company's unsuccessful "We're a player, dammit!" campaign caused 10% of their customer base to flee, SCO decided to resort to that time-honored American business tradition, litigation. After all, they had already taken on Microsoft, so they figured they could take on IBM. They sent IBM a letter oozing with legalese that said, "All your AIX are belong to us." After IBM blatantly ignored them, they've decided to take on the entity that actually cost them all of their lost revenue: the customers who failed to buy or even notice SCO/Caldera products, but instead bought a competing Linux product. ..." Full article at: SCO Sues To Become Relevant
  9. It might vary by distribution, but ext3 (and other JFS) does (do) run the check periodically, just as ext2 does. Unless you have a very large disk and large files, generally you won't notice it, because the journalling keeps track of what files were opened, closed, etc., so it doesn't have to check every file. As far as the bad experience goes, generally a system will be smart enough to know when it can automatically fix something. At time it will come across something and prompt you as to whether you want it to force a repair which is different from force a check. This is the point where you can screw up the filesystem.
  10. just for info, that's a lower-case o (the letter) and not the number 0 (zero) where it says -o remount and -o rw (thnk of it as "option") Here's the first 10 lines of the relevant section of man mount: -o Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma sepa- rated string of options. Some of these options are only useful when they appear in the /etc/fstab file. The following options apply to any file system that is being mounted (but not every file system actually honors them - e.g., the sync option today has effect only for ext2, ext3 and ufs): async All I/O to the file system should be done asynchronously. atime Update inode access time for each access. This is the default.
  11. Could have sworn I saw something in there about rebooting, regardless of the cause. Must have been the bit about restarting X. As far as that goes, my machine never crashes (and I'm using the Development grimoire of the Development branch of Sourcemage) and I do extremely processor intensive work.
  12. We have a lot of power failures here, and I like experimenting with kernels, so mine is >7
  13. qnr

    ATI or Nvidia?

    I don't think that is entirely fair. His first question was "My question is: based on your experience on linux, which one is better in terms of linux compatibility? is totally off-base. Me, I'm not answering the question simply because I'm happy with my Radeon VE and could care less about accelerated graphics so I can't comment on advanced cards.
  14. True, accidents do happen. This armpit of the world has an average of eight power failures a month, and the accident has never happened with XFS or ext3, so I'm happy where I am. In addition, many of my rescue tools work as is with ext3, but not Reiser. And while Reiser might be a little faster with smaller files, it's actually slower than ext3 on larger files. Since I do extensive video editing, speed with larger files is important to me. I'm not, in any way, manner, or form saying not to use Reiser, I had good luck with it for a long time - I'm just presenting an alternate viewpoint.
  15. You want to get to this point: ***Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot ***when you leave the shell. Give root password for maintenance (or type Control -D for normal startup): (Repair filesystem)# Now - You should really get some info from Mandrake users on this, but here is how I would do it. 1. Give my root password. 2. Mount the partition that contains /etc in read-write mode. This partition is probably already mounted in read-only mode, so you will have to remount it. # mount -o remount -o rw -t ext3 /devices/discs/disc0/part3 / -o remount remount an already mounted partition -o rw mount the partition read-write -t ext3 mount it as ext3 --- change this as appropriate /devices/discs/disc0/part3 / this is the mount point. 3. Edit /etc/fstab [*] # vi /etc/fstab [*] press the "i" key to enter insert mode [*] use your cursor arrow keys to move to a line that looks suspicious [*] put in a "#" in the first column to comment it out [*] Type, "Esc" ": (that's a colon)" "wq" "Enter (Return)" 4. Type "reboot" to reboot the computer.
  16. Not for me, I'm pretty confused, actually. When I mount my Olympus camera, it comes up as a SCSI drive. Do you actually have a physical SCSI drive? Or is the /dev/sda1 referring the the memory in the camera? If you don't, what might have happened (I'm guessing) is that when you made the modifications with MCC, the SCSI emulation modules, and SCSI drive modules were loaded, so it took the camera to be a physical hard disk and accepted your change, and wrote a new /etc/fstab. However, there wasn't actually a drive there, so when you rebooted, the system was confused by the fstab. I'd say to check /etc/fstab and see if you can comment out or delete any lines referring to dev/sda1 --- or post your /ect/fstab here.
  17. There were 3 partitions on the 60g drive. Two ext3, one Reiser. All three were mounted during a power failure. the two ext3 partitions recovered, the ReiserFS partition was toast. I had a relatively recent backup so I didn't lose everything, but nothing would recover the data that wasn't backed up. I had to use low level tools to access data on that drive. I've not experienced any problems with the disk since I changed it to an ext3 FS, so it's not a physical problem.
  18. <shrug> I'm not saying it's a bad FS. Heck, at one time I raved about it too. You'll never see me using it again, that's all I'm saying.
  19. Well, as a dissenting viewpoint, for journaling filesystems, I've used Reiser, XFS, and ext3, and Reiser is the only one I've had a catastrophic loss with -- but -- that was more than a year ago, perhaps it is more reliable now (but I'll never trust my data to it again).
  20. I'm a little confused as to whether sda1 was actually a Linux partition or not, originally. If it was, here's what you might try: You should get a prompt allowing you to manually check the file system, without the automatic repair. Tell it that you wish to do this. run mke2fs -n /dev/sda1 -- this will simulate making a filesystem without actually doing it. In the process, it will show you your block sizes (if it was an ext2 or ext3 FS, that is). Here's what it would look like with one of my disks (I'll have to umount & remount in my case, since I'm on a running system) root@timestorm:/home/terry# umount /media && mke2fs -n /dev/hdd1; mount /media mke2fs 1.32 (09-Nov-2002) Filesystem label= OS type: Linux Block size=4096 (log=2) Fragment size=4096 (log=2) 7340032 inodes, 14653918 blocks 732695 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user First data block=0 448 block groups 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group 16384 inodes per group Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208, 4096000, 7962624, 11239424 Now, if I wanted to use alternate superblocks, I can see where there are located, so with the e2fsck, etc.) and other switches, as appropriate.
  21. download the development version. It says it includes headers, etc. I imagine it provides source (or look for a src.rpm) --- try to compile it yourself with glibc 2.2
  22. Hopefully, even if they don't leave, there will be a new generation of programmers inside MS that are more willing to question things, and express the questions.
  23. Don't really know, but there's a section in the MO HOWTO on the Fujitsu DynaMO 640 (a SCSI device) that says you mount it just like a normal SCSI drive. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Optical-Disk-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.3
  24. Must be the polar bear lady.... never did hear what the 31 stood for
  25. Steve showed you how to get to a virtual console from X, but you also brought this up: If you want to boot to runlevel 3, then you need to change this line in /etc/inittab: id: to id: You can also do it on a case by case basis when you boot, generally by giving a command such as linux 3 at the lilo boot prompt, or linux-2.5.65 3 -- what you need to type is distro specific, so you'll need to find the mandrake way.
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