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Website design resources


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My 11 year old son wants to make his own website and has asked me for help. It seems a lot of his friends are doing so and he wants to as well. He has asked me about html and text editors(notepad) and does not seem interested in using graphical tools which kind of suprised me. We went down to Borders over the weekend and he picked out HTML for Dummies which he is currently reading. I had basic programing in college way back when, mostly C++, but know nothing about the subject so it will be a learning experience for both of us.

I am looking for some resources, either books or websites which would be suitable for a reasonably bright 11 year old boy. We would appreciate any general advice/suggestions on approaches to take in learning basic web design.

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I know its not exactly what you asked for, but I would recommend trying out Quanta. Its a html editor package that comes with KDE, and is not fully graphical drag and drop. But it does have lots of useful features like auto-completeion, syntax highlighting, project management and preview options.


That a side what I found useful when I tried learning web design was looking at the code of web sites that I liked. It depends slightly on which browser your using but in Mozilla you just have to right-click and the option appears.

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I've used this site http://www.pagetutor.com/ It's pretty easy to understand. If there's something in particular I usually google or check one of my books. I have an book called HTML A Beginner's Guide by Wendy Willard that was my first book and it's a good resource.

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I've used this site http://www.pagetutor.com/ It's pretty easy to understand. If there's something in particular I usually google or check one of my books. I have an book called HTML A Beginner's Guide by Wendy Willard that was my first book and it's a good resource.

ill double page tutor!!!


thats where i learnt my stuff.


And there is no better site than w3schools for the other stuff.


Webmonkey.com also have a good, easy to understand javascript tutorial, he might like htat sometime. I used these tutes, about 2 years ago when I was 13. JS can save so much time with simple things like navigation and effects.

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w3c is probably one of the best resources for learning all sorts of web languages. they also have validators for testing your source. it may be a bit much for the boy but who knows he seems bright.


definitely give a looksee though.


as for graphics...if he wants a real challenge there but the potential to make some beautiful graphics i would recommend povray (povray.org)

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Try Html-Kit: http://www.chami.com/


If you do manual html coding (which I advise, since it is the best way to learn), chanches are you will never go back to another program. Plus it's great to learn: it's got an autocomplete function and a few toolbars/wizards with all tags&attributes (style sheets too), even indicating those that are deprecated (obsolete), plus pretty good documenation and very nice extensions.


You can mostly find what you are looking for in the program itself, which is a big help when you are learning.


[Edit: of course this is a Windows program, although the author says it should work with Wine.]



Edited by Darkelve
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