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Adam's Leaving

David Batson

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Sad news that Adam will not be the official face of Mandriva on the forums soon. :sad:


For anyone who doesn't read my blog - unfortunately, I've just been informed that my contract with Mandriva will end as of December 31st; the new CEO has decided to cut most external contractors.



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Really a big loose for the community.

I felt strange after Mandrake changed to Mandriva.

I feel empty now Adam is leaving.


Wish you all the best, and thanks for your big support.

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This basically means the end of Mandriva as we know it.


Adam was the English speaking worlds connection to Mandriva. He knew and understood our perceptions and ideas and views on Linux issues in a way never before seen in the past.


It also wouldn't surprise me that Adam strongly presented our oppositions to the KDE4 move, but being the loyal Mandriva man he is, he did not say so publicly.


The way things are shaping up now, I think 2008-Spring will be my last Mandriva. From now on I will be looking at other OSs (not suse, under any circumstances) to see what will be my future OS. It might even be PClinuxOS, I don't know.


It seems like the present Mandriva Management it attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, while shooting itself in both feet first.


Really smart move Mandriva......... :wall: :wall: :wall:


A very special note to Adam. Thank you most sincerely for all the hard work you have done for we Mandriva users over these past years. Until you came along I never quite felt that Mandriva was "my" OS. You were always friendly, polite and helpful no matter the issue or issues.


Please let us know your future plans so we can cheer you on. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Best wishes. John.

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Wow, I would have thought that a smarter move would have been to hire a few more people like Adam. :unsure: IMO Adam has done a lot more to help spread Mandriva than their own marketing...


Adam; if you're reading this: I'm really sorry to see you leave Mandriva!

Edited by dude67
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Not a good move, not a good move.


If it wasn't for Adam's hat-tip about a kernel balls up being fixed by Mandriva I wouldn't even be here now, likely still over at pclinuxos. And how many others through the linux forum world has Adam helped?


At a time when you need the customer interaction to retain business and customer base is this really the right thing to do?




Anyways, best wishes for the future Adam!

Edited by Chris H
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Well this really is a shock to the system (mine). Truly sorry to hear your talents and dedication are being rewarded like this. In my opinion the ceo should be the one to be leaving. All the best for the future and if Mandriva should survive I hope you will keep taking a look in here.

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Sorry to hear you're leaving Adam! Hope you stick around in some shape and form - whilst it's a sad loss for the Mandriva side, it would be an even greater loss for Linux in general if you weren't here at all!!!!


I'm sure we all owe you a lot of :beer: for all the help you've provided.

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I would like to echo the sentiments expressed by all those above. Adam has been exceptional value for money in anybody's terms.


So now we have not only KDE hell bent on self destruction but Mandriva following suit by the looks of it (not only this incident, if you were running 2009.1 alpha 1 KDE4 you would know what I mean).


Good luck Adam and let us know where you end up.

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That's a real blunder, for sure! It is Adam, and no one else, who gave the Mandriva community the feeling that we were being listened to, and that our problems had a chance of being addressed.


Adam is one of the few here able to help me solve the issues I have, and I see all the help he gives to countless other people; actually I can't imagine how he can enjoy a private life, dedicating so much work to Mandriva users as he does!


I've used Mandrake since 1999, and never switched from Mandriva on my main PC. I saw the decline in Mandriva reputation some time ago and, again, it was Adam who made Mandriva look better to the lot of us, with his commitment to defending Mandriva against all fud, and helping people where problems did exist, all honestly with no exageration. He can be relied on, and believed.


Adam, I hope you'll remain a Linux user (but really, could it be otherwise?), if not a Mandriva one…


Shame on you, Mandriva!



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