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Mandriva gets a new look :)


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Better... still not great. Bah - who uses the default theme anyway? :P



Its your first impression and hence makes a mental connection as to what that DM/WM is like....



I agree. First impression is very important even for people who's aware that it's that beneath that's important. (must be something to do with human nature I guess).



I actually like this screenshot:


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Really nice.


But there's alot of people who doesn't like dark desktops :-/

Yep I believe he's working on that too. He even did a low-ink version for the CD cover .... :D


The thing is he just did them and posted them (he has other KDE themes) as a present ..... got told how to spell Jorg's name with accents and redid them all.... what is so cool is its everything from bootsplash through KDM and KDE theme... the whole lot is consistent and clean... (and dark)


I think its a really cool thing to do as a thank-you... wish I was half as artistic.



Ack.... what I meant to say is Mandriva could do worse than do a competition or something. This shows what one guy can do... and being perfectly honest I am not overly impressed with the new offering and think it will look worse in KDE.... (just my opinion these things are subjective) .. that being said it sure looks better than galaxy which for me always seems/feels really dated and somehow kitch...


2nd edit

Ahhhh.... forgot again....

The bottom line for me is the default KDE theme is not so bad.... better IMHO than galaxy in KDE and as a minimum if a distro is going to replace a theme it should at least be better to most people than the default.

Edited by Gowator
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Why don't the hire two pros to do the work? Mandriva can just saying: "Okay, this gonna cost a little money, but we get a new image, profile and something appealing, but in the long run it's worth the money".


Mandriva needs the "UMPH" feeling, a feeling when a new user sees it first time they go waouw. (would also be nice if old linux user would go waouw :D )

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Why don't the hire two pros to do the work? Mandriva can just saying: "Okay, this gonna cost a little money, but we get a new image, profile and something appealing, but in the long run it's worth the money".


Mandriva needs the "UMPH" feeling, a feeling when a new user sees it first time they go waouw. (would also be nice if old linux user would go waouw :D )

I bet you can guess my answer!

Because .... some idiot in marketing would interfere.... IMHO.


But your right, I recently did a mandriva VMWARE install and its "waouw", it just looks uninspring and incipid... its not a primary install so I didn't play with themes etc.... but everytime I see it I go "waouw"

Its not that there's anything wrong with it (well I bet a proper designer could say what but I can't) it is just so lacklustre anmd "waouw"


In cooking there is a flavor called "ugami" it comes from Japanese and noone bothered making a sixth taste "bitter, sweet, acid etc.) for it, its just called "ugami". Its best described as a "depth of taste"... it is what you get adding seaweed and soy sauce.(and artificially through MSG).. what Mandriva is missing is a big dollop of MSG!

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Umm... You know who created the design for galaxy back then? It was no other person than brazilian design-guru everaldo, the same everaldo that did the default KDE icons and the current Linspire design. So they hired a pro for it back then and I guess they have some pros working on the current theme, too. Remember: It is not finished from what I read. Just the first shot at a new theme.

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Umm... You know who created the design for galaxy back then? It was no other person than brazilian design-guru everaldo, the same everaldo that did the default KDE icons and the current Linspire design. So they hired a pro for it back then and I guess they have some pros working on the current theme, too. Remember: It is not finished from what I read. Just the first shot at a new theme.

The question is did they give him a free slate or keep saying "no make it more mandraky?"

For me the galaxy doesn't look like classic everaldo and i would never have guessed if you didn't tell me...


Maybe I'm just tired of the "look" .. I dunno some people seem to like it but ????

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It looks just like how Xandros implemented their theme, but then in Gnome... it's better than the previous Mandrake windeco, but I still can't see why everyone thinks it's so great?


Then again, I'm addicted to PlastiK...

Edited by Darkelve
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I'm disappointed. I wish they'd get rid of that dopey Penguin. If they're going to have a penguin, why not a masterful, intelligent-looking one, like me?


I'll continue using my plain screen. The only parts of the desktop I use, except for logging out, are the panels. :zzz:

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