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Farewell to the creator


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Wow! They fired him? Ouch!


You know I have been doing some research and Ubuntu linux seems to have really hurt Mandriva. Probably because of their great marketing campaign something Mandriva has always been lacking in.

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You know I have been doing some research and Ubuntu linux seems to have really hurt Mandriva. Probably because of their great marketing campaign something Mandriva has always been lacking in.
yes, the final blow was kubuntu.
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Me too, but then I've never used or felt I wanted to use ubuntu/kubuntu :P


It's purely aesthetics to me as well as ease of use, productivity, etc. But also not being too easy at the same time.


It's a shame, but in the corporate world it happens. As long as the distro can keep going and get itself back in the right direction and not screw up making bad mistakes when implementing versions of stuff they shouldn't have done in the first place.

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Something has prevented Mandriva from the growth it should have. Generally, this is indicative of attitudes at the top. It is possible that the distro has grown beyond its creator, since we are human and not gods. On the other had, the action could also be bold- faced stupidity, something that Mandriva has tended toward in the past!

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Something has prevented Mandriva from the growth it should have. Generally, this is indicative of attitudes at the top. It is possible that the distro has grown beyond its creator, since we are human and not gods. On the other had, the action could also be bold- faced stupidity, something that Mandriva has tended toward in the past!

Im not sure that something isn't many things ....


From my POV what mandr___ has always lacked is any clear direction for more than 6 months...

club? corporate .. powerpack vs club or whatever. Its never really been anything firm and seems to have shifted from club revenue to powerpack to whatever and none of them have ever really been properly tested and each has interfered with others.

The constant changes led to misrepresentations, such as pretending the binary drivers for ATI/NVIDIA were not distributed for 'legal' reasons... when it is simply commerical reasons.

They were stuck between a rock and a hard place but actually constructed the position themselves and when ever it looked like one side was failing they alwaqys tried to prop it up instead of going with the market ...


Excuse after excuse the OP on the thread makes some decisive points about this.

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Spinynorman, that forum you referenced was very enlightening.

My feelings about certain things like Kat for instance. I did not realise that Kat was so universally detested. I thought we few posters here were maybe the exception, it now seems we were the rule.

The digital camera fiasco we have been currently dealing with. Works 100% in 2005 but same applications in 2006 don't work.

In 2005, the left thumb button on the side of my Logitech Mouse worked perfectly for going back ( no mouse setting fiddling, it just worked straight off) but in 2006 has never worked. I just can't be bothered to correct what is obviously a Mandriva c***up. There are other niggles that just don't come to mind at the moment.

Despite all this I still love my Mandriva, I cannot care a darn what it is called.

I have a suspicion that it is the marketing side of the organisation that is now ruling the roost at the expense of the programmers/engineers despite marketing not being very successful or professional. As one poster said, sales people can be found anytime. My experiences in the past were that most had no real ethics or loyalty to a company, often lying to customers to make sales and once their rating went up they left to cash in on that rating. Only after they had gone did you discover the damage they had done to the companys customers by selling on lies.


I hope this great Mandrake man doesn't move too far from Mandriva. Unlike Jobs with Apple, Mandriva may not be able to get him back later.


Sorry for the rant. It didn't mean to be.


Cheers. John.

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I have a suspicion that it is the marketing side of the organisation that is now ruling the roost at the expense of the programmers/engineers despite marketing not being very successful or professional.

If you look back this is what Ix and I have been saying for quite some while (years). The marketing side has dragged the engineers forwards, backwards and more often than not sideways through the hedge and yet it seems remains the powerbase for internal politics. Everytime something looks good the priorities change and wham what was working suddenly goes wrong again.

The last fiasco i remember was the seciruty one where mandr___ implemented the new security certs and wham... everything breaks but the developers are told to leave it and get on with the new certification .. because some guy in the marketing dept has determined this is the new marketing thrust ... but throughout it all the fact something doesn't work is considered trivial because its not a marketing ploy.

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Instead, Duval agreed to move from his long-time position as vice president of communication to head a new "community department" intended "to improve Mandriva's image in the open source arena." Now the company has terminated that effort.

great. no more community department, that'll -really- help them. turning away from the open source community is never a good idea, imho.

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