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Oldies you enjoyed


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King's Quest - any of the early ones (up to V)

Space Quest - I & II

Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D

Descent - 1,2,3

Freespace - 1,2

Cyberia 1 & 2



I don't know if those last three are "oldies", but they're freakin' awesome anyways :P

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Is that "Cyberia" or "Syberia"? Cause both exist.


King's Quest - any of the early ones (up to V)

Space Quest - I & II

Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D

Descent - 1,2,3

Freespace - 1,2

Cyberia 1 & 2



I don't know if those last three are "oldies", but they're freakin' awesome anyways :P

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my first console games were on the atari with space invaders, asteroids, frogger, and pac-man. they were fantastic. on the compy, there was some weird bass fishing game that my cousin had that i loved. but we also played sim city all the time. i also play doom and the original wolfenstein, but they always made me sick after about 2 hours. on a mac i also played this game called spectre and pong.


good times.

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Of course Doom and Doom 2

Pacman (I have an awesome clone on my pc)

Then there's Myst,Riven and Exile (Totally addicted)

and Starcraft and Brood War.

And to an extent Warcraft II but not as much as starcraft.

And back to the old days with Good old LodeRunner

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Space Invaders

Space Quest Series

Kings Quest Series

Donkey Kong

Heroe's Quest / Quest for Glory

Sonic the Hedgehog

Super Mario Brothers

Monkey Island Series

Beneath a Steel Sky

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream



Monty's Revenge



Wing Commander I & II

Day of the Tentacle

Mortal Kombat I


NBA Jam (the megadrive version)


Metal Slug

Cool Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja

Street Fighter

Virtua Fighter

Virtua Cop

etc. etc.


I could probably go on all day. I've owned any number of PCs since the 8086, spent many hours in arcades and I had an old Atari system with Tanks and really old stuff that I bought second hand when I was like 9 years old. A friend of mine had a ZX and I also bought an old Tandy 200 laptop that was already ancient when I found it. I hand-coded some games on there, but soon lost interest lol (reading through bible-thick reams of code and hacking them in before playing - and then losing them - is not my idea of fun).


I also had a NES, a Master System, A Megadrive (known as Genesis in America), A Sega Nomad and then I skipped the 32 and "64" bit phase and went straight to the Playstation 1, the the GBA and then the PS2, all the while upgrading my computer and playing on that too.


I've been a gamer since I remember. Now I'm restricted to my Powerbook and my PC (when it's not in a million pieces) and I'm seriously considering getting a Nintendo DS Lite... when the Wii comes out I will get either that or an XBox 360. I just wish I had more time for my oldest hobby :)


Ooh ooh - Dune (the strat game)... and and Doom I and Return to Castle Wolfenstein and....

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UFO: Terror from the Deep [1]


The Incredible Machine



i once played a sharewaregame that called somewhat like 'gearheads' which was pretty addicting. the premise was you have a chessboard like playing field and then you unleash a variety of wind-up toys to get to the other side. each toy has its own strengths and weaknesses (great power but slow, fast but too easy to push, moves in zigzag pattern, etc.). my brother and i had a blast making pileups in the middle of the board.


anybody know what exactly is the name of that game? gear and head reveal too much hits on google. :(


[1] I like drilling lobstermen. :twisted:



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For me it goes something like this -




Final DooM

Quake + SOA, DOE Mission Packs

Quake II + TR, GZ Mission Packs

Quake III Arena + Quake III Team Arena


Descent 2

Wipeout 2097 (You may know it as WipeoutXL) Perhaps the best racing game EVA



I find it hard, well actually, I find it impossible to play any game that isn't in the First Person view, not just Shooters, any game, be it a racing game what ever, if it's not in First Person View I won't even consider it. I've tried lots of games, Half Life series, Unreal Series, Far Cry, and on and on, but they don't last long, I don't even bother finishing most of them, I always find myself returning to the Quake and DooM series of games. They just have the feel, the gameplay, the fast action that I like, too me nothing else comes close, they give me what I want.


Of course I would put DooM3, DooM3 Roe, and Quake 4 in there, but that may not fit in with 'Oldies' theme

Edited by jagwah
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How about Gobliiins I and II?


free download at HOTU (home of the underdogs)!


1. http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?name=Gobliiins+1

2. http://www.the-underdogs.info/game.php?id=463


Anyone else play this?


Also, I loved Alleycat and Beast, my first 2 games I ever played...

Edited by Darkelve
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pffft, people with gaming consoles. what a waste! back in the day I only had a computer! no consoles were allowed in my house, and i prefer gaming on a computer anyways :P

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I'm sure there were/are quite a few cool games available for console that aren't available for PC though... :o

pffft, people with gaming consoles. what a waste! back in the day I only had a computer! no consoles were allowed in my house, and i prefer gaming on a computer anyways :P
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On the BBC: Revs, Thrust, Elite, Jetpac, Citadel, Monsters, Chuckie Egg

Archimedes: Interdictor (fantastic flight/attack sim)

Arcade: RType2, Sega Rally

PlayStation: Wipeout (the first one, not 2097) especially linked up 2-player, Bubble Bobble (like Frozen Bubble), Micro Machines

On the PC: Just the usual Doom, Quake and Descent, although there was a patch for Doom which turned it into something out of the film "Aliens" which was verrrry scary...

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