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Maybe I just got the wrong distro?


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I need an advice. I run MDK 10.1 on a relatively slow box (Pentium 3 192mB). KDE & Gnome run slowly what drives me crazy. I've tried to setup XFCE instead, but unsuccessfully due to GTK problems (missing some crutual parts & only God knows why...). In addition, I can't setup urpmi, it just doesn't connect to any of 1,000,000 servers i tried. I'm desperate. :help:


Maybe i just got a wrong distro? ...or is it just me :woot:


[moved from Other Distributions by spinynorman]

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If you installed off the cd/dvd, then there should not be a problem. How are you adding software?


I don't. My Primary box is Pentium 4 (winXP), use linux as a hobby, for experiments and other stuff. I installed only FireFox and aMule (solved dependencies by myself, simply following error messages).

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If you use the Control Center, your dependencies will get resolved for you. I suspect that something has been installed by force, and you may be missing some dependencies. A neat trick to repair a system is to start an install, choose upgrade, and add the software you want. It will fix any problems as well as install your new selections.

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If you use the Control Center, your dependencies will get resolved for you. I suspect that something has been installed by force, and you may be missing some dependencies. A neat trick to repair a system is to start an install, choose upgrade, and add the software you want. It will fix any problems as well as install your new selections.


That's right, but in case it'll want to download a missing RPM from a web - it wont be able. Maybe that is because wrong urpmi configure (see this post).

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So, go into the section where you tell urpmi to get software and disable those sections. A default install does not look at the web. You should be able to get a basic gui without any web.

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So, go into the section where you tell urpmi to get software and disable those sections. A default install does not look at the web. You should be able to get a basic gui without any web.


Ok, that is one issue. But how can i improve the speed? Win98, for example, runs smoothly on that box, while MDK10.1 doesn't.

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Also, an installation that won't set up basic wm's is suspect in my book. I would be tempted to repair this installation. Additionally, comparing 10.1 to 98 is a stretch. 7.0 would be a closer comparison. 10 is more like me. (:lol:)

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Ok, that is one issue. But how can i improve the speed? Win98, for example, runs smoothly on that box, while MDK10.1 doesn't.

You can try icewm, blackbox, or Window Maker. There're many light-weight solutions for old hardwares. That's not a distro problem. KDE & Gnome usually need 256 MB at least. I'm not sure about XFce, though...

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Look in the MCC and switch off the services you don't need (like cups if you don't print from that machine).

Already did.


You can try icewm, blackbox, or Window Maker. There're many light-weight solutions for old hardwares. That's not a distro problem. KDE & Gnome usually need 256 MB at least. I'm not sure about XFce, though...

I prefer XFCE, because all other are ugly :puke:

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Forget using KDE or Gnome on that old box. You're trying to run XP-class desktop environments on Win95-class hardware. How would you expect XP to run on that machine, if at all?


Go with a lightweight window manger - there are plenty to choose from - Fluxbox, Windowmaker IceWM, etc. etc. Then be sure to disable unecessary services and minimize the number of things that load at boot. Properly setup, you should be able to run Linux faster than Win98.

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Go with a lightweight window manger - there are plenty to choose from - Fluxbox, Windowmaker IceWM, etc. etc. Then be sure to disable unecessary services and minimize the number of things that load at boot. Properly setup, you should be able to run Linux faster than Win98.


Can you point me to some resource/tutorial about configuring FluxBox? (the one written in plain english :D )

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To be honest, I do not find Fluxbox more convenient to IceWM- rather the opposite.

If KDE didn't exist, I would surely use XFCE4 (for some weird reason Gnome does not appeal to me...), but since it does exist I live happily with my bloat! :D

True, KDE has tons of odd stuff, but you don't have to use it-or even install it! What keeps me hanged to it is its superb virtual filesystem, which has no opponent to any other Linux desktop environment.

Okie, back to the subject: A newbie on an old machine would rather use IceWM, because 1. It's good/reliable, 2. It's very light on resources, 3. It is very windoze-like! :P

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