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PHPbb vs Invisionboard


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I while back, I used to have a considerable knowledge of php boards. But many new versions have come out and things have changed. Which one would most people here prefer. PHPbb is open-source but Invisionboard has more features. I was just wondering what people's expeirences are.


I am considered about a few things:


-Intuitive-interface (for users)

-An option to add things to profile that aren't there yet (such as a division or something)

-Portal capability (good portals that go with a certain forum). Basically just a portal that can have some people post news on the front page and make seperate pages for viewing such as About Us and Contact Information or whatever I desire.



Thanks, I'd appreciate anyones advice. My webserver is a Red Hat server with MySql and Php.

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I prefer, and use, phpbb. There's a great open source community around it and a lot of hacks for it. i doubt there isn't some functionality you want that a hack doesn't already exist for.

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I use Invision Board 1.3 - the one which was free as evaluation*. There are still loads of hacks available for it and I still prefer it to the newest version of phpBB - in terms of aesthetics, usablility and admin functions, its way better. IPB 2+ is even better, though will cost you $70 (well there is an early evaluation version of 2.0 somewhere, but its buggy). VBulletin is even nicer still, but even more expensive and you can't get a 'free support/upgrades for a year, licenced forever' type deal like you can with IPB.


Also worth looking at Simple Machines and Ikonboard (from which IPB came).


*Of course, its not right to use the evaluation version unless you downloaded it when it was still licenced as such ;)


edit: Just checked - there is an equivalent for VBulletin, but it costs $160

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phpBB gets my vote. Everything Tyme said basically. It's also a very clean interface and, as has been mentioned, the search funtionality is superior.


It's also free. No point in using anything else IMHO.

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Hmm, the invisionboard download without support option is free.


So far I am leaning away from phpbb, the only thing keeping me away is this ability to have custom objects in the profile.


Like right now, a profile has gender, but with IBB if I wanted, I could add a box for linux distro, or processor speed or whatever i wanted. I could even have it display under a user's name. IBB calls them custom profile fields.


Using PHPbb's demo version I have yet to see an option for that.

Edited by SwiftDeath
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Hmm, the invisionboard download without support option is free.


Where? There is a free trial for IPB 2+, but its a limited trial (very limited) on the invision site, but if you know where you can get full IPB 2+ for free (legally) then I'll be there! Bugger support!

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  • 3 years later...

PunBB. People say nay towards it because of it's lack of features and dull look. That's what it's intended to be, a lightweight forum system that works. People who turn PunBB down because of these factors, are just lazy people who want something to be done for them. I'd rather save the few hundred dollars a year by using and modding my own PunBB than buying an expensive licensed BB.

Demo : free forums

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phpBB gets my vote. Everything Tyme said basically. It's also a very clean interface and, as has been mentioned, the search funtionality is superior.


It's also free. No point in using anything else IMHO.

PhpBB with clean interface? Where did you see that? Mandrivalinux.hu switched to phpBB 3 a couple of weeks ago and it was anything but clean. Icons, links, boxes everywhere. Cluttered or bloated that's more what I would say about it not clean.

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