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Everything posted by scarecrow

  1. Please check in Mandrake Control Center/System/Services. Do you have a daemon named "devfs"? Is it running at system startup? Do you have a daemon named "udev"? Is it running at system startup?
  2. Please try from console "strace -o errorlog.txt xmms" and then checkout the created debug file (errorlog.txt). Also, if you have installed "gdb" the KDE crash handler will provide info on the popup window- just copypaste it here.
  3. No, but you can reset the bios by just moving the mobo jumper. Else, you can use "Smart Boot Manager" from Sourceforge, if the BIOS is set to boot from CD-ROM first. It will allow you booting from HD, floppy or any other bootable media it detects.
  4. Cooker is Mandrake's bleeding edge... if you are brave enough to test it, repos are here: easyurpmi.zarb.org For 10.1 I am only aware of working 2.9 Gnome binaries. Say here: http://rpm.nyvalls.se/ The other option is of course XFCE which you can get at various places: http://www.eslrahc.com/10.1/ or even http://www.os-cillation.com/article.php?sid=42 (compiling from source has never been faster and easier). XFCE 4.2 is smoking fast, fullfeatured and makes Gnome looking like... ummm... gnome...
  5. @ madsad: You must set all necessary repos before your "urpmi kdebase" (see above), and preferrably upgrade with X not running ( telinit 3 before urpmi kdebase )
  6. Can you copypaste here your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, Section "Screen" ?
  7. You can contradict whatever you like, and myself having a Plextor Premium CDRW as well as a 516 DVD burner. They do NOT work properly with cdrecord, period. Older Plextor drives (the ones without the "premium" features, including yours, probably) don't have issues, but they aren't available anymore! In the past I had a Plextor 121032S SCSI burner, and Ultraplex 40 SCSI CD-ROM and a Plexwriter 241040 IDE burner, and all of them worked fine on Linux- but this definitely does NOT apply for the current "Premium" series.
  8. XMMS works fine even with the OSS output plugin, provided that you have the alsa-oss package installed and snd-pcm-oss module is loaded when system starts.
  9. Which MDK version? There's a bleeding edge Dropline Gnome unofficial repo for Mandrake, but you should have Cooker to be sure it will work properly.
  10. All current CD and DVD burners, but a few are mmc-3 compatible and should have no worries with cdrecord/cdrdao. Can you really STILL find a CD-writer at the stores? If you can, buy a Lite-On. For a few pennies more you can buy a NEC ND-3500 or 3520 DVD writer. Avoid Plextor drives, they are great quality and having special extras (at an extra price!), but the extras make them not fully MMC-3 compatible and as such a bit troublesome for non-windows environments.
  11. I already replied to the regular MDK forum, but anyway... Supermount enabled: none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0022,iocharset=utf8,sync 0 0 Replace utf8 with whatever charset you use, and you can also play with the "fs=ext2:vfat" setting, trying either of them (but not ISO9660 of course). Without supermount: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy fs=ext2:vfat,umask=0022,iocharset=utf8,sync 0 0 HAL managed: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user,exec,noauto,comment=managed 0 0 (on some systems it will be /media/floppy and not /mnt/floppy). If you have toyed with your udev rules then /dev/fd0 might have moved now to /dev/floppy/0 just check your /dev directory.
  12. It's a darn good dualpane filemanager for KDE... at least now that its bugs are mostly gone. Included in contrib.
  13. Actually its philosophy is closer to OE, not CE- but it's not OE either, as it does not have official support.
  14. You aren't a Krusader fan, are you?
  15. Ark 2.5 (included in KDE 3.4) handles fine both rar and 7-zip archives, provided that the commandline binaries are somewhere at the system path.
  16. Uncheck "detect dial tone" and try again... preferrably with eth0/1 being down. Also, limit the connection speed to 57600 or lower (460800 is way too optimistic for plain dialup!).
  17. What's in your /etc/sysconfig/i18n configuration file? Copypaste it here... If you mean "Gnome" and "Fluxbox", then PCLinuxOS does have Gnome 2.8.2 (currently), although not in the CD... Simply "apt-get update" and after that 'apt-get install gnome" in a root console is enough.
  18. Do you have another connection, eg eth0 running? Try stopping it ( ifdown eth0 ) before you dial.
  19. http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ 3.4.0 is currently at "cooker", as well as Thac's: http://rpm.nyvalls.se Don't use it yet for 2005LE, some things are broken (on Mandriva's part of the equation).
  20. scarecrow


    @ ruse21: Slackware is a top banana Linux distro- in fact it was the best till Arch Linux came out. But Slack is definitely NOT suitable for anyone who does not even know how to spell "penguin" properly yet... Better start from easy stuff like SuSE, Mandrake or Mepis (Linspire and Xandros aren't free, so they aren't Linux under the skin), and when and if you become familiar, then Slack/ Arch/ Gentoo or whatever are waiting for you... BTW there's even a user-friendly Slackware out there, which is not my cup of tea but many people love it, for a reason. The name is Vector Linux.
  21. No. If you want "bleeding edge" then SID is much more reliable than Cooker (still buggy, of course). And anyway, if you want bleeding edge and you aren't interested in Gentoo anymore, then Arch Linux may be your best bet (not as many packages as Gentoo, or Cooker, or SID, but way stabler and much more difficult to break). Arch has only i686 and i586 branches currently.
  22. Hit "kdesu harddrake" and check if your wifi (802.11g I guess) is listed (it should be) and if a module is loaded for it.
  23. amule and xmule crash five times per downloaded MB. I don't really know why it's that difficult to port the emule code successfully to *nix. Try MLdonkey or ED2K-GTK GUI instead, both work much better.
  24. It "works" at first sight, but some RPM's are out of sync... even at "main", which should be locked, as 2005LE does have an "update" repo. I have tried many different mirrors. I can't understand what caused this mess, but oh well, I shall wait...
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