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Everything posted by ramfree17

  1. yeah, this is the weird thing since the other day event1 was the built-in while event3 was the usb kb. last night the numbers were decreased by 1 which is why the event numbers is different on my first config post. and i used cat instead of tail. :) ciao!
  2. this is driving me nuts. replaced the ServerLayout option for Keyboard2 to "SendCoreEvents" i tried disabling the usbev line and the usbkeyboard works fine but the builtin is now using the us layout so no dice. then i tried specifying Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0" on the built-in keyboard and returned the usbev protocol line on the USB kb, restarted X and all hell broke lose whenever i type anything. removed the device option on Keyboard1 and X started fine but both kb resumed to having the finnish layout. :huh: ciao!
  3. hmmn. ok, ill try to look around. thanks! ciao! [edit] this one sounds familiar but is not a complete solution. ill try this when i get home...
  4. bummer, gowator's xorg.conf did not work (or i am not doing it properly). i added these lines Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard2" Driver "kbd" Option "Protocol" "usbev" Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "us" Option "XkbOptions" "compose:rwin" EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "layout1" InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard" InputDevice "Keyboard2" "CoreKeyboard" # <-- Added line InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Mouse2" "SendCoreEvents" InputDevice "SynapticsMouse1" "AlwaysCore" Screen "screen1" EndSection and restarted the X server but nothing happened. i took a peek at neddie's suggestion and got an insight on how to use setxkbmap properly (meaning the correct values for the -model and -layout options) so i am good with fluxbox. i just created aliases for the two kb layouts. the two separate kb would be sweet though. ciao!
  5. yup, and the view new posts feature should also cover it but lets give allowance to the excitement factor. the duplicate posts is not yet a problem so i think we can let it slide for now and just be contented on soft reminders. btw, im reading too much in this thread so my question still stands. :) ciao!
  6. the question is did dexter actually see reiver's post? if it was not then no harm in having two different posts about it since they could be merged or something. more job for the slackers called ciao!
  7. virtualization is good for this sort of thing. ;) ciao!
  8. hey ian, try moving the bin and sbin portions at the end. if he deleted it first then he wont have anything to delete the other 'space-wasting' directories. :) but good read nonetheless. :) ciao!
  9. you could try to use bittorrent. i was averaging around 20-30kbps before but that was before the image was sent to the mirrors. i had to turn off BT since i cant keep my laptop open. i had to download the image at the office and this reminds me of a thread wherein the target partition is FAT16/32. i think it was scarecrow who pointed out that FAT filesystems has a limit at 2/4GB. definitely not usable for the DVD image. ciao!
  10. methinks gowator should have put this in talk talk since not everybody can get it on the first run. :) but that is just me so carry on... ciao!
  11. thanks gowator. ill try that once i am done with this work documentation that i need to do in MS. too much formatting styles that does not fare well in OOo. ciao!
  12. neither. im using fluxbox. :lol: i would rather stick to using fluxbox so cli apps that i can invoke in a terminal would be optimal. if not then i would consider going back to kde and lose my quick login options... :) thanks neddie. ciao!
  13. background: i bought my laptop while I was in Helsinki thus it has a finnish keyboard layout. since i find the keyset less than appealing and i do a few rounds of gaming here and there i bought a compact usb keyboard here in Manila. the usb keyboard is recognized and usable but the keys are set for US international and to save space the non-alphabet keys are placed in different area. is there an app or utility in X that will allow me to change the keyboard layout dynamically without requiring a restart of the X server? something with shortcuts would be excellent since i need something that will allow me or my wife to configure the input depending if we are using the usb kb or the built-in one. thanks. ciao!
  14. i too hate those password challenges since they break my rhythm. what i do is launch a terminal, change to root, and launch everything i need by backgrounding them: # mcc & # urpmi something i get the benefit of both worlds since i am restricting root access to the things where i need them. the rest of my applications run on my account. this just involved figuring out the cli equivalent of my applications but the properties of each item will reveal that. ciao!
  15. nah, you can use the CDs to install. i was doing that until i got a dvd writer. but dvds take out the fun of swapping installation media when you are installing from the discs. :) ciao!
  16. it isnt, or it shouldnt be but i think most shells understand redundant file separators like that and interpret them as one. even the windows cmd shell can handle stuff like that. the only issue i was thinking is if you export the path and reused in an older shell not capable of reading duplicated file separators. but how often would that scenarion happen? :) ciao!
  17. isnt /usr the default prefix? :huh: ciao!
  18. is the double slashes just a nuisance or a critical misconfiguration? i tried setting it in my cygwin path (sorry no linux systems here) and it seems to be valid. ciao!
  19. so you are not installing from the CD? looks like dependency hell (aka circular dependency) to me (rpm a requires rpm b but b requires a). you can fix that with either of the following: [root@localhost sims]# rpm -Uvh The_Sims-3.2-1.i386.rpm WineX_Sims-3.2-2.i386.rpm or (if those two are the only RPM packages on the directory) [root@localhost sims]# rpm -Uvh *Sims*.rpm i recommend using the -U switch since it will either update older versions of the package, or install them if this is the first time the package is being installed. ciao!
  20. do you get any files listed when you do ls /mnt/cdrom ? if not then your cd is not mounted so execute first the command mount /mnt/cdrom after you have placed the cd in the tray. you might need to change to root though. i am not up to speed with auto mounting since i still do it the old fashioned way/ ciao!
  21. some mirrors are showing the dvd image although they are only at 2.0+GB when the original is about 4.3. the date on the server is Oct 5 so it might still be incomplete. ciao!
  22. too many apps can read and extract information from them. it makes exhorting money difficult especially if you have nothing special to offer. ciao!
  23. UFO: Terror from the Deep [1] UFO The Incredible Machine i once played a sharewaregame that called somewhat like 'gearheads' which was pretty addicting. the premise was you have a chessboard like playing field and then you unleash a variety of wind-up toys to get to the other side. each toy has its own strengths and weaknesses (great power but slow, fast but too easy to push, moves in zigzag pattern, etc.). my brother and i had a blast making pileups in the middle of the board. anybody know what exactly is the name of that game? gear and head reveal too much hits on google. :( [1] I like drilling lobstermen. ciao!
  24. @pmpatrick: i think i get it now. i speedread the whole thread so i thought we were just cleaning up one whole partition rather than the whole disk (reference to darik's boot & nuke). :woops: ciao!
  25. to pmpatrick. i was going to suggest the same thing without the urandom bit. :) question, why does it have to be mounted? i think dd can work on a non-mounted partition which works just as well. ciao!
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