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Everything posted by jaraeez

  1. There's a really good one I use (tried & tested) which has a Mandriva 2006/2007 built rpm ManDVD hth
  2. have you run this command sane-find-scanner as root? as a matter of interest have you tried the front end - as root run mcc then from there Hardware > setup scanner this will then prompt you to install sane & any extra bits (just make sure that your repositories are set up - easyurpmi )
  3. once your scanner is connected (usb?) as root type sane-find-scanner & take it from there... hth oh this might help http://club.mandriva.com/xwiki/bin/view/KB/HardwareHscan
  4. well done - I've used Ndiswrapper for years with this chipset & rarely had any problems so fingers crossed ;)
  5. as root try insmod acx before modprobe hth
  6. Just upgraded to 3.5.6 using urpmi from 3.5.4. All went smoothly & I would like to 'thank you' for your time & effort ..
  7. I agree with you to a point but I've found that the acx module lacking in some aspects. For instance I have an USR5416 802.11g Wireless Turbo PCI Adapter 02:09.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface & the acx module will not run 125 Mbps nor will it let me have a 256 wep key. Where as the win driver along with ndiswrapper does both & is also very stable... my 2 bits ;)
  8. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    lol ironic springs to mind as the site is catered for the Aussies
  9. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    Hey John, just tried your link & alls fine here (Mandriva 2007.0 - Firefox There is some scripts running on the page (maybe you have an extension blocking it ie: no script)
  10. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    pick no.1 I would also do as greg2 suggested although this should be picked already
  11. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    tried the link you sent & have replied to your message asking if getting to the login is further than you got. If so I noticed that it uses a java script - amybe now that you have sorted out your repositories you could do a 'urpmi --auto-select' at the cli (command prompt as root) then log out & log back in & try again?
  12. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    sure... Can I ask if you tried the suggestions I made?
  13. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    ;) I think this maybe related to nss (not 100% sure though) as you say that it happens in both Opera & Firefox hmm again this makes me feel it's nss. Can I ask if your PC's are fuly updated as I know they were issues with one of the nss updates in Mandriva Maybe you could also post one of the links you have a problem with so as I can give it a go. You could also start firefox with 'firefox -profilemanager' in the cli (command prompt) and created a new profile, then try the link from that profile.
  14. jaraeez

    Web browsers

    I take it is a https site? What version of Firefox do you have? If its lower than upgrade & see how you get on...
  15. Thanks... As a matter of interest does FC still have the time zone bug - where by selecting London would always end up with 'Guernsey' (same time difference & no disrespect to Guernsey but it's no London is it!) ;)
  16. in your logs - what does dmesg say that may be of interest?
  17. strange!! to me it sounds like you boot to a command prompt (init 3) then you issue the 'statrtx' command?
  18. Hey, when you click on logout you then should have the option to 'end session' 'restart computer' or 'shutdown computer'. From the cli (command line) you could also issue the following command shutdown -h now which will of course shutdown the pc. Is this a clean install or have you upgraded? I would also check the HD for errors. HTH
  19. C'mon now -- it's quite arty & I can see where the've really tried to sync the movements to the music :D
  20. One thing I have noticed recently in the IT job sector, which is that there a far more Linux admin jobs advertised. :)
  21. Hey, The way I go about such a senario (maybe not the best way) is once I know what requirements are needed fire up mcc as root 'of course' & search for the individual files (assuming you have setup all your repositories). Install away then install the rpm from the cli rpm -iVh ... like I say maybe there is a better way but this works for me. I use http://rpm.pbone.net/ in most cases which will let me know the required libraries before installing the rpm. HTH
  22. Cheers for that.. unfortunately it did'nt work for me. First off I only had the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc script #!/bin/sh # (c) 2000-2002 MandrakeSoft # $Id: xinitrc-xinitrc,v 1.2 2002/09/10 05:53:43 flepied Exp $ # Set a background here because it's not done anymore # in Xsesion for non root users if [ "`whoami`" != root ]; then xsetroot -solid "#000000" fi exec /etc/X11/Xsession $* & as you can see I changed the colour to #000000 then rebooted but still had the blue :(
  23. Hey, Not a big deal but if someone knows how then cool. I have dual monitors running in seperate desktops. Once the system boots to the login screen the other screen is just plain blue. My login screen is black in theme (KDM Theme Manager) & I was wondering if there was a way to change the colour (UK spelling! lol) of the initial screens to black (for a more consistant look). So that once the login screen appears the other screen will be black in colour.. make sense? ps I've looked in the /home/user/.kde/share/config folder & played around with kdeglobals, kdesktoprc, kdesktop-screen-1rc, but no help cheers
  24. Hey, there various ways here's a link http://docs.kde.org/userguide/audio-cd.html for starters.. HTH
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