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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. That would suck bigtime. I wonder if I have enough cash laying around to join or even better buy the cd's? However as someone else pointed out The Register is The National Enquirer of IT news so I take anything they say with a grain of salt.
  2. pr0n of course ;) But of course silly me. What other reason is there for having a drive that big but to put pr0n on it. lol
  3. Ronin


    Very sweet looking I must say.
  4. I'm with Relic2k. Why use something as insecure as telnet when there's SSH and its just as easy to use.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I"ve got a 40g in this box and another 40 in the server and I would like to increase the size of that one, if I had the spare cash. But with these monster drives I have to wonder how many people are just installing the OS on one big arse partition and not breaking it down into smaller more logical partitions.
  6. Ronin


    Too much hassle usually to get things off of IRC. You connect to a fserve, wait in line for way too long then either the server shuts off, you get disconnected, or theres nothing but junk on a ratio fserve. It's much easier I find using apps like Limewire.
  7. Eeek, here we go again. :-) Allready? Wow 9.0 hasn't been out that long has it?
  8. Ronin


    Or you could use something like IPcop. You may never go back to SNF or MNF.
  9. Ronin

    bad signatures

    It means you should import the PGP keys and that should take care of that warning. Or you can do what I do and just ignore them and install the RPMS.
  10. Ronin

    New Cable user

    Or if you want to scan more then just a basic 10? ports you can head over to http://scan.sygatetech.com/ and do just about all 65535 of the darn things.
  11. What the heck would you do with a 200gig drive anyhow? Certainly not have it one big 200g partition I trust.
  12. Ronin


    Limewire or Lopster are the ones I've had the best success with. You can set them to share only one directory and its not possible for them to change out of that. But as tyme said any outside connection especially one such as this can be a security risk.
  13. Yes it is I find. I've always had more luck using eroaster then any other gui burning program. Its also easy to do it using the cmd line
  14. Have you set up urpmi with a good selection of sources? That usually takes care of those damned dependiencies. Check out: http://speculation.org/garrick/urpmifaq.txt for a nice easy to follow tutorial on setting up urpmi.
  15. Yep, in fact its even easier as no extra program is needed. Check out: http://www.desktop-linux.net/atc.htm for directions on how to do this.
  16. Well if you're running it correctly your server is behind a firewall in a dmz so just point another machine to the address and scan away? Or better yet if possible fire up another nix box outside of your firewall and do it yourself?
  17. www.grc.com is ok if you're only looking to scan about 10 ports. To do a couple more :-) head over to http://scan.sygatetech.com/.
  18. Am I seeing a hint of bitterness and sarcasm today there DOlson? :)
  19. Yep no kidding. Its going to be interesting to see what happens in either case.
  20. eeep now thats something I didn't expect to happen. Does it do that if I ssh from a windows box also? Now theres something I"m just going to HAVE to try Monday from work.
  21. Ronin

    URPMI Dumb Question

    Yep being on dialup at home not only sucks but is an excellent reason to put them on cd. I believe the command would be something like urpmi.addmedia tex then path to the cd?
  22. Ronin

    URPMI Dumb Question

    Yes it would work and then add it to your sources but I have to ask why would you want to do such a thing? Just add texstars site as a urpmi source.
  23. Yes it should have prompted him for a key. And as I scroll down I see that's hes allready responded too. heh Is it beer o'clock yet?
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