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Everything posted by tyme

  1. I misunderstood the issue in your first post, so my explanation was sorta out of place :lol:
  2. Security Advisories will always come out first, and will always be taken care of much faster than standard updates. Also note that Mandriva doesn't do full version upgrades (IIRC) within a given version of the distribution, so if the programs are jumping to new versions (like GNOME going to 2.20) they won't be updated except in upcoming releases. Not to mention, with a new version coming out soon, they are probably pretty busy cleaning bugs and getting it ready for release.
  3. FYI, Mandrivausers.org is a community-run forum. We don't have any direct ties to Mandriva, and aren't involved in the development of the distribution. We do have a few Mandriva employees who read the forums, and they may take your suggestions, but I would also suggest going to Mandriva's website (mandriva.com - seems to be down right now, looks like they may be updating it) and submitting it in the appropriate place there. You are probably doing a search for a string, and when you do that kind of search you're going to get back anything containing the string you searched for. This isn't particularly something you can fix, and IMHO I wouldn't change it (if I'm looking for a specific xmms plugin and don't know what it's called, and the system was setup as you suggest, I would never find it), but the fact of the matter is that is how search works. The computer can't know that you only want the XMMS package and nothing else, it can only know that you want things containing the string "XMMS" when you search in this manner.
  4. -d, --date=STRING parse STRING and use it instead of current time Saw that in the man page. Requires you to do the math yourself (or do a little BASH scripting), but it will set the time to what you want it to be.
  5. man touch [i give you this link because it's easier than me trying to figure out whether you want to change the access time or the modified time or exactly what timestamp...plus, all the options are layed out there, and I know you're knowledgeable enough to find what you need :P] Obviously, doing man touch in a terminal on your own computer could possibly give you a more relevant man page.
  6. Change the output of your tv program. I can't remember specifics and I don't know where the options are for these two programs, but there should be an option for video output that lists X11, Xv, and possibly a few others. Try them all out, one of them is likely to work (it seems to be program-dependent, some programs work fine with X11 in beryl, others you have to use Xv).
  7. Could you please expand on "very slow"? Exactly what is slow? It seems the download speed is fine, so I'm not really sure what's slow... :unsure:
  8. I would guess because the problem was with wget, and by removing wget from the process you've bypassed...er...fixed the problem.
  9. can you post the contents of both your /etc/urpmi/urpmi.conf and /etc/modprobe.conf files? One of the solutions I saw suggested for a similar issue was to add the following two lines to modprobe.conf: alias net-pf-10 off alias ipv6 off if they aren't already there. I'm looking around for other possible solutions but, that is a very generic error message from wget and doesn't help us determine the source of the problem much, and I'm not sure where else to look for more clues at this point.
  10. Does wget give you any more specific of an error when you try do the urpmi.addmedia? Something like, could not connect to host, or similar. Also, if you have the update mirrors I would suggest ensuring you have the most recent updates. Last, if this isn't reproducible over several sessions, spread out over a period of time (i.e. happened one day, and again, a few days later), it could simply have been an error in the mirror at the time you tried to access it.
  11. edited If you saw this pre-edit, forget what I said. To start apache, try this as root: service httpd start This is the standard way of starting services in Mandriva. That way you don't have to hunt down the binary. You can add this to start at boot (or start/stop it, if you prefer GUI) within the Mandriva Control Center (aka Configure My Computer).
  12. tyme

    Black Windows

    You're getting that error because the configure script does not exist in the directory. You seem to be trying to install software from source, when you should be using the software installer in the Mandriva Control Center (AKA Configure My Computer). You should also follow the easy-urpmi link at the top of the page to add more resources and get more software. Always try to find and install software through this method before trying to compile it from source. Please read this FAQ, which, although being a bit outdated, should provide some guidance.
  13. tyme

    Black Windows

    Do you have an nvidia video card? If so, then the issue is actually a bug in the drivers. The first thing I would suggest is making sure you have the most recent nvidia driver installed (updating your system is always a good first step - do it through Mandriva Control Center, under Software). The only other (supposed) solution I found is rather complex, but you can read it here. I have not tried this, as I've not run into this bug.
  14. tyme

    Black Windows

    Do you know if you are using a 3d desktop environment? i.e. do you have shadows on your windows, do they wobble to and fro...
  15. So basically, you don't like it, because it's Novell? That doesn't really seem too reasonable. Not only that, but it's somewhat of an MS mentality - hating a project because of the company (or, in MS's case, because they didn't make it), instead of looking at the project for it's own merits.
  16. trying opening a terminal and running the program from there, then watch the terminal when you do the search and see if any error messages are being printed out there. the search function should work, but I'm not really sure what would be causing it not to...(unless you've found yourself a nifty bug).
  17. IIRC, you need only run K3B once as root, and it will then set up the permissions properly and you will not need to run it as root again, and will also not get the error message anymore. It is not necessary to run K3B as root all the time, just for the initial set up - try that :)
  18. Interesting read...if not a bit cryptic.
  19. The government is retarded. There are so many easy, and better, ways to monitor someones internet activity without installing anything onto their system. And in fact, it would be better to have it in some black box that can't be accessed by the person (especially if they are computer-savvy) as software-based solutions are very easily circumvented. That being said, I don't personally see this as a very big deal, or really news, for that matter. It's more like petty whining on the pirates part...they could have completely banned him from internet access, Mitnick-style.
  20. If you still have the directory you put the tarball in, just do make uninstall in it. If not, download the exact same version, do the exact same ./configure, and then do the make uninstall. Obviously, you'll need to be root. As far as getting the alsasound back into /etc/init.d - I'd just reinstall alsa, that should do it (I think).
  21. You shouldn't be using tables unless you're representing tabular data. Otherwise, div's and span's, baby, div's and span's. As far as WYS....WYSI...WYSIwhogivesacrap, I would suggest learning to make the pages yourself, without any software. Editors such as these just make for unclean and bloated code that can be a pain to get working with the standards (ok, maybe that's a bit of an over generalization, but seriously, ever look at some of the code they make? GAH! Horrid...). Or maybe I'm just a purist (I wrote my first webpage in notepad...never used any WYSIWYG)
  22. tyme

    Firestarter on Gnome

    what KDE related files is it trying to install? Are you sure they are for KDE? As far as Firestarter needing KDE libraries to run in KDE, this isn't true. Firestarter is purely GTK2, can run under KDE as GTK2, and wouldn't need QT libraries to run under KDE (just like any other GTK2 apps...Gaim/Pidgin and the like).
  23. Well, if you got it from a mirror, then likely the same place you found Mandriva One at. You could try looking here, but I wouldn't expect someone who wants to download Mandriva to check their site for it... ;)
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