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Everything posted by johnnyv

  1. that does not sound fun! Oh well home now [root@bobs john]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda /dev/hda: Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 0.38 seconds =336.84 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 1.59 seconds = 40.25 MB/sec [root@bobs john]# [root@bobs john]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hdd /dev/hdd: Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 0.39 seconds =328.21 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 2.72 seconds = 23.53 MB/sec [root@bobs john]# Well my main home computer is a bit faster than my work one Not that you really see much difference really in work type programs it's games that need the most grunt which unfortuanately i don't play at work. :wink: So anyway thats for a Via333 board it supports ata133 but the hda is a 80Gb segate barracuda IV with is 7200rpm ata100 & the hdd is a 40Gb segate with is 5400rpm ata100. So if you p4 motherboard supports it and your hard drive supports it, you should be able to turn it on with the current mandrake 9.0, i dont know why mandrake didn't set it up for you. Maybe your motherboard is quite new?, hard drake probably plays it safe if it doesn't recognise something. That intel article you posted was fairly detailed, and i think it should work ok. Then again don't listen to me, i'm just an idiot :D
  2. I know it would be dangerous if you had a ata66 or less hdd &/or motherboard I just thought he would have at least ata100 support on the motherboard and hdd i didn't really think that he would have a lower spec hdd, which he could (Me Bad). Also whats the story with dual channels on the ide cable? If you have a ata100 hdd but you have a ata33 cdrom the ide cable is limited to the lowest one aye? if so you wouldn't be able to do a hdparm –c1d1X69 /dev/hda on the hdd even though it is ata100? oh after looking it up on google, current ide controllers aren't limited in this way so the ata100 can be used at full speed.
  3. you been screwing around again :D You shouldn't see daemon etc as a user on the login, they have user accounts but i though that anything with a id bellow 500 wasn't shown for the login users. What have you tried to get xfree running?, did you have a backup of the XF86Config-4 file and other config files in the X11 directory? did you try as su XFdrake from the console and try reconfiguring X?
  4. I didn't post the first post but if you could find me a hybrid between startrek armada2 and master of orion 2 i'd be happy :P Not a starcraft/c&c/warcraft type game or similar games of both types. or those games ported I think a master of orion style game would be the most simple to make, no 3d, turn based. Or Startrek Birth of the Federation (good game imo) was turn based with 3d battles (although computer controlled and rather dated 3d now, was damn cool when it first came out). even something like Space empires would be cool to have(another turn based). /**********************************************************/ Tell you what my dream game would be: cross between q3/elite(modern 3d)/hardwar as in: can fly ships around be a pirate/ merc/ trader -- the universe is huge not tied to a story no cut scenes. can board ships/ ground bases q3 style and slaugther the crew and take over/steal components access there computer data or run around your own ship defending against borders, fix components of your ship etc. can buy property on planets or build bases/ mines/ factories on asteriods/ uninhabited planets like in X beyond the frontier (just need to buy modules or hire constructin crews or something). With multiplayer for lan games Now that would be a game! Oh well i can dream
  5. [root@administrator john]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hdb /dev/hdb: Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 1.60 seconds = 80.00 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 3.68 seconds = 17.39 MB/sec [root@administrator john]# hdparm -Tt /dev/hda /dev/hda: Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 1.60 seconds = 80.00 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 3.38 seconds = 18.93 MB/sec [root@administrator john]# This is on my crappy work box with old 5400rpm ide drives, can't wait to get home and try it on my 7200's and see what the diff is. Btw the 9.0 kernel is a 2.4.19 And did you try turning on dma on your hard drive using hdparam using the instructions on the intel site you gave a link to, i can't see why it wouldn't work? hdparm –c1d1X69 /dev/hdb /* set your hard drive b to udma 100 */ Ultra DMA is turned on by default in Mandrake, at least for all the computers i have ever installed anyway.
  6. I play vegastrike, and it has a lot of potential. But it's not a 4X which is a rather different game type. Linux need more games that aren't first person shooters.
  7. I was gonna say the same thing about supermount but DOlson beat me too it. urpmi is a great tool. I think there must be at least as many mandrake installs as suse. Any polls i see on favourite distro always seem to have mandrake coming out on top. But then again whats that saying? lies, damn lies & statistics.:D http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS3606633376.html
  8. You need to email them and say that you bought the game to use on linux & thanks for making the port availible.
  9. in unix you can open a x session on the other computer and log in as a local user & exe files on that computer vnc same thing, runs on windows to. you can telnet into windows but thats cmd line only your problem is, you are not trying to execute programs on the win box, but trying to use the exe on your linux box. If you had 2 win98's for example you would still not be able to execute an exe on another box, you might run the program but it would be run on the box you are sitting at. The only way i know to have files execute on the other machine is to use a server of some type on the box in question. Eg apache with mod_php or mod_perl you would make a webpage on the remote server box eg) exec.php /**************************************************/ <? $command="C:windowsnotepad.exe"; // the command you want to execute $worked = exec("$command"); // exec() execute the command it returns true/false // therefore we can look at $worked to see if it was successful or not. if($worked == 1) //if $worked was true { $message = "The program was executed"; } else // if $worked was false { $message = "The program failed to execute"; } ?> <html> <head> <title>executes some predefined program in this case notepad</title> </head> <body> <h1>executions r us</h1> <p><? echo $message; // displays the message on the web page ?></p> </body> </html> /**************************************************/ to run this script you would simply open a browser and type in http://the_ip_of_the_box/the_directory_wit...cripts/exec.php thats all folks. note: by running this script the notepad would not open on your computer but the one with the apache server on it. This should work for a win95/98 computer most likely not for nt based one as you have to set all the file/folder permissions up on nt. Probably not what your looking for aye? You wanna run windows programs on a windows computer and display them on your linux box right? vnc is probably your best option for that (if it involves sound, it's a pain apparently).
  10. DOlson has the good tut not me (i just used it and it worked well for me) but no problem. Enjoy your quake 3 goodness :D
  11. Unless she's happy cause she has been on a massive shopping spree :P
  12. Maybe you should try following DOlson's tutorial for setting up the nvidia drivers http://mdkxp.by-a.com/htm/tutorials/nvidiacli.php
  13. Not that i know of, which is a shame as i really like that sort of game.
  14. Don't forget urban terror, since it's free and is damn cool, i use to love counter strike and then i saw urban terror. www.urbanterror.net There just isn't as many servers, which sux but if you live in australia, us, other big country there should be near-by ones. If i wanna play a q3a like game i generally prefer unreal t or now unreal t 2003 not that q3a is bad its just that i can get really good pings on the unreal T servers here in NZ and more people seem to play it here so more fragging goodness :D
  15. it works for me with samba or nfs the way i explained it
  16. I assume you are using 9.0? open "mandrake control center" -> mount points -> partition sharing allow filesharing easiest but least secure is to allow all users. once done you can right click on a folder in konquerer and share it. share it by nfs, the other computer on the lan should be able to access it now by going into the control center -> mount points -> nfs mount points . scan the network any the share should be detected you can then chose to mount it, and write it to fstab if you want it permanently availible. you can repeat this process on the other computer so both boxes are sharing directories. Happy mandraking
  17. just been playing after the patch, and it seems to be stable now, have only been playing for 1hr solid but should be ok i think. Also the games seems alot smother than before the patch. :D Oh well i guess the painting of my house will have to wait :D damn shame that. Added 3-12-02 Ok after now playing it many times & for significant amounts of time, it is perfectly stable now no glitches at all. I am now a very happy linux gamer 8)
  18. found the loki updater ran ./update - it wouldn't find the game as su & user added /home/games /home/games/ut2003 /home/games/ut2003/updater I like installing games in /home/games as thats my big partition still wouldn't find the game I was like wtf? so i tried ./loki_updater and it worked fine Oh well at least i got it to work, I wonder if it would have worked if i had installed in the default directory /usr/local/games or what ever it was. My impressions of ut2003, cool looking locked my box 2 times though(couldn't do a ctrl+alt+f1 or a ctrl+alt+backspace:() and sig 11ed several times, so was less stable than the demo well at least after the demo patch, hopefully this patch will make it a bit more stable.
  19. Oh do you mean that samba isn't running when you restart as in the service is not being started at startup? if so aaaaaaaaarrrgggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! if not hmm. do this: restart is samba working? if not open mandrake control center -> system -> services look down the list till you find "smb" if it says "stopped" click the start button Test samba is it working? correctly? if so tick the "on boot" option. If it said the service is running but you still couldn't use samba they PANIC!! cause i can't help you, maybe someone else can.
  20. connect to isp then open up a console window and ping the dns server by number. Also try pinging your isp by number rather than name. try yahoo's ip number If you can ping your dns / isp / etc by there ip number but not there name it is very likely to be dns related. If you can't ping by numder it's something else
  21. I would avoid SWAT as it removes all the info in the config file(all the example parameters, which can be usefull later) but Webmin doesn't.
  22. I believe that it is "ctrl alt + or -" but it doesn't seem to work in 9.0 on all my systems. and "dontzoom" flag is commented out so it should work. Control center -> hardware -> resolution works fine for me
  23. There is openquicktime http://www.openquicktime.org/ It doesn't support the lastest version of quicktime. Why does all the damn movie trailers have to be in quicktime It's ironic that i end up watching movie trailers in asf/wmv/ram formats on my linux box There is a hack that you can use to run the latest quicktime in mplayer, you get the windows version of quicktime and compile mplayer some really hard way then run it using wine, so i didn't try it. you would think you should be able to make the osx version work on linux. here look i found the instructions for the windows version from the mplayer site http://www.mplayerhq.hu How to get win32 quicktime audio/video codec plugins support work? ================================================================== 1. Get the latest wine source. Some leech urls: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/ALPHA/win...20021031.tar.gz ftp://ftp.infomagic.com/pub/mirrors/linux...20021031.tar.gz ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/linux/mirrors...20021031.tar.gz ftp://orcus.progsoc.uts.edu.au/pub/Wine/d...20021031.tar.gz Compile and install it: ./configure make make install 2. Get mplayer CVS (RTFM...), and compile this way: ./configure --disable-win32 --enable-qtx-codecs (the --disable-win32 is VERY important!!!) make mplayer.exe.so 3. Get the quicktime DLLs & wine config pack: [ftp|http]://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/qt-dotwine.tar.bz2 If you already have ~/.wine, backup it: mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.orig Extract the tarball in your home dir: cd tar -xjf qt-dotwine.tar.bz2 4. Launch mplayer with wine: wine z:/path/to/mplayer/main/mplayer.exe.so -- file.mov [options] You can also create a wrapper script to emulate 'old' mplayer behaviour: Create a file called 'mplayer' with content: wine z:/path/to/mplayer/main/mplayer.exe.so -- $* then: chmod +x mplayer NOTES: Note 1: when first time starting wine, it will create a FONT database, it may take a while... don't worry, it won't be rebuild next time! Note 2: wine/quicktime DLLs fork several processes/threads, they somehow don't die at exit and keep eating your memory in the background, so it's recommended to 'killall wine' after running mplayer this way... Note 3: yes we all know this is messy hack, and we're working on a cleaner solution, using the minimalist loader included in mplayer instead of all the bloat coming with libwine. Note 4: due to --disable-win32, you cannot use vfw/acm/dshow and quicktime DLLs at the same time.
  24. yes i don't use gnome myself but it's great that it's there. I may use it latter at some point, there are some good applications written in gnome(not just gtk) that i like too use in kde.
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