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Everything posted by plati

  1. Id probably shy away from the MX440 in this day and age if you are planning on being able to play more current games such as Far Cry or UT2004. The MX440 will handle them ok, but if youre going for a GeForce4, stay in the Ti range instead of the MX's. The main thing separating these cards is that the Ti versions have a Hardware T&L (Texture and Lighting) chip, whereas the MX cards will use processing power to render texture and lighting. Even going for the baseline GeForce4 Ti, which is the Ti4200 would be fine. Just as long as you have that Hardware T&L ;)
  2. Sorry I cant really help you with the price due to the different value of things in different countries. First of all Id recomend an NVIDIA chip. At the moment GeForce4's have some pretty good bang for your buck, but if you a bit of extra dosh you could go for the FX series.
  3. As a person who started with MDK and now is a convert to fedora. I would recomend it highly. Fedora has up2date (automatic GUI updating service), ability to use the yum and apt-get reposotries as well. Tech-wise, Id say fedora is more flexible and l33ter than MDK. Im not sure exactly what you mean by tech-wise though....
  4. I agree with FFF on that one. NVIDIA is definitely the way to go, but I understand thats not helping your current situation :) Linux is not yet a gaming system at heart, no doubt there are some in the works and if I ever get l33t enough in linux I would look at creating one which was more "optimised" for the gaming community. Personally, the only thing holding me back is the lack of support of linux by game developers, and the problems that can be found in emulation (eg. winex). Frame rate drops, control lag etc. spring to mind when emulating the newer non-native games. As for your situation, in terms of driver support, there isnt much you can do except maybe drop the manufacturer a line and let them know. As time goes on, the linux community is getting more respected and their opinions more noted. Lets just hope ATI get their act together and start competing with NVIDIA in the linux driver support race too
  5. If it's new it should still be under warranty right? Depends on how new I guess.. I use a wireless Intellimouse Explorer and havent had a problem with it, plus I have never heard of this kind of failure in a keyboard/mouse combo on any notable brand. Id be looking at the receiver for problems first as the possibility of the entire combo just dying isnt very high. Wireless mice arent good for gaming anyway :D espescially for so-called "samurai twitch" gamers such as myself. Corded mice/kybrd combos have no lag, and no batteries, which is an added extra I believe.
  6. I think it would be a great idea for something like this. It wasnt that long ago I was a total n00b at linux, and I remember how confusing it can be to receive commands like this and not know what you are actually doing. Ill just take this moment to thank iphitus for all the phone calls Ive made to him while setting up linux on different systems :D The dictionary would be awesome, sort of like a n00bs guide to the commands, arguments, compiling (i know we already have an FAQ on that, which I still read frequently) and so on so forth. plati
  7. vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 Press i to edit the document, and <escape> :wq to save and close B)
  8. plati

    AMD or Intel

    AMD for sure. Its cheaper, easily overclockable and will always outperform an intel chip of the same speed on a desktop computer.
  9. I did hear about an encryption method called chaos encryption. You would have to write a script but basically the key is completely random. The "chaos" part is that when it comes to the algorithm, you just mash at the keyboard randomly, and it somehow....works :unsure: Ill google around for a link now and edit it into this post if i find it
  10. Ive had this problem before, turned out to be my Wake on LAN feature in the BIOS. Something was sending requests or something to my computer, which caused it to bootup.
  11. I'm sorry what? That translates into English as what? :) Like ice-cream on pizza. Both are nice but together they just dont work.... My 2c is the same as DaveQB's. I use Office XP at school for my work that I have to do when Im there, otherwise Ill just do most of it at home in OOo. If youre worried about non-OOo users viewing the document and losing format. Just export to pdf, they are pretty :D and everyone has acrobat! I know this probably wont help with your girlfriend's dilemma but...... /me shrugs
  12. This doesn't make any sense, considering Disney uses Linux to make their movies..... SLAP! :lol: Anyway, this is really bad. Politicians being bought by companies, the bloody ignorant politicians wouldnt give a flying f*** what OS/Hardware/Software etc. everyone has to use bcoz all they know is "windows and intel pentium". So its easy for them to sell their souls
  13. WOW! Thanks very much for that massive list of links on your post on linuxiso.org :D Ive bookmarked them all since Im still trying to understand Fedora, its repositries, etc. Correct me if im wrong, but I should add the sources shown on Nyquist Repo into the yum.conf and then search gnome on synaptic, download all the packages and install them? Theres no need to remove gnome etc.? And I should do this from another DE eg. KDE?
  14. Just wondering if it would be possible to install GNOME 2.6 on a Fedora Core 1 system. I know jack all about compliled DE's etc. but Im sure I could find a tutorial somewhere. What I really want to know is whether it can be done, since I dont really feel like downloading all that source and not having anything to do with it Also, does anyone know a firm release date for Fedora Core 2, Ive heard May 10 but some say it will be out much sooner
  15. mm gowater has a good point. I think its fair enough there be something like Linspire/Lindows for the newbie masses. People say 'why not just use windows' but one of the reasons we use linux is because its cheap/free. Keep Linspire for the newbies who just want something which works, and if people want to stretch out and leanr more, they can go for it!
  16. LOL I totally forgot about that! :lol: I havent converted this laptop to the way of the linux yet. I totally forgot about the whole Windows thing
  17. I have a Nokia 6610 and it's very possible to create standard wallpaper's from any image file with that Nokia PC Suite that came with it. I assume it would have come with your's too Qchem. I think it's available for download on the Nokia site. Google is your friend :D
  18. where is the FPS genre! I voted Action because it was closest. mmmm, CS, UT2004 on linux
  19. Id say NVIDIA. Not only have all their chips been very robust, their support for linux is pretty much unfaltered. Ive never had problems with NVIDIA chips, and they have some very nice chipsets coming as Glitz pointed out.
  20. I checked out some Linux on Thinkpad pages and found this one on the R40 It has alot hints and tips for setting up the thinkpad and it's various peripherals. Theres also some links at the bottom. Hope this helps, if you have any problems, just ask. EDIT: also found this which seems to have the driver status for each piece of hardware. Linux config about your touchpad, mousepad etc. can be found here. Hope these help
  21. wow you really have been around before i have! I dont believe the colt/m1a1/m4a1 has a scope anymore :unsure:
  22. This is mine <------------ Not a bad look, I used it on old gaming forums, why not here!?
  23. plati

    Gimp 2

    I really really have to try GIMP 2 when my fedora box decides to come back online.. *cough* anyway, Ive learnt everything I know in Photoshop 7 and whenever Ive checked out GIMP in the past I feel I dont have the same creative freedom. The whole interface just seems cluttered and Im busy fretting about being able to see the desktop and accidently clicking out that I dont feel free Hopefully GIMP 2 fixes this..
  24. I thought you wanted help with Counter-strike! Misread the topic lol
  25. plati

    Modifying fstab

    oo that mounting in home directory is a great idea! Thanks very much aru, my fstab is all workamable now :D
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