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Everything posted by Gowator

  1. Its probably just the device association.... The best thing to diagnose is open a terminal and tail -f dmesg when you poress the hotsynch it should tell you the correct device.... if you have a memory card it might show you two devices though so you have to kinds try both.... if you keep pressing it they seem to just increment .... and the way I found to reset this was rmmod visor (Im guessing its still the visor module) and then modprobe visor (you can check the exact name using lsmod)
  2. aRTee.. forgot but I owe you this link from a long time ago www.keynux.com
  3. Yep its basic BUT its professional...... What I mean by that is its almost the opposite of GIMP in design terms.... If you compare GIMP to photoshop you simply can't compare from a professional POV because GIMP only handles 16bit colors ... whatever you do with it it can never produce professional pre-press output even though its got loads of nifty features etc. Its just a function of how GIMP developed over time, nothing wrong with GIMP but it can never handle pro color palettes etc .. (Incidentally cinepaint is a fork of GIMP which was rebuit to handle 16 bit color but still lacks the advanced functionality of GIMP) Scribus on the otherhand starts off with professional features...but the interface itself is a bit basic (you end up typing in numbers etc.) and it really only works efficiently if you already have your text and graphics. BUT it produces pro quality stuff, just a bit quirkily but the interface is really coming on and its getting even better. The fact it is on a "solid base" means it really can compete with the professional SW... If you understand the DTP workflow then Scribus is really an excellent package...
  4. Well I haven't made a Mandriva install since 2006 and that was in VMWARE so its a virtual CD anyway... However your problem sounds spookily like the problem that brought me to this board many years ago.... I don't think its the same error ....as death by M/Soft, which sounds more like the special cutdown kernel which is used during install simply doesn't recognise the CD/DVD.... (or more accurately the bus it is on).... The install image boots OK..because this is under BIOS and then syslinux but once its loaded it can't see the CD it just booted from.... In your case where did you get the CD/DVD? My problem was a physcial problem with officially pressed CD's (i.e. paid for powerpack) and the CD's themselves were physically warped... when you compared them with properly pressed CD's (like from a magazine) they just were not actually round ... and the edges all warped.... The actual errors were random because it depended how the CD was spinning ....and I was getting the same errors you describe, failing on different RPM's.... In the end I just gave up on them and used a cover CD .... it installed fine (go figure) The other error I had was again an official disk set (I didn't pay for this one it was a freebie at the Paris Linux Expo mandriva stand) and was the first x_64 version ... This one was like "death by M/Soft"'s problem ... It simply lost the CD/DVD when it booted.... This was my last real arttempt ever to use Mandriva as my primary distro..... now I just keep a copy for curiosity and helping people here.... This was exactly the impression they gave me... with the paid support stuff.... Basically although I could physically SEE the CD's were not even round they referred me to Mandrake Club and Mandrake Expert .. the problem was obviously a physical one with the disks but you try communicating and .. well that's how I ended up feeling too.
  5. Is this the special version of the Simms for linux? If it is then it should work but the Windows version is specifically written not to work with what it thinks is a debugger running ... it thinks your trying to hack cheat codes... I spent a long time trying this about 4 yrs ago....it simply won't run unless you get the specially modded version ...
  6. I guess it depends on the phone but IR should work as a serial device... I use bluetooth myself and just copy/paste from konqueror using sdp:/
  7. Happens quite often with mandriva install kernels.... they just don't see the CD/DVD or hard drives ... last install I did I had to do a NFS install because it just wouldn't see the drive once I started the install..
  8. The first thing to consider is why you need a laptop. What is the purpose of the lapop? The second question is how much you wish to spend...... That's about it... From the minute a laptop is on the shelves its already outdated and having taken many apart they are pretty much the same on the inside down to the boards and circuitry. If you want portability then a 12" IBook is a good bet... if you want power then a desktop is a better bet. Unless you intend to use it as a laptop and use the battery then its just throwing money away... so battery life for me is important .... Disk performance is always lousy anyway, even the newer 7200prm drives are nothing like a real disk. The effective usefulness is limited by battery lifetime, once the battery is gone then the replacment cost usually outweighs just buying a newer laptop... Either way you are pretty much buying a luxury item that will be worthless in a year. Course they are lots of fun.... but laptops are made to be disposable not upgradable and there is more to upgrading than dropping in a new CPU. Think about the screen...when the laptop dies you throw out a perfectly good screen? Batteries cost a fortune to replace... and about all you can salvage is memory, disk and CPU. The rest is scrap. If you want to do "work" then running a office suite is not so demanding and any $500 laptop is up to that. If you want to run games then .... IMHO you have more money than sense... course its up to you what you spend your money on, some people buy $500 jeans....personally I'd much rather have a state of the art laptop... I'm just saying this not because you shouldn't buy a laptop BUT that you should realise what you are buying. If you realise all that and still want one then see rule #1.. what do you need it for? If you want to transport it then weight and whatever you need to plug in to get it to communicate counts...(unless of couse you have a assistant who carries your bags) If I was buying a laptop now I'd probably go for the 12" Ibook with an external screen at home... because its light, good battery and doesn't need stuff added to do the basics...anything much bigger (I have an old Amilo D) just gets left at home because of the weight.... What I look for is something portable, good battery life and able to play a DVD easily in hotels or trains/planes. Anything else is best done on a low end desktop much faster and cheaper.
  9. OC_Legend, Is it installed in ENGLISH? Its completely possible that the keymap is not correctly set .... when you type your username to login it should show up BUT not the password ... try typing the password in the username so you can see the keys are what you expect... when you work this out and can login you can then type loadkeys <isocode> where <isocode> is the correct iso two letter code for your keyboard (like loadkeys fr or loadkeys de) thne the keys should work as labelled.
  10. One thing to be aware of though is the ISO might be meant to be used as a bootable CD.... I hadn't thought of this earlier but is it a CD that boots and then makes the PC into a dedicated firewall?
  11. euh, thanks. The proof will be in the pudding (English saying) Like your last post on k3b; got a similar problem having it compiled from source. But can live without k3bsetup. The mutual appreciation society ;) LOL.... yeah in the end the setup doesn't do anything spectacular anyway..just adds the burning group (which you can do through kuser or similar) and changes the permissions of the /dev/dvd .... Why compile from source though? I mainly use Debian but in both mandy and deb I try and use packages at least for really useful stuff :D not because I can't compile but it jhust gives me a cleaner and worry free system :D and often the stupid deps are hidden in a place you wouldn't look (like the kdesu) I used to be a big compile everything freak.... but It just ends up taking over your life :D
  12. New here but exactly spot on! :D
  13. You can just install it via urpmi or install NFS or apache If you use NFS then you just export it by making /mnt/iso exported ... for the purpose of the install a simple entry in /etc/exports like /media/sda1/ *(rw,no_root_squash) is sufficient.. you can make * = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx if you like for security ... now use the NFS install option if you use apache then you can just mkdir /var/www/iso mount the ISO instead on this mount point.. mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/adrian/Download/smoothwall-2.0.iso /var/www/iso now use the http method of install or you can set up ftp.... its not so hard either
  14. It doesn't... as I posted earlier It is the MENU ENTRY that invokes kdesu NOT k3bsetup. if you use the xhost + and enable root access to the desktop and then run k3bsetup as root then it works fine.
  15. alternatively open a console as user type xhost + (then su ) su and type password EXPORT DISPLAY=:0.0 k3bsetup
  16. A lot of the time these sites actually work but FAIL on the browser detection.... I kid you not I had to see one last week and the front page simply said USE FLASH.... neither konq nor firefox worked....even though flash was installed BECAUSE they prevented anyone using anything BUT IE..... If you then choose a page at random inside the site (using google) it worked! If I set konqueror to pretend to be IE running on XP it worked at the front page..... Try here: http://www.mapr.org/ now try part of the site http://www.mapr.org/El Museo.aspx Weird, they just don't want non IE people .... Now try in Konqueror/Identification setting browser string for www.mapr.org (Tools/configuration/browser id/)TO MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1.... <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript"> <!-- // Visual basic helper required to detect Flash Player ActiveX control version information Function VBGetSwfVer(i) on error resume next Dim swControl, swVersion swVersion = 0 set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i)) if (IsObject(swControl)) then swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version") end if VBGetSwfVer = swVersion End Function // --> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Detect Client Browser type var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false; var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false; jsVersion = 1.1; And this is being paid for with PUBLIC MONEY.....and as you can see its designed to ID the OS as well and block non Windows regardless!!!!
  17. Hablas Español? any help appreciated .... https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=35510 En Español....... http://linuxmigrations.hd.free.fr/rico_art/index.php?lang=es
  18. Gowator

    Squid shut-up

    then have a look in /var/log .. there should be the squid log (it produces huge ones when its being verbose) ....and see what you can find... post anything suspicous I haven't used squid for a while... but I used it for 6 months because my ISP (wifi) would only allow a single mac address to connect and the signal strengh kept going so I ended up with a laptop outside my window running squid (weird I know) ...but after its setup it functions pretty good for me....
  19. Gowator

    Squid shut-up

    Is your disk with the /var on it full by any chance?
  20. I gotta go with this.... but just choose one PC and incrementally start adding server type services.... don't try and do the whole thing at once unless you have experience in building servers. ultimately you will probably want to reinstall FC from scratch for server use or remove a whole load of SW but don't sweat it and just take it a step at a time... For instance if you want to run a DHCP server etc. start sharing disks via NFS because its a doddle.... Yes it has some security issues but you should staret off with basic stuff and since your isolated its not a risk.,.. and then you can replace programs with more secure alternatives as when you want. Choose one task at a time like http and then just get that working then move on to other stuff.... My FC install has sendmail already configured for local delivery....
  21. I'd try and do this incrementally.... for instance if you move the home directory to the server you effectivly are using the user settings on the server... its a bit pointless with 2 PC's other than learning but if that's your aim then thats cool. You might want to look into a complete thin client network boot.... where the whole boot sequence is done over NFS... mail retreival is simple just set up the client for local mailbox. In the past Ive done this across the network by just creating a symlink to the mail dir on the "server" which is shared using NFS.
  22. Yes you can false color.... usually you use functions based on luminance or similar to assign a color to a certain values range. However you wont get something looking exactly like it was a color picture to start off with... more nice effects, is that what you mean?
  23. I haven't done XGL on mandriva but I did it on Debian and had a lot of fun ... the downside being it disabled my second monitor .. other than that it worked.... the desktop seemed faster and lots of pretty stuff.... and I have a reasonably old graphics card... so very impressive BUT... something I got quickly bored of.... and a few annoying quirks due to its immaturity .... I might say have a try on a live distro and see if you still want to install it....after playing for a few hours.... I had the most fun getting it working .. and disabling it after :D
  24. Then you shouldn't be licensing it under GPL. aRTee, what I'm saying is though I might as an opensource developer or part of a team develop a GUI tool I'm not going to spend my time developing CC modules for each distro.... if I am going to make ANY CC type module it would be for a FREE as in beer distro.... or go into a multidistro CC like Gnome or KDE.... In other words Mandriva and Suse etal. can make their own.... UNLESS they want to pay for the development of a specific CC module for their CC. There is no reason they should expect a developer of say a DVD ripping program to write a special CC interface for mandriva and another for suse and another for mepis. When you think about this if you have written a nice config tool why would you spend time writing one specifically for someone else to sell when they refuse to use the one you already wrote? Authors are free to stipulate that the original code must be distrubuted intact. (including copyright notiices and credits etc.) and this can (and in many cases is extended to the config tools which are part of the package....) This is exactly the point I keep trying to make GUI CONFIG tools != CC. You don't need to set this up from the CLI.... You can choose from quiteinsane (Qt) , Xsane (GTK+) I'm not saying they should only be done from the CLI.... I'm saying GUI tools already exist to do this. and incidentally the printer config and sharing can be done from the KDE CC.... so long as its the complete KDE CC not a stripped down version!
  25. My question still stands about what exactly is a control centre? I don't see how we can discuss if a control centre is needed until its defined. If we take the definition of the MS control centres then these are compiled binary modules .... If we take the MCC then we are looking at a lot of PERL scripts with a 'look n feel'?? .... other distro's do other things... Kanotix uses the KDE CC since its a KDE distro.... but where other things are needed as GUI tools Kano adds them to the KDE CC or the Kanotix menu..... So is the kanotix config menu a CC???? it runs wizards for everything from wifi config to samba and terminal server etc. whilst we are asking what is a CC what about say fnfxd or synaptics CC';s? fnfxd controls the ACPI functions of toshiba laptops.... should this be a CC module or is a script launching it close enough....?? synaptics tablet drivers have a KDE CC module for config ... AS I HAVE REPEATEDLY STATED GUI TOOLS !=CONTROL CENTRE There are hundreds of GUI config tools specific to applications.... K3B for instance has its opwn GUI config as does xine .... and hundreds of other packages.... We are not discussing the presence or absense of a GUI we are discussing the presence or absence of a control centre ... yet what a control centre is has not been defined. Once its defined we can perhaps ask what it should control? Should a control centre contain optional components like apache or sendmail? Why is it absurd ... ?? but more importantly WHERE did I state it goes against the GPL??? In many cases the commercial distro's ARE breaking the GPL.... many of the GUI config tools mandriva deliberatly cripples or breaks are part of the package "which should be distributed whole"... However this is not the point I am raising.... The point I'm raising is commercial distro's are not going to get the actual application developers to give their time writing a control centre module for a commercial distro especially when they can write modules for the Gnome CC or KDE CC. But it goes a level deeper than this because Mandriva actually cripple the KDE CC by taking out parts that duplicate the MCC so there wouldn't be any motivation to write a standard module if the CC is already deliberatly crippled ..... and at the same time there is no motivation for mandriva or SUSE to accept a standard which is not theirs since they use their CC's as "distinguishing features" of their distro..... This is the same as themes I guess when people write themes but can't get rid of the mandriva start star..... you have to be a major mandriva freak to write them specially for mandriva due to their messing about with the whole themes and icons stuff.... instead most people write themes for KDE or Gnome and if it doesn't quite work right in Mandriva well tough.... however unlike themes actual applications are crippled by lack of real configuration options ... for instance when shorewall is used for ICS.... Windows control centre is no different ... many graphics,wifi, sound cards etc have CC modules and these constantly interfere with the Windows native ones.... i.e. You install the wifi card and it adds its own Wifi browser to the CC which then prevents the windows one having control.... YOu can pretty much see this on any DELL centrino laptop .... or installing CD writers and SW interferes with the Windows settings....
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