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Everything posted by Gowator

  1. Really simply 1) Make sure the two PC's have static IP's set in the same subnet (even though your not connected its good practice to use non routable (10.0.x.x, 172.x.x.x ot 192.x.x.x) ) 2) Install NFS server (there is a client package and a server package - I'd set one up first as a server) 3) you also want nfs-client or nfs-common and portmap running) 4) Make a line in /etc/exports /media/sda1/ *(rw,no_root_squash,insecure,insecure_locks,no_subtree_check,async, nohide) (change /media/sda1 for whatever... it can be / if you have no security worries) 5) start portmap, nfs-common, nfs-server on the "server" 6) start portmap, nfs-client on the "client" 7) showmount -a <ipaddofserver> should see this share... 8) Mount x.x.x.x:/media/sda1 /mnt/<directory> should then work and /mnt/directory should then be whatever you shared.
  2. Helmut Your xorg.conf that is working in Kubunti live SHOULD work for Mandriva too..... For accessing your windows files in a hurry I'd say the same as arctic.... if the kubuntu isn't working for this TRY kanotix.. I don't know Kubuntu Live but I know as he says you will hget access to the files AND working OO and Printing.... If you use the LIVe CD and mount your / readwrite (simple in the kanotix GUI) you can copy the working one into the /etc/X11 directory (you probably wanna backup the existing one by copying it )
  3. A good start would be wghat sort of cable modem you are using? If you can glean from widonws or your ISP what protocols (pppoe or pppoa) and how you identify yourself... You can check the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and other files in the direcotry and see what its trying to use .. this might help you see hwat its trying and give you an idea what to replace it with.
  4. Helmut, I think you have one fundamental thing which is screwing everything else up....and that one thing is something urmpi is stuck halfway on.... Like I say it shouldn't happen ... but it has and I think until its sorted out it will keep interfering. Noone is locking you out.... everything you want to do can be done without root owning the X session... A better analogy is why food blenders won't work unless the lid is locked in place.... or why washiung machines don't start unless thew door is closed... If you are really determined you can stick a matchstick into the switch and stick your hand in while its on...or you can do the same with the washing machine and flood the room... However note you CAN buy hand blenders which will chop your fingers off if you stick them in and upright washing machines designed to be used this way... The way Linux is designed is to run as a multiuser system with safeguards .. its the fundamental design of linux... (indeed all *nix and *bsd) ...this doesn't just affect the user experience either... its fundamental to the design that userspace is kept seperate to kernel space. This is why X should not be able to crash your system (it can crash itself but not the whole kernel because its protected from doing so) (The same can be said for things like apache - its run in userspace) .. hence it can crash but it can't crash the system... Think of it like a layered system.... root has access to process 1 which is init... All of the programs written for user space assume that this protection is in place because that is the way programs are made for linux.. This is why for instance k3b has a seperate setup prog which runs as root... so that k3b itself is operating in user space... the same is true for almost all linux progs with a few exceptions like network monitoring tools... Even OS-X does this but they have written a whole interface over the top (however for many things you still need to access the root account). The only OS that doesn't is Windows where the GUI is run as part of the kernel processes. This is why windows can crash a whole system... Security wise? Well the apps which are designed not to run as root .. isn't that the chioce of the person writing the app? Since its GPL you are free to modify the code but id they decide they don't want their app running as root surely that's up to them? Your cursor prob sounds like a prob in the xorg.conf... possibly due to the driver and probably has a simple workaround in the driver switches. This sounds like the #2 thing to workout after the urmpi thing? edits: Also are you trying to use the XGL... it could simply be your card is not supported?
  5. To check permissions you don't even need root access...obviously you do to chnage them in which case the kdesu krusador or even kdesu konqueror works fine...
  6. Hmm you should probably sort it out... Obviously it shouldn't happen but it is and Im guessing urmpi is stuck in a loop over one thing and this is why its acting strangely for other stuff. It could be a mistake in the deps list ... that is you installed something that has a orphan dep ... There is absolutely no need to log in as root (unless you are running a realtime recording studio in which case it might provide better realtime recording) ... Specifically There are countless ways of doing this from the MCC to gnome volume manager or kdiskfree or even webmin.... non of these require a root login to the desktop.. Once you set up the partition as user mountable or mounted at boot then it will not require any special access ... Quite frankly if you can't work out how to mount a disk it would be a sick joke allowing you access to the desktop as root. You sound like someone who just bought a performance car complaining that the engine management system won't let you take it past the red line and blow-up the engine.... the root login at X is disabled for a good reason and there is no need to have a root desktop ... You should stop and consider why .. instead of complaining about something put there for your protection, its a 30 second hack to fix it but why would you want to? Almost all experinced people DO NOT EVER access the desktop as root ... because it is taking unnecassary risks and is an accident waiting to happen ... If experienced people don't do it then you should at least ask yourself why? Think of it in another context ....why is the firing pin on an automatic disengaged while you are loading it? Why do lifts get programmed so they don't open the doors between stories? Why will an automatic car not start unless its in park or neutral?
  7. can you post your /etc/fstab or at least the entry for / so I can see where it thinks it should be.... it should be /dev/hdb but if it has no partitions there won't be a /deb/hdb1
  8. Is there any particular reason for this? It depends if you want a long or short answer ...... Usually if you have to ask the question then its there to protect you.... and on the whole noone who understands why its there would want to run the GUI as root or anyone who wants to run the GUI as root is prevented doing so until they work out how to do it... usually by the time anyone works out how they no longer want ot run the GUI as root... Its trivial to change but there is no need, there is nothing you need a GUI running as root for... ( with the exception of perhaps some realtime permissions for music mixing... ) but then you need to disconnect from the internet or run a good firewall and know what your doing... Also if you want to run the GUI as root then just stop the dm and start the GUI from a console as root... but again there is nothing in the GUI that needs to be run as root that cannot be opened specifically as root... Many programs will not even run as root... anyway because the program designers have kept to good practice so progs like gtk-gnutella and most irc chat clients will refuse to even start as root.
  9. Im not sure there is a single "best application"... For prototyping sime html NVU is quick and easy.... Bluefish and Quanta both have strong points and Screem in the Gnome environment.. Ultimately good text editors like kate are also very powerful with syntax highlighting ... I tend to use a combination depending what Im trying to do but most often I just use vi... I don't know of any .net editors (its not something I'd ever use unless someone paid me to do it against my advice)
  10. Well if you can just turn off RAID you can use SW RAID in Linux....presuming you don't want to use windows as well. I doubt you will loose any speed ... but this supposes the SATA controller is supported as a standard (non-RAID) controller....
  11. Gowator

    A few questions

    Largely it depends what you want to do regarding upgrading.... If you have a seperate /home its easy to keep user settings If you run a lot of servers etc. then having a seperate /var is useful You can also leave say a 10GB partition and then use this later if you find /var or /usr are getting larger and larger... sometimes the best policy is to try it for a while and then backup and repartition.... For instance my /var is huge because I have my photo gallery etc in /var/www ... but I never actually expected that so I made a new partition and mounted it as /var/www You can really do what you want but it takes a bit of understanding not to mess things up....so its better to start simple IMHO...
  12. I haven't used that chipset but I wouldn't be so certain its not SW RAID....This is a really common cause of confusion ... and Im sure i have a post on here somewhere about it :D There are a whole slew of RAID controllers being built in to mobo's but they are all as far as I can tell SW unless the mobo costs over $1000 ....obviously the manufacturers don't actually advertise this so its not easy to be sure. If its true HW Raid then its set-up in the bios of the RAID controller not managed through a program in windows or linux... If you can actualy define the RAID stripes in bios (not just switch it on and off) then its HW but if you have to create them in an OS then its SW... however there is also the mid ground firmware... The fact windows won't boot is not really proof its not Sw raid .. because the RAID drivers are loaded right at the beginning... edits: Sorry, its not HW RAID then because HW RAID doesn't use a driver... In true HW RAID the RAID controller uses its own firmware to make the array look like a single disk and the OS doesn't need to even know its an array.
  13. I'd just start using diff until you see how different it is then you might be better just editing by hand or not. In other words you might be as quick just making a few changes to the old config to account for the nwer kernel as trying to recreate?
  14. Gowator

    A few questions

    Also you could move /usr to /home.... It would be a bit weird setup wise but essentially most of the installed files would then go onto the 50GB partition. However this is not something to be done without planning... Essentially if you copy the whole of /usr to a directory /home/usr then you can alter the fstab so that /usr is mounted on /home/usr however it might at some point cause problems since /usr would have to be mounted after /home Much neater would be to resize the home partition and create another one and mount this as /usr and /opt and /var and make sure these are mounted before /home in the fstab...
  15. Because you provided the screenshot which shows it going into the bootloader.... but you maintain it isn't. gfx isn't trying to load itself, the bootloader is... but your screenshot plainly shows that you are in the bootloader .....???? What seems to be happening is the default boot options are automatically being taken ... which is to load the gfx splash screen.... Im downloading a 2007 .iso in order to check but I expect you can interupt the default (which is the gfx boot screen) and instead it will fallback to text.... Try TAB or ESC etc.
  16. Gowator

    Keyboard problems

    What language keyboards are you using? Try just typing the name in the login box or press CTRL+ALT+F1 and see what is being typed for a login then CTRL+ALT+F7 to go back to the GUI.
  17. You might also want to check the 3rd tab in kmix if available....(switches) and sometiomes there is a switch that converts between the mic plug being a mic and 6 channel surround etc. The best thing is calling yourself and playing with the settings because sometimes the text is not so helpful..
  18. This is what I prefer to manipulate iptable. Take a bit of time to get used to. It has a blacklist etc, the most flexibility because it is txt based. The problem with GUI is incompletness often, or untold decision they take Dshield.org is a great idea while we are talking about firewall Actually shorewall is as good a front end as any, its just the way mandriva implement it that makes it unpopular and seem overly complex but this is because mandriva use it as a base for the ICS ... The easiest way to use shorewall is to completely overwrite the mandriva settings which are kinda bizarre due to its use for Internet Connection sharing.... and then just follow the relevant quick start guide. From the shorewall site Personally I tend to use firestarter for adhoc firewalling (like runing a liveCd from someone elses house) and I use my router at home because its there anyway...
  19. This is true and most of them have either GUI config and/or Webmin modules... Most hardware firewalls also use iptables as well.
  20. KDE control panel/Components/Email client select other and leave empty
  21. First off we need to check its being seen when plugged in... this seems to be based on pressing the hotsynch on the device itself. Here is what I get from dmesg This is what I get BUT..... its not connecting..... So i have to find the device string for the Palm, in my case its a Zire 72 So I press the synch and lsusb gives me Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0830:0061 Palm, Inc. This needs reformating for hex so it becomes 0x0830 product=0x061 Now edit /etc/modprobe.conf and add the following line so the visor module knows to handle this device. options visor vendor=0x0830 product=0x061 just add that line to the end thenhowever if you keep pressing the synch it keeps incrementing the /dev/ttyUSB so you must unload it....and reload it root@Kanotix32:/l# rmmod visor root@Kanotix32:/# modprobe visor However if kpilot is open this won't work.... since its locking the visor module... Now Im going to try setting it to the ttyUSB1 (since ttyUSB0 doesn't work on the Zire72 it must be the SD storage) I set kpliot to /dev/ttyUSB1 kpilot tells me WARNING: KPilot error: Pilot device /dev/ttyUSB1 does not exist. Probably it is a USB device and will appear during a HotSync. So its OK... it should appear when the synch is pressed.... So time to try again Success ... It needs to be the ttyUSB1 So its now synched.... You need to find the correct strings from lsusb (the first is manufacturer and the second is the device and use the modules.conf format to add them so that the module visor knows what to do.... Update: Oops, according to 2007 release notes this doesn't work
  22. Yeah I only keep it for curiosity and support LOL Suse... i just couldn't live with....the whole YaST thing drove me crazy...... slack.... I should give it another go, haven't used in in over 10 yrs now.... and its a lot different :D can I recommend the kanotix CD .... have a go in live mode .. the GUI tools are there, just not in a CC and from what you say I think you'd like it.... but as you say recommending to noobies is also a good reason to stick with mandy...Im just guessing here that you'll like it....
  23. yahooooooo I guess i should write it up properly for mandriva.... what usb device strings sis you get (manufacturer should be the same) but the model might be different??
  24. This is what I get BUT..... its not connecting..... So i have to find the device string for the Palm, in my case its a Zire 72 So I press the synch and lsusb gives me Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0830:0061 Palm, Inc. Now I edit /etc/modules.conf (might be slightly different on Mandriva) options visor vendor=0x0830 product=0x061 just add that line to the end then update-modules This then adds this to the real modules file in Debian.... root@Kanotix32:/l# rmmod visor root@Kanotix32:/# modprobe visor repeat dmesg ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.1: wakeup usb 2-3: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 5 usb 2-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice visor 2-3:1.0: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter detected usb 2-3: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB0 usb 2-3: Handspring Visor / Palm OS converter now attached to ttyUSB1 hmmm... the module only unloads when kpilot is stopped fully (icon on task bar) Now I have ttyUSB2 and ttyUSB3 so i unload kpilot and ........ rmmod visor :D Now Im going to try setting it to the ttyUSB1 kpilot tells me WARNING: KPilot error: Pilot device /dev/ttyUSB1 does not exist. Probably it is a USB device and will appear during a HotSync. So time to try again Success ... It needs to be the ttyUSB1 So its now synched.... You need to find the correct strings from lsusb (the first is manufacturer and the second is the device and use the modules.conf format to add them so that the module visor knows what to do.... Wow... hope that helps, at least mie is working again after my reinstall...
  25. Thanks for your post. Below more details and thoughts This is very very interesting. Never thought of that as the problem was very new to me (it might have occured once on a single packet with 2006? but did not pay attention at the time. I have been on boards for a while but never seen a post about that, saying that I was not looking for it). The 2007 DVD is an iso (from bittorent, the dual arch 586 / 64 bits) burnt with k3b at 8x. The md5 sum and gpg signature were fine. The media is a generic 8x DVD-R. I have used many of these with other distros, never had a problem. (but yes, this does not mean that very one was/is not well balanced or wrapped). The laptop is an IBM R40e a bit old hence (DVD combo, not even cd writer, but up to 16x read I think). Ok a laptop reader can be a a bit fussy; I first used a DVD-R datawrite yellow 16x burnt at 8x. This would not even boot, whereas that same yellow DVD would boot ok on the desktop (I assume it is an optical problem or something to do with the header/descriptor being incompatible with the dvd firmware; do not know). I think you are well on track here with your suspicions.... Laptop DVD readers, specially combo's are dodgy because the heads never quite align optimally... Indeed in reality the same is true of any "combo" drive BUT because they device is physically thicker the angle it aligns at is less critical. (Im guessing you already know that the wavelength is different ... ) What Ive found is pretty much trial and error..... Some combo drives write and read their own CD's/DVD's.... but then ytou get problems when you use it elsewhere.... others read the DVD's burned elsewhere .. it all really depends on that drive and how the lenses physically align.... On top of this laptop drives get banged about .... so you can physically misalign them through ths too. I have on occiasion taken apart the full size drives and just cleaned them with a spray and put them back together .... This in itself has a solved a lot of issues without having to physically touch the lens.....I think its just putting it back together that helps.... Sometimes i have to physically clean the lens but I try not to.... burning on the slowest possible speed seems to help usually ... but you have to play about with the possible speeds for the writer and medium... sometimes the medium won't allow slower writing ! Failing that I just burn a install and use a NFS install.... you can usually just mount the DVD image as loopback on another PC and copy the files to a disk ... and then use the NFS install indeed I started douing this almost by default anyway since it sdaves lots of effort in the 1st place and you are in an easier environment to work with... Also with a fast internet connection you can just install via http: on one of the mirrors... I used to be paranoid about havig the physical medium (just in case) but I no longer bother ... I just ended up with a huge CD wallet with hundreds of install CD's.... 99% of which I only used once... so instead I just keep a liveCD just in case....(In my case kanotix) It seems to be the case but I think the problem is it requires a reset command to be issued and the installation kernel drivers don't allow that... or perhaps it unloads and reloads the module BUT the module is compiled in the kernel fopr the install kernel.... Yes, i think a lot of it is the DMA settings .but also the limitations of the install kernel as I described above.... Also I have to say I noticed this more on Mandriva.... so that tends to suggest it..... Its a bit OT but this is a long standing problem with Mandriva I find that they get a bit ahead of themselves technically in terms of the autodetection and this is not the only problem with their installation kernels.... I guess completely an aside but .. are you sure you want Mandriva???? I think a lot of these issues are actually caused by the all-out aim at a noobie friendly install.... In many ways the install seems a trade off between the autodetection and saving the user from making technical choices and hence it tends to work or not work... and when it doesn't the install ends up being more complex than say Debian netinstall.... ... and if you installed BSD then you can install something a bit more technical ???? I use a rock solid Debian as my main distro and then run everything else via VMWARE...though Im thinking of going with Xen next reinstall....just an idea??? Yeah me too....
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