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Everything posted by Darkelve
You can use Gstreamer with amaroK too. Among others.
Yup, yup... I agree! Just installed 1.2.2 ... it's awesome! You can use a SQLite or MySQL database to store songs.
Creeps into your head too! :lol:
Here? http://www.motorola.com/softmodem/driver.htm#llinux
<snip> Jeez, it rarely does much good writing all those pi**ing emails to webbies trying to get them to get their sites to work better with Mozilla or to use video formats that aren't reliant on me having quicktime or WMP, you think Apple are going to take any notice? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, some are listening! A few weeks ago I e-mailed this site: http://www.oceade.be/ to remark their Javascript-detection didn't work with Firefox, so you couldn't navigate the menus. Now, a few weeks later, it works without problems! I sent a mail to thank them too! That's as important as complaining about the problem.
From my point of view, DRM is stealing away my rights.
Hmmm... not everyone wants to compile kernels SoulSe... The effort put into the extra hardware support is just another sort of added value to a distro. I think users *should not* be obliged to compile kernels. But I also think users should check HW compatibility first before buying blindly... and I think companies need to be more active in writing drivers. And I think... uhm... I think I'm ranting now...
Yes, but be careful to use things in CSS that are supported. E.g. attribute selectors in CSS3 are the coolest things, but they work in everything but IE. Most things in CSS1 and CSS2 can be used without trouble though. Key is to test in different browsers. And don't worry if it doesn't look 100% pixel-perfect the same across browsers and platforms and resolutions, and... that is an illusion anyway. Table-based lay-outs don't look the same either. That it doesn't look exactly the same doesn't mean it can't look good! B) Plus CSS is very, very reusable (especially is you use external stylesheets). E.g. take a look here and compare these 2 websites: http://www.delijn.be/delijn/ http://www.delijn.be/mobiliteitswinkel/ If you compare the code, you'll see it wasn't a lot of effort changing them!
Well, you can use Javascript as well of course. The only thing is, you might bump into the problem of browser detection again. CSS menus really do have a lot of advantages. Javascript does as well. But if nvu doesn't provide such a tool like Dreamweaver (which is a unique tool for this application, but still somewhat of a hack), I'm afraid you'll have to implement this manually. Dhtml: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHTML If much of the same can be obtained using CSS, with less of these disadvantages (although Netscape 4 is a disadvantage to CSS by itself - may it die soon) then why NOT use CSS? A CSS solution with cross-browser hacks is still ultimately less 'hacky' then most Javascript/dhtml solutions.
These "layers" are indeed kind of a hack and you shouldn't really use them. Instead, you'd be better off learning a bit of CSS and using that. Honestly, it's not that difficult and you'll be glad you did afterwards. With CSS you can do everything you could do with "layers" and more. http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp Some advanced articles about use of CSS are here: http://www.alistapart.com/topics/css/ These are of particular interest for you: http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/menus/demo.html http://www.alistapart.com/articles/horizdropdowns/ http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/ http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns/ Of course, you can just copy the code from 1 of these articles if you're in a hurry. And like you said, I don't know what that Layer button is for, but it might be a good idea to ask on the nvu forum/mailing list/whatever if you insist on using layers. Darkelve
About your wireless, could be your card is a "Wireless-G" card (802.11g support). Linspire 5 has improved support for those. And pretty good hardware support overall. Another good distro for wireless would be SuSe, although I'm not sure if 9.2 already offers (or if 9.3 *will* offer) 802.11g support. You can download the full version of SuSe 9.3 from their FTP servers some time after it is out (somewhere May/June I think) and Linspire will have a LiveCD of their Five-O version, but that is not out yet.
Somehow this puts a smile of my face... :)
amaroK is audio bliss for me! B)
My review of Linspire Five-O: http://linuxinformer.ducaet.be/Linspire5_review.pdf
Here's the review: http://linuxinformer.ducaet.be/Linspire5_review.pdf Screenshots I included look a little bad, dunno why... By the way, the font issue was due to my low resolution and refresh rate.
The Windows version of Linux? It's amazing what a little CD burning app can do... Or they must be talking about this: http://www.mslinux.org/ !!
Yes: open a terminal/console (e.g. KDE's "Konsole") and type: alsaconf and follow instructions. Then try to select it (Alsa) again in XMMS.
Paul, I have that installed as well but... how do you connect to the (remote) Windows machine?
Linspire Press Release: http://www.linspire.com/lindows_news_pressreleases.php Osnews article: http://www.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=9984 Screenshots: http://www.linspire.com/lindows_news_galle...mage=screenshot I'm downloading it right now (no it isn't free, but I'm a lifetime member). With SuSe 9.3 coming out next month, I've got 2 things to have lots of fun with! Plus I downloaded SimplyMepis 3.3 yesterday... which is very good, as long as you have a decent amount of RAM ( ar least 384 or better 512; why the hell does it start ALL of those services at boot??). Edit: don't bother going to their website ATM, it's under such heavy load none of the links really work... :ph34r: Darkelve P.S. Gowator, aren't you curious as well?
Thanks Devries, I'll try it this evening. I even found an RPM for SuSe 9.1 already B)
Hi, I'm trying to -in Linux- connect to an external computer from work by use of VPN and pptp. I managed to install a package called 'pptp' (there was a SuSe RPM for it) and ran the GUI that is provided. It seems to work, it says: So I guess that means the authentication works (or the 'tunneling', or whatever it is that's being done). However, what I need is a graphical way to login remotely to the (Win2000) system. Can anyone help with this? Darkelve
How to use your savefiles for use in the next game. It might be a good idea to first make a backup of your savegames before trying this. 1. LPI to LPII: save in the Sage's room (at the butterfly), then copy that save slot to the corresponding directory for LPII. The savefiles are called save01.lsd up to save15.lsd . Be sure to copy the right slot (the save in the Sage's room) 2. LPII to LPIII: Download this patch: http://perso.monaco377.com/t_king/Patch_lp2_lp3.exe to the directory where Wine put LPII. Open a terminal, navigate to the LPII directory and type: wine Patch_lp2_lp3.exe' Answer 'yes' to all overwrite questions. Follow these instructions: http://www.laxiuspower.com/modules.php?nam...iewtopic&t=2595 Finally, copy the appropriate slot to the folder where LPIII is at (this will probably be a mounted windows partition, since I couldn't find a way to install LPIII purely with Wine yet). Enjoy!
I'm going to write a review soon, comparing SuSe 9.3, Linspire Five-O and WindozeXP Home. Only I've got 2 problems: - SuSe 9.3 is not out yet (until April) - Linspire Five-O is not out yet (rumoured to be out somewhere this month) Ah well, at least it'll be worth waiting for and I'll be having fun trying new distro's again! :)
I'd check out at least: - XFCE; latest stable version. I love Xfce Xfce is great because it also lets you use KDE and Gnome apps easily. - WindowMaker -> this is such a true hidden gem and have used it for quite a while on Mandrake. It works very 'different' from all the rest.