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Everything posted by Reiver_Fluffi

  1. Hmmm, not sure that I really want to post mines here, it's a tip and a half.....
  2. :huh: I think the op is refering to a dual boot, as he says he is apparently disconnecting one drive in order to boot into the other. At least that's how I see it.
  3. You actually mean default interface.... because you can completely change the interface and save it as a profile (add/remove buttons etc) ;) Yes but that time would be better spent working, rather than tweaking, especially given that for example nautilus gives me a clean interface that is simple and does what I want from a file manager, and that firefox does what I want from a web browser with a simple interface. I have still yet to find a qt theme that doesn't hurt my eyes, but that's my personal opinion. Like I said, each to their own.
  4. I wouldn't take the 15th as being the fixed date for release, they never managed that last year. Maybe things are different this time, and good on them for doing so, but nothing Mandriva should be taken to be concrete considering past releases. Doubt it, if last year is anything to go by, those members, IIRC, will not be able to get it until a couple of days before retail is available, and that won't happen until the ISO's are validated and enough disks are pressed and ready for retail sale. This caused a fair bit of upset last year as Mandriva weren't very clear on this until the release date had passed and members were asking for the release.
  5. IIRC you can also right-click on the the menu entry and it should give you an option to create a desktop icon, well at least for gnome anyway.
  6. Gotta admit I never seen that done before, this needs to be added to the tip n tricks I recken
  7. 32bit the only 64 bit I used before was Mandy 2006 64, I never seen any speed improvements to be honest, so I rolled back to mandy 32 at the time as 32 bit seemed a bit more stable IMHO.
  8. Now that would be a sweet idea for a gdeklets/superkaramba theme
  9. It's just the same as mandy to be honest, the only real difference between the two is that the gui tools in Fedora are fragmented, rather than (for the best part) re-written and consolidated under mcc. With regard to lockdown, you just set up repos similar to plf etc, install and bob's your uncle. I have rarely needed to tweak with my Fedora install since I installed FC5 just after release, and that's with most multimedia codecs installed, ati drivers, etc, etc. The fedora desktop on my AMD64 is comparatively faster than my previous Mandy and Suse installs.
  10. Nah, as long as you configure lilo/grub correctly it doesn't really matter, all that does it that windows knows/thinks that it is in the first partition, (IIRC)
  11. There's where ye went wrong mate, Windows has to placed on the first partition of your hard drive, otherwise it refuses to work (another one of it's "quirks".) So in this case you would have needed to put it on /dev/sdb1.
  12. Surely if you install them and run them as services you should be able to do this without connecting to the net?
  13. I'm with Ian on this one, try 64 if you are prepared for more headaches than with a 32. 64 bit distros are getting there, and are good, but personally I don't see the benefit at the moment and sometimes thngs can be a bit rough around the edges.
  14. Personally (if your partitioning permits it) I would reinstall as you can format the / partition before installing. This only applies if you have set up /home on its own partition, or can easily back-up the data on home.
  15. From my experience of that company in the past, their "advisors" know precious little about Linux, it's not a major product for them to support, and if anyone does know anything about it, it's not because they were paid to. To be honest your best port of call is forums like this where people know a damn sight more. Out of interest, how old is your computer? If I were you I would do my hardest to get a refund for it as Mandriva will stop supporting it shortly ....wait just checked, they have stopped supporting it (as of 28th February). Your best bet is to try to download. If that's a problem I could certainly mail you the discs I got kicking around here....somewhere.
  16. Extra support/Club-Membership and some commercial apps/modules installed by default. All of them can be easily installed in the free version. The only support you will really get is voluntary in the club, there's no dedicated support to be honest. Don't get me wrong, there are some very knowledgeable people there, but you are in no way guaranteed to get your problem solved. I'm not trying to discredit your post arctic, but as a benificiary of this support in the recent past, I thought it would be of more use to the original poster to have a good understanding of what this support comprises.
  17. Oh c'mon SoulSe, you can't please everyone. Which brings a point, why focus on one?
  18. Don't think so, AFAIK they are sticking with clearlooks theme for icons/GTK/metacity. they are implementing a new font called Dejavu
  19. Thanks, Scarecrow. But XGL is, isn't it? But I can't seem to get it working, as you can read in my starting post. Any help, would be much appreciated. IIRC yes it works with nvidia
  20. Nope, it just gives us another thing to talk about.......
  21. Each to their own I say, but for me personally I find Konq's interface a little too "busy" for my liking.
  22. Just thought I would share the pics of the new fedora core 6 desktop, boot screen etc! http://people.redhat.com/dfong/fc6graphics/ I might actually keep the default desktop this time round......
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