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Everything posted by liquidzoo

  1. http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/223988.asp New Release Date - August 3rd. I'm still trying to find system specs, but I'm not having a lot of luck.
  2. KDE or Gnome? In KDE it should start automatically. You might have to add it with rt-click on kicker -> add -> one of the options there. Gnome is the same way, except you have to add it. You add it the same way as you do in KDE. In Gnome, it's in the Add To Panel -> Utility menu (thanks to HJ for this info)
  3. Most, if not all, of these 'drivers' you need will actually be modules available to your kernel. Check in MCC -> Hardware -> Harddrake (Menu -> System -> Configure your computer) because some of them might be already set up. Also, with the exception of a few things, all of the tools you will need to get your computer up and running will be on Your Mandrake cd's and can be accessed either through urpmi via the command line, or the Install Software option in Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Packaging -> Install Software.
  4. I had this question a year or so ago here: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/index.php?sho...c=284&hl=access I found that mdbtools: http://freshmeat.net/projects/mdbtools/ worked for me
  5. liquidzoo


    Nope, got 1 more for ya Install the Tabbrowser Extension and there's an option in there to open all links in a new tab
  6. liquidzoo

    New X.org

    Weird. Steve has no problems and uses a USB mouse. bvc, you also have no problems with your PS/2 mouse, although I have the same mouse (I think) but I do use the USB connection.
  7. To install software, use the command line and do it through urpmi (see our FAQ section for more information) or go to the Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Packaging -> Install Software The Install Software option will prompt you for your root password and you can install software that way. Our URPMI FAQ has instructions on how to use the command line to install software as you also have to be root to do that.
  8. liquidzoo

    New X.org

    bvc and Steve: I just thought of something about my mouse and I want to ask you this: What type of mouse do you both use? USB or PS/2 connection?
  9. liquidzoo

    KDE vs. Gnome

    I've used both, currently I use KDE on my desktop and Fluxbox on my laptop. Looks are up to the individual user. You can make each look as spectacular as you want. Power is up to the user. A Linux desktop can be as powerful as you want it to be.
  10. Not sure why they changed the name...probably to get over the tarnish over the releasing-the-code-back-into-the-wine-tree fiasco, but please have your own threads about that. Read more here: http://www.transgaming.com/news.php?newsid=119
  11. liquidzoo

    New X.org

    Weird. I wonder why my system messed up (well, froze, then messed up). Oh well, it's fixed for now, and I made a backup copy of my xorg.conf file just in case I need it in the future
  12. liquidzoo

    New X.org

    The xorg.conf file is (was) a symlink. I just replaced it as a normal file. Maybe I shouldn't have, but oh well; everything works fine for me now. I'll check and see where the symlink on my laptop is pointing to, unless you get a chance to do so before I get home, and post where it's pointing to here.
  13. liquidzoo

    New X.org

    There's a new version of X.org in the cooker repos. Before you upgrade to this (cooker users) please, please backup your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. This file is symlinked by /etc/X11/xorg.conf and installing the new X.org removes this file (I think). I had issues earlier today and all I did was take the file that existed (/etc/X11/XF86Config-4.old) and cp that to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (not sure if I was supposed to, but it works) after removing the now dead symlink that was /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Just a note for anyone who is using cooker and wants to upgrade. It will save you a minor headache (for me, it was my scroll wheel not working).
  14. If you download the RPM from scoopy's post, you should be able to install it with the rpm -ivh command. That should help you out. I remember getting that same error when I was installing superkaramba. For your menu icon, follow my howto here Also, if you like the look of gdesklets more than superkaramba (I personally do), you can install and run gdesklets under KDE. It's not desktop specific anymore. You used to have to have all of Gnome installed, now you only need a few libs related to python.
  15. What programs are you trying to run? That will help us determine which emulator would be best for you.
  16. When you get to the grub menu, there should be an entry that says linux. If you press enter on that entry, it will boot you into Mandrake. If you have Windows on that machine as well, there should be an entry that says Windows that will boot you into that.
  17. I should know not to do things like this... I opened a bug report on ncurses before 10.0CE came out (7209 at http://qa.mandrakesoft.com ) and, well, I messed up tonight. I took out my ncurses entries from my /etc/urpmi/skip.list to test out a new version...long story short: It didn't work. Now I have a problem... According to the bug report: Ok, great. I added: export TERM=xterm-color to my /etc/profile and logged out and back in...didn't fix the issue. I tried it in ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, and ~/.xinitrc but nothing fixed the problem 100% and now I'm stuck. Can anyone (Steve? ) help me out here? Point me in the right direction. I'm totally lost, and I don't want to go back to the 9.2 versions of ncurses. Someone give me some things to try please.
  18. You need to enable ACPI for the battery monitor. Install it, if it's not already installed with: urpmi acpi acpid Then go into MCC -> boot -> bootloader and make sure the "Use (or Enable) ACPI" is checked. Then go back to the "main" MCC screen (10.x) and go to System -> Services. Uncheck the "On Boot" option from apm and apmd (if it's there) and check them on acpi and acpid. Reboot and it should work for you.
  19. Simple FTP Client? Easy: gFTP. Really easy to use, and it's generally installed by default. Web editor with highlighting? Not sure if it does the auto-tabbing that you want, but kwrite or kate will highlight the syntax automatically for you. Again, those are installed with a default KDE installation.
  20. Do you need the pings and dings notifications? You can turn them off if you wish. It's in K -> System -> Configuration -> KDE -> Sound (I think, might be system -> Sounds and notifications). Also, if you lower the main system volume in aumix or Kmix, it will affect overall system sound, but apps like xmms and xine have their own volume control. I think they're separate from the system sounds.
  21. liquidzoo

    WEP setup

    The option has been there since at least 9.1. That's how many versions I've seen it in. I will have to run through it again when I get to my laptop (I'm at work, it's at home) and then I can help you further.
  22. System -> Date and Time -> set it correctly. When you hit OK, you will get a message about your hardware clock.
  23. Are you trying to do a network install or install from the cd's? If it's from the cd's, take the card out. Once Mandrake has installed try DragonMage's suggestion.
  24. Double check the timezone and that the "Set Hardware Clock to GMT" is UNCHECKED in MCC (not just the date/time prefs on the taskbar). Also, make sure your timezone is set correctly in XP.
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